Ghost Child found (E)

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After I stormed out of the Nasty Burger and was just about through the ghost portal Dad came through he took a look at me and the left through the ceiling. His face shone with rage and pain when he looked at me. My stomach twisted into a knot and Danny's bloodied body and face came to mind. I followed dad until he was at Nasty Burger. I saw him enter and trap Danny Phantom in a ghost proof net. I don't know what happened but something clicked. I went into the resturant as fast as possible and hit dad's arm with a fire blast. He dropped ths net with Danny in it and I saw him lose consciousness.

Dad turned around to face me and looks hurt not just physically. But I don't care he hurt Danny and something could have happened if I weren't here. "What are you doing?" I asked looking at him my (2e/c) shone betrayal and saddness. "He made you sad and made you cry." he tells me. "You didn't know that before you came." I tell him. "I was coming to meet you and I saw you cry he was the only one who could have hurt you that much so I was going to hurt him." he said like it was the most natural thing in the world. "NO! Just, No. Go home I will explain to you when I get there right now I will make sure he is okay." I say. He nods sadly and slowly floats out the door.
In a matter of seconds after he is gone I am on my knees next to Danny. I look over his whole body and check for wounds but the only one I see is where he hit his head to hard on the ground knocking him out. Thank god. I grab him in my arms and fly out heading straight to Fenton works. Once inside I placed Danny on his bed then I remembered Sam and Tucker. I decided they would come here so I turned invisible and intangable then went and got an ice pack. When finnally up stairs again Danny had just barely woke up and was trying to sit up.
I pushed him back down gently and set the ice pack on his head. "(F/n)? What are you doing here?" Danny asked still a bit out of it. "You know what?" he asked with out letting me reply. "Hmm?" I asked putting the blanket over his body and sitting near him. "You're really pretty." he said trying to sit up again. I pushed him down. Okay completly out of it. "Lay down Danny you hit your head really hard." I say standing. "But I don't wanna." he whined like a child. "Lay down Danny I will see you tomorrow." Is started to walk out but stopped when the ice bag hit the floor. I turned around to see Danny on his side completly asleep and the ice bag on the floor. I picked it up and set it down on his head again. Then noticed that he was out cold. I kissed him on the cheek.

Went home and went straight to dad.


I sit up in bed and hold my head trying to hold the peices of skull together. The throbbing felt like hammers on the inside of my head trying to escape. Once the throbbing stopped I removed my hands from my head but the strangest thing happened. I smelled vanilla and cherrys. I reached to rub my eyes but my hand ran over a slightly sticky area on my cheek. I stood almost falling but eventually getting to my mirror. On my left cheek was a light pink lip print. I touched it with my finger tips and smelled it cherrys and vannilla. It's definently not Sams but I don'- could it be (F/n)'s. I look out the window to see that it is pitch black out side. And my clock says 12:30 I decide to lay back down and soon enough I'm out cold.


"What were you thinking?!" I yell. "I-I came to suprise you but when I saw you crying I was going to get back at him." he stutters backing away. "How do you know it was Danny?! What if it was Sam?! Or Tucker?! Paulina!? Dash?! YOU DIDN'T KNOW WHY DID YOU GO AFTER DANNY!?!?!?!?" I scream my hair is faning out around me looking like (2h/c) flames. "I-I assumed it was h-him." he mumbles sheepishly. "You assumed wrong!" my hair acctually lit on fire and flames came out my hands. "(F/n) calm down." Dad reaches fory arm but an image of burnt Sam flashes into my head. "Don't touch me or you'll get burned." I warn dodging his hand. "Then calm down." he tries to reason with me. "I can't." I say there us a plastic cup of water that is sitting next to me by about 2 feet. The water boils and evaporates then the cup melt into a puddle of plastic. "Deep breaths." Dad says looking at the cup that is easily 2 feet away. "Breath in." I take a deep deep breath in. "And out." I let all the air go by the count of ten. "In." I do so. "Out. Think happy thoughts." I do so again. Happy thoughts. An image of Dannys face pops into my head. But then an image of the thing at Nasty Burger does. I feel my flames get hotter. "I have t-to g-go." I struggle to get out. And fly out of the ghost zone and to the living world. Danny. Danny. Danny. The only thing in my mind was Danny. I looked at the clock near him it said 1:00 I can't wait 6 hours. I went to his kitchen and put on an oven mit. Up stairs i poked and shook his shoulder till he woke up. "Please follow me." I say and fly out his window. Soon my ghost sense goes off and he is next to me. I land on a roof at the edge of town.

"(F/n) are you okay?" Danny asks me. "Ye-No-Ma I don't know." I put my head in my hands. I turn human yet again and Danny does the same. "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask. "I didn't know you and your dad is Skulker who has been trying to capture me for his collection for a while now." he says "If it makes you feel better I was going to tell you." "It does." I say. "Why did you get so upset?" Danny asks. "You are my first acctual human friends and even at home they are all scared of me." I tell him playing with my hands in my lap. "Are we playing 20 questions and you didn't tell me?" I ask tryng to lighten the mood. "Yep." Danny says taking my hand off my lap. We sat like this for hours just talking and holding hands. The sun started to peak over the horizon. "Favorite color?" I ask. "Red. You?" "(F/c)" I smiled. "Will you ever lie to me again?" I ask. "No." he takes my other hand. "I promise that I won't lie to you unless it is absolutely and completly necessary." he say looking me straight in the eye. His icy blue eyes capturing my (e/c) ones and seeming to read my soul like a book. "When is it necessary?" I ask. "When you are in danger." he says. "Will you ever lie to me?" he asks. "Not unless it is absolutely and completly necessary." I say. "When is that?" he asks leaning a bit closer. "When you are in danger." I tell him. I make the final move and our lips meet my arms wrap around his neck and his around my waist. Then with out him knowing I push us off the roof. We both transform and fly off together. I enter his room with him. I kiss him once more on the lips and head home. Once home I shower, change, and sit at the table waiting to leave yet again. After giving father a tight hug and apologizing for the cup.


(F/n) kisses me and goes to the floor. Probably heading home to get cleaned up. I shower change and sit on my bed just waiting to see her again. I can't get the feeling of her soft lips on mine or the slight taste of her cherry vannilla lip gloss. She is perfect. I must have zoned out because next thing I knew was Jazz opening my door and telling me it was time to leave. I nod and leave the house to see Sam Tucker and (F/n) waiting for me. I walk to them all and take (F/n)'s hand causing her to blush a bit as well as me. But still she was adorable. We all started walking and just before we got to school I stopped and took (F/n)'s other hand. "(F/n)," I look at her (e/c) eyes and gripped her hands tighter. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask she nods and hugs me wraping her arms around my waist. Sam and Tucker have gone farther ahead not seeming to notice we stopped. I kiss (F/n) and she kissed back. "Look Fenturd actually has a girlfriend." I heard Dashes high voice yell but I didn't care I just took (F/n)'s soft hand in mine and continued on to school. By this point Sam and Tucker were even farther ahead.



(Edited you know the drill tell me if I missed something thank ily.)

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