Weekend with Sam pt 2

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After me and Sam left her house we started on our way to Nasty burger I had the best idea. "Lets go get the boys." I say. Sam smiled "Okay that sounds nice." she says and we ran to Dannys. After we arrived I knocked on the door. "Hello Mr. Fenton is Danny here?" I ask. "Uh yeah. Danny, Sam and that girl from before are here for you!" Mr. Fenton yells up the stairs Danny soon comes down stairs and runs to the door. His dad leaves and goes back down stairs "Hey Danny me and Sam are going to Nasty Burger you wanna come?" I ask. "S-sure but what happened to your clothes and hair and Make-up?" he asks. "Oh me and Sam did eah others Make-up. Now come on!" I say he nods and leaves yelling that he is going to Nasty burger. "Yay one down." I say. We all started on the way to Tuckers but a car pulled up next to us. "Hey guys. Want a ride?" asked Dash. "Yeah sure were heading to Nasty Burger wanna come?" I ask pushing Sam and Danny ahead of us. "Sure." he says. "But we have to pick up Tucker first." Sam says jumping into the front seat. "H-hey S-sam y-you look..." he trails off until he gets the right word. "Different." and even then it wasn't good. "Bad different?" She asks. "N-no just you looked better when you were your self." Dash stutters. I giggle quietly as the two in front of us blush "To Tuckers house!" I shout as Dash drives off following directions from Danny. Soon we arrive and I jump over the door I ran to Tuckers front door and knocked. "Hey Tuck were heading to Nasty Burger you comin?" I ask as he opens the door. "I'm sorry I can't I gotta work on some late home work then I have a family dinner later." he says frowning.

"Oh well I'm sorry." I say. "Wait F/n!?" he shouts. "Yeah what?" I ask. "I though you were Sam!" he says. "What no Sam is in the car with Dash and Danny." I laugh. I move slightlyand let him see Sam turns to us. "Oh I though Paulina cut her hair!" he says. "You're crazy well bye Tuck." I wave giving him a quick hug then running back to the car jumping over the door. "Tuck can't come to Nasty Burger." I say. "Oh well that sucks." Dash says. "Yeah." I say. He drives off and we get to Nasty Burger in record time but when we get there I remember something as I jump out. "Wait Dash aren't you like 14 how do you have a car or a license?" I ask. "Well acctually I'm 16 I got held back twice." he says. "Oh that sucks." says Danny. "Yeah well lets get food." I jump out and walk inside quickly being followed by the rest. I quickly got to the counter and ordered a cheese burger fries and a soda while the others ordered what they wanted. I was reaching for my wallet to pay for mine but Danny stopped me by handing the cashier enough for both of ours. "I will never let you pay for anything while I'm here." he says. I smile and blush "Aww." I say and hug him. The cashier takes the money frowning and gives Danny his change. We get our food and walk to a booth.

I look back and Sam and Dash just in time to see Dash pay for Sams with out her knowing. I laugh as Dash walks to the table and while Sam tried to pay for it and her suprised face when she was told it was paid. Dash grabbed both their food and came to sit down Sam following close behind. "You didn't have to pay for my food I had the money." Sam says. "I wanted to." Dash argues sits next to Danny while Sam sighs and sits next to me. Sam takes her food from Dash and starts to eat while glaring and blushing at the same time. And Dash munches on his fries and glances at Sam when he thought she wasn't looking while also blushing. Me and Danny were just watching with bright amused expressions I laugh loudly as Sam and Dash catch each others eye and looks away quickly blushing even brighter than before. They look at me oddly as I looked at Danny "That was a terrible joke your a horrible comedian." "Why thankyou Ma'dam it was a pleasure making your ears bleed and heart ache for a good joke." Danny says bowing in his chair. I laughed at how dumb he looked. While Sam and Dash chuckled at our stupidity. I finished my food and just sipped my drink while the others talked. When we were all finished Dash drove us home. Dropping Danny off first "Bye Danny see ya monday." I say and kiss his cheek. Dash drove off towards Sam's and I sat in the back quietly making Sam talk to him. "B-bye Dash see ya monday." Sam says as she hops out of the car. "Yeah see ya." I say. "Okay bye S-sam bye F/n. Thanks for inviting me." he says. "No problem thanks for the ride." I say he smiles and drives off.
"Lets go Sam!" I say and we run inside or I ran and dragged Sam behind me. Either way we did make it inside and up the stairs but when we were there I went straight to talking. "That was fun." I say. "Yeah it was." she said. "What was your favorite part?" I ask. "When Dash said I was prettier when I was me I guess..." she mumbled quietly. "Does a certian goth girl have a crush on a certian football player?" I ask my voice going a little higher. "What no." she says quickly. "Sam." I warn. "No I don't have a crush on Dash." she says sternly. "Sam admit your feelings at least yo me." I say. "No..." she is starting to get more quiet. "Sam Manson tell me the truth do you have a crush on Dash Baxter?" I order. "Yes okay I might have a slight crush on him! Happy?" she asks exasperated. "Yes." I say. "How are you so calm?" she asks. "Cause my goth friend I know for a fact he likes you back." I say smiling. "H-he does?" she asks. "Yep." I chirp. "Why else would be by your food look at you when you weren't looking blush when ever ge sees you and stutter everytime he attempts to give a complement?" I ask. "R-really?" Sam asks. "We already established this Sam he likes you you like him ask him out or at least talk to him a lot so he asks you out." I say groaning at the goth love sick puppy dog in front of me. "Yeah okay can we just stay here and watch movies all weekend?" she asks. "I really just want to watch movies and eat candy and popcorn all weekend." I say. "That can be arranged but first I am going to get this stuff off of my face I can feel my self becoming more shallow every second. Now I know how a puddle feels on a sunny day." she says. I laugh and walk behind her. We remove all of our make up and we put our hair down.

I change into a (F/c) tank top and some gray shorts. While Sam wore a purple tank top with a black skull on it and some black shorts. We walked to her screening room taking candy from her special candy stash and just eating jt while watching our horror movie. Our entire weekend was just like that we watched movies until we were almost alseep then we slept for a few hours and everytime someone left she would ask for more cany or popcorn. We had junk food all weekend. And I only sleep ten hours total in three days the rest of the time we were using the rest room, watching movies, playing video games, or playing truth, dare, or slap.

Next chapter is going to be a filler of their game of truth, dare, or slap.

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