Todays the Day

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I jumped out of bed it was friday. I packed a bag for the weekend I was spending tonight at Sam's with Sam and Jazz then Saturday night I will be at Jazz's and Sam will be over after her date. I'm so excited. Also on Sunday Danny and I are going out on a date. This is going to be awsome. I haven't forgotten about the dream but I love Danny and there was a reason for that fight. It will happen but I dont care I will live my life to the fullest so when it comes I have no regrets. I grabbed my hair brush and flew out of the house brushing my hair on the way to Dannys my hair was left down today and this is acctually the first day that I'm not doing anything but brushing it. I knocked on the door and Danny came out while I was yanking a knot out. "Hey (F/- ouch." he winces at the brush moves forcfully through my hair.  "Hey." I smile and we start the walk to school. Once there we head straight to class and the day goes by so slowly that I feel like I'm about to die of boredom. Finnally the day ends after like three eternitys of boredom. I kiss Danny then I grab Sam and Jazz's hands and pull them to Danny's. Jazz runs inside and grabs her stuff and we run to Sam's.

"Mom!!!! Dad!!!!! I'm home!" Sam yells and we all run up stairs quickly piling into her room. I set my bags down carefully and Jazz just throws jer bags on top of mine. One of my bags spill and a net gun that dad hid in there falls out. Sam and I see it and I run for it while Sam distracts Jazz. I skid dramaticly and throw the net gun in my bag zipping it up. Jazz turns around and looks at me. "Why are you on the floor?" she asks. "No reason I just was really happy to be out of school." I lie. "Haha okay." he laughs nervously. "Okay well lets plan Sam's date tomarrow." I smile. "Yesssss!" Jazz squeals. "Where are you going?" I ask. "Some fancy resturant." is what she replys with. "Really?" Jazz asks and she.nods eagerly. I ran into her closet and looked through the dresses.  I found a knee lenght navy blue dress with a black veil like skirt that slid over top. I grabbed that and a little higher than knee lenght dark grey one w long sleeves and a small cut in the stomach area that would show her tan sides but not make her look shallow or like what Paulina will most likely grow up to be. I ran back out of the closet and showed them the dresses. "Oooohhh and she could wear silver heels with the grey one and black ones with the blue one!!" Jazz screams. I throw the dresses at Jazz and run it to the closet I grabbed a pair of black and a pair of white ones. Then to please Jazz I grabbed a pait of black heels that would make Sam about two inches taller. I walked back out and motioned for them to get off the bed they did so and I laid the dresses down then put each pair of shoes next to the dresses. Sam quickly got rid of the heels and the blue dress saying the skirt looked like a tutu. "Okay good now which shoes?" I ask. "I don't know." Sam says biting the end of her thumb. "Jazz?" I ask. "I dont know either." she says frowning. "Sam go put the dress on." I order she runs into her closet and emerges. "You look so pretty." I say. "Put on the black flats." I say. She does and shakes her head. We give her the white ones and shakes her head again. She walks into the closet and emerges an inch taller. She was wearing a pair of dark purple heels what really couldn't be considered heels. She smiled and looked at us for approval. "Yaassssssss!" Jazz and I scream. "Yes to the dress? Or the shoes? Or both?" she asks. "Both!" me and Jazz say at the same time. "Okay." she says then goes and changes back into her clothes. I giggled slightly as she is trying to not smile but is failing miserably. Soon we are all laughing and I am crying from laughing so hard. We settle down and pick out the jewlery for tomorrow.

Once her outfit was set we watched a scary movie and went to bed Sam on the bed me on the floor and Jazz next to the bed. The next morning I got up at eleven and we ate then went back up stairs we started getting Sam ready at three. Which gave us four hours. She put her dress on and we covered it with a plastic sheet Jazz did her makeup and I did her hair. I put the pony tail down and curled her hair. I pulled and pinned random curls with purple bobby pins and the sprinkled a little glitter in her hair to make it all pretty. "All done here." I smile and put one pink pin in her hair. "All finished here." Jazz corrects. "Okay whatever." I smile. "Okay finished." she smiles and stands up. "Wait!" I shout and the look at me. I pull out my sparkles and dust some along Sam's cheekbones. "Okay now we're finished." I say. Jazz and I each grab a side of the plastic sheet.and pull it off Sam. She stands and I smile. The gray brings out how tan she really is and the light purple eye shadow bring attention to her face and the sparkles keep attention there. Her shoes look amazing and match her eyes almost she slowly walks to the mirror amd gasps when she gets there. "Well?" Jazz asks. "I look amazing!" she says wow I never thought Sam would like an outfit I got for her.

We checked the time and it was five minutes till Dash would be here. I quickly handed Sam a hand bag and a cell. In side the bag was pepper spray and a mini net gun thanks to dad. She placed the strap over her shoulder and rested her hand on the acctual purple bag. Jazz and I ran down stairs with all our stuff and hid beside the wall. Dash showed up and Sam answered the door. Dash's face was pricless. He was wearing a black suit and white shirt and the purple tie I had given him the thursday cause I knew Sam would have something purple. He looked at Sam and his jaw almost hut the floor. I giggled and looked at Jazz and at the same time she giggled and looked at me. Dash handed Sam a red rose andshe ran inside and put it in water then ran out again. She tripped a little and fell into Dash's chest. They blushed and he led her to his car. Me and Jazz chuckled and ran to her house to wait. I had a set of Sam's clothes and a set of her PJ's so she could change when she got here. We ran up to Jazz's room almost knocking Danny down the stairs. I grabbed his arm and straightened him before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek amd running after Jazz. As soon as we were up there we died laughing. " see....his face?" Jazz asks. "Yes oh my goodness and when she tripped." I cried. We were sitting on the floor she was leaning on the bed I the dresser. "Oh it hurts to breath." she cried.

After we finished laughing we played card games until Sam came back. She was smiling a huge goofy smile and had a dreamy look in her eye. Jazz and I pushed her into the bathroom with her PJ's and waited for her to come out we were litterally shaking from excitment. She came out with the same smile and look in her eye and we yanked her to the bed. "Tell us-" Jazz started but I inturupted "Everything. Where did you go what did he think of your outfit? Did he kiss you? Are you going out again?-" Jazz put her hand over my mouth and Sam started to speak. "We went to Martina's he said I looked really pretty and he when we got into the car he said and I quote 'I have always wondered what beautiful looked like no I know' yes he kissed me and next friday." she says smiling. "That's so cute!" Jazz yelled while I just fan girled and almost hyperventilated. "Yeah he is." Sam sighed dreamily. "Oh my god I get to be maid of honor!" I cried. "I get to plan!" Jazz says after. "Woah I'm not getting married for years." Sam says. "Yeah but when you do." I say and she nods.

We talked till 12 am amd then we fell asleep me against the night stand Jazz and Sam on the bed. The next morning Jazz and Sam hauled me up and pushed me into the bathroom with clothes a towel and my shampoo and conditioner. I took a quick shower and got changed then walked out. They grabbed my arms since I was still really sleepy I didn't care. Jazz did my make up and Sam did my hair. 'What am I even wearing?' I ask my self. I look down only to see plastic. Crud. Soon Sam says she is finished and a second later so is Jazz. I stand and look in the mirror only to gasp. My (h/c) hair is crimped in places making it look kinda feathery. And an accutual feather pin was holding back some strands. My clothes were awsome with an off the shoulder white tee and some black skinny jeans. The tee shirt read 'you had me at pizza' written on it in (f/c) letters and I wore a pair of (f/c) earings that shone through my hair. On one finger was a mood ring and my thumb was adorned with a silver and blue ring. All in all I loved it I had natural makeup so it wasn't over done. "I love it." I cried and Sam held up a pair of black combat boots. I cried with joy and put them on. "You look amazing." Jazz said. "Thank you so much for helping me." just then a knock sounded at the door. "Who is it." Jazz called. "It's Danny I was wondering is (F/n) is ready?" he calls I smile and open the door. "I'm ready." I say he looks at me and his jaw hits the floor. "Are you okay or do you want to eat flies if so I'm out." I say.


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