Worst week ever

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This chapter is dedicated to @werewolf0829 thankyou so much for the awesome idea.

I groan and trudge to Dannys I really am excited to see him but I'm so tired. I yawn for the hundreth time and raise my hand to knock on his door. Jazz comes to the door "Hey (F/n) I'm sorry Danny can't come to school today he's sick." Jazz says. "Okay thanks Jazz see ya." I say and turn around trying to ignore the sinking feeling in my stomach. "Hey (F/n) you okay?" Tucker asks. "I'm fine but Danny isn't coming to school today." I say. "Oh that sucks." Dash says. "Yeah." I mumble and start inside.

I'm just not going to go into detail but I can tell you most of it in one sentence. My day was the worse first there was a pop quiz that I failed then there was a 3 page essay assigned then at lunch I fell and landed in my food and finnally I fell asleep in my last class of the day getting me detention and so I had to stay an hour after school before I could go home. In other words school was only an inch from hell. Now I'm finnally home and I colapsed on my bed falling asleep quickly. I sit up in bed fully awake ready for another day. Flying through thw portal I couldn't help but feel like something was off. Like something bad was gonna happen today. "Hey (F/n) you ready to go?" Danny suprisingly was the one who answered the door. "Yeah! Are you feeling better?" I ask placing a hand on his forehead. "Yeah it was a small cold that I had since Saturday I thought I was ready for school but was kept home." he says taking my hand. We walk to school and are quickly greeted by our friends. Maybe I was wrong.

School passed quickly but everytime I heard the bell it felt as if another weight was being attached to my stomach. Finnally the bell rang and it felt like I had hit the bottom of the ocean. I don't know why but I had a bad feeling about it all. "I have to go straight home today sorry guys." Danny says kissing me and walking off. The other three smile and laugh while I watch Danny's retreating figure. "(F/n) are you okay?" Tucker asks placing a hand on my shoulder. "I'm fine. Whats happening?" I ask. "Uh were heading to the movies you wanna come?" Tucker asks. "Sure sounds good." I say and we start our walk ever since Dash became our friend he's started walking instead of driving on most days unless we asked him to bring his car.

Soon we arrive and pick a action movie that I didn't pay much attention to and also had a lot of candy and shiz. "Well that was a good movie." Dash says stretching as we walk out. "Yeah it was what did you think (F/n)?" Sam asks. "It was good." I say quietly. "Okay you have been sad and quiet all day. What's going on?" Tucker says. "I just have a bad feeling do you think we could walk by Danny's to make sure he's okay?" I ask. "Sure." Dash says and Sam gets on one side of me. "What is it?" Sam asks. "I don't know." I say. On the way back I was looking down every alley every dark corner then we came upon the alley two houses from his. Like I had done with the others I walked to the back Tucker just behind me with a flash light. He turned a little and the flash light ran over something. Quickly he turned back to the thing and it was Danny. He had bite marks on his arms and three large stratch marks across his chest. His once almost completly white shirt was red with blood and green with ectoplasm. Quickly I ran to him and Tucker dropped his flash light soon the others crowded around. "Will he be alright?" Sam asks. "Yeah I'm just going to take him with me my dad can help." I say. "Is your dad a doctor or something like that?" Dash asks. "Uh something like that. Just go home I will get him to my home were not far." I say. "But will you-" Dash was cut off by Tucker and Sam pulling him out of the alley and towards his house. While I laid Danny flat. And turned into a ghost going into his house I pulled out a peice of paper and wrote. 'Sorry I didn't tell you. Gotta spend the night at Tuck's we have a test to study for see ya tomarrow afternoon after school.


Then I left grabbed Danny and flew home after putting a human suit on him so he could live as a human and not need to be a ghost. "It'll be okay Danny I promise." I tell him holding him tightly as I flew home. Bursting through the door I yelled out. "Daddy come help fast please!" I cry. Dad burst into the small foyer. "What is it what happened!?" he asks. "It's Danny dad a ghost attacked him and he's hurt. Please help him." I cry holding Danny to him. He gently takes him and I follow to the spare room. "Can you wake him enough to turn him into a ghost?" he asks. "Danny. Danny wake up okay I need you to go ghost. Please. Wake up." I say. He opens his eyes "(F-F/n)?" he asks. "Yeah Danny can you please turn ghost for me?" I ask. "Sure." is all he says before he turns the suit disappears and all thats left is his torn shirt.

Me and dads spent two hours patching Danny up and finnally after he was patched up he was asleep with a peaceful look on his face. "Good night Danny." I say and leave. "Good night daddy thankyou so much I love you." I say and walk to my room. I fell asleep quickly.


'I was walking and I saw a puppy it was cute. The puppy was a teal blue with two green stripes in the shape of a lightening bolt down its back to its tail. I was in a pure white house and the only colorful things were me and the puppy at least that I could see. Then Danny walked in he was wearing a pure black shirt but it was baggy on him and he also wore baggy grey sweats. The small dog edged to me and buried its head in my chest. As I held it close I could feel its small heart beat even though I knew it was a ghost. Maybe it is my heart beat going into and back out of its body. "Hey (F/n) whats that?" Danny asks pointing to the small ball of fur in my arms. "I'm not even sure where I am much less what this creature is." I what I tried say instead my mouth worked on its own. "Danny this is Mai. She's my ghost hound. Mai this is Danny." I say pointing to him. Mei turns to Danny and growls slightly. "(F/n) get away from that thing." Danny says. "What?" I ask. "Get away from that thing." he repeats. "No Mai is mine and I am going.to protect her." I say. Mai jumps out of my arms and lands in front of me. But as she is jumping the oddest thing happens as she jumps her fur stands on end and her body grows to twice the size of mine. She stands in a protective stance in front of me and I focus on Danny. Two rings form around his body changing his outfit. I look into his eyes even though he isn't looking at me. His normally warm blue eyes are icy blue as he looks at Mai and then they are an eletric green that honestly scares me. He forms a ball of ice in his hand 'When did he learn that?' I ask my self. "Danny please don't!" I scream jumping in front of Mai. "Move (F/n)." he warns. "No." I stand my ground but to no avail Mai moves in front of me yet again and then its a game of leap frog. Finnally I get fed up and run directly at Danny just as he throws the ice at Mai I jump and it hits me. I can feel the ice peircing my skin. "(F/n)!"'

"(F/n)! (F/n) wake up!" some one shouts. I try to open my eyes but can't at first. So I wipe them off only to have my hands brush away sleep and come back wet. I finnally opened my eyes and turn to the side. My bed is warm and smells like smoke so naturally I turned only to see my bed smoking and with a huge hole in it. The edges still burning. I touched my chest where the ice went through and started to cry from three things. 1 I was alive and so happy. 2 Danny had been the one to kill me even by accident. 3 that dream will take place I know it. Just like most of my other dreams like this. I curled into a ball facing away from the person that woke me. "(F/n)..." I freeze at the sound of his voice. The one who accidentally killed me in my dream. "Danny?"

Yayay I'm so happy I finally got some sleep from midnight to noon to be exact. So thanks for being my readers and giving me Ideas your da best. 💋💕💞💖❤💗💙💚💜💛💓💌

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