I Missed You

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Please read the note after '€nd'

Danny POV

Its been three months since (F/n) was taken. Skulker and I are looking every day. He won't accept that I do love her and I miss her. We have already searched all of amity Park and basically anywhere we can think of. Everyday I don't see her waiting outside it feels my heart breaks a bit more if that's even possible. Sam and Tucker are just as sad and Dash has just gotten angrier at his old friends and when ever someone asks where she went we just say she had to leave for a bit. It's really hard not to have her here or to be able to hear her voice. I know I sound like a love sick puppy but I miss her. My girlfriend and the only one for me.

Today me and Skulker are looking in the rich side of town. I get the more abandoned side while he gets the more put together side. None of the houses had anything until the last one which was an old castle. It was covered in Ivy and in one of the windows sat the one girl for me. She was reading some book so it was hard to see her eyes. But the light shone on her hair lighting my whole world. I flew to the window and knocked quietly. Looking out she gasped before opening it and hugging me tightly. By throwing her arms out the window. "Danny!" she whisper shouts. "(F/n)!" I say happily. "I missed you!" she cries. "I missed you two. Lets hurry and get out of here." I say but she stops me. "We have to get the servants out first." she says. "Bu-" "No if I leave he's going to send them all to live an eternity in the darkness of the uncharted ghost zone. No one ever gets out of there." she says. "Well can't they just leave?" I ask. "No they can't get the braclets off with out him knowing. And while their still here it would be a bad move." she shakes her head. "Okay then how many are there?" I ask. "Around fifty." she says. "Okay then I can take one everyday and they can go into the forest near here." I say. "What good would that do?" she asks. "They can wait on taking off their braclets until we get everyone out. But the ones left will have to work extra hard." I say. "That sounds good. But what about me?" she asks. "I will take the finnal one day and then you and he won't even know." I smile. "I will ask my friend how many there are for sure. But Danny?" she looks at me with pleading eyes. "What?" I ask. "Don't tell my dad?" she asks. "Why he could help?" I look at her. "He would take me away from here and leave the servants." she says. "I won't then. Also make sure to get the servants not known first. I will take them at night." I say. "Okay. He's coming! I love you. Come back at ten o'clock sharp." she says shutting the window and getting off the seat. I turn invisible and watch through the tiny crack in the curtian as an unknown man goes into (F/n)'s room and hugs her. Then kisses her but she cringes slightly. I flew away hurt that this had happened.

At ten I tapped on the window three times. The window opened and I flew ghosts down to a shelter of trees in the forest. "Wait here until we get everyone out." I whisper. And flew back up. This happened ten times. "Danny?" (F/n) asks. "Yeah?" I turn to her after I let the finnal ghost down. "There are a hundred and two servants in the house. And you can only fly down two a day with out delays." she mumbles. "Wait a hundred and two left?" I ask and she nods. Groaning I nodded and kissed her before leaving. I will get you out I promise. Heading home I slept the rest of the night. This process repeated until I had to stop for a bit to ya know make the world in tangible. Skulker thinks I have given up but I never will.

I love (F/n) and I refuse to let that love die. Each time I went to get two more ghosts I just wanted to forget the servants but she wanted them out. This was my last trip to get them. I got the girl that helped (F/n) and then flew back to get her. I saw her get hit and then saw her jump. She jumped out the window. After her flew a ghost but I wasn't letting him get her. I tore the braclet and anklet off and she turned into a ghost. We flew away and straight into the ghost zone him hot on our tails. At (F/n)'s house we both burst through the door and Skulker came out with a gun ready to shoot until he saw (F/n) he tackled her in a hug until the boy came in. Skulker put a net around him and he started screaming. "My uncle Vlad will get you for this and princess you are and will be mine!" he shouted until (F/n) kicked him in the face. I smiled and she smiled back the prepy prince started whining. "Princess what about your dream he's going to kill you one day!" he shouts. "I never told anyone about that dream! You planted it! Why I oughta-" she started to lunge until I grabbed her waist. "You made that hound attack Danny! That poor dog was innocent and you made it out to be a criminal! I hope you rot in uncle Walkers prision!" she kept shouting. As soon as she calmed down I let her go but she still moved forward before I could catch her and kicked him in the face three more times. "Never drug me." she snarled at his now bloody face. "Wow that was visious." I smiled proudly along with Skulker.

I'll admit seeing her even if she was angry and in a violent move it made me so happy.

(F/n) pov

I was with Danny and dad life was good. I now knew Danny wouldn't be killing me and life was good but I should probably tell them who I was before they found out someother way. I can tell them some other time right now I really just want to be with my friends. Kissing my dad goodbye I flew out with Danny and he lead me to Nasty Burger saying he would go get the others. This gave me time to think. I wanted to make sure that the person I gave my position to was capable. Or maybe I could give Danny the position. He's capable trust worthy and would treat all with kindness. I am positive that he could do it but does he want to. It's a huge burden how would he fair with I know he could handle it but it would also be hard to live out our teen age years. What to do? While thinking about this I had been subconsciously moving in towards the wall of the booth. "(F/n)!" I heard someone shout and felt Sam latch onto me in a huge hug. "Sam!" I say happily. "(F/n)!" I hear Dash and Tucker say. Sam lets me go and Tucker hugs me. Then Dash and finnally Danny. "Missed you." he says quietly. "You were gone for only like half an hour how can you miss me already?" I ask. "Cause you were gone for three months thats three months of missing you." he smiles and I laugh ruffling his hair and am quickly suprised by how soft it is. "Dude why-how is your hair so soft?!" I touch his hair again. "Its the same as always." he says confused. "Oh anyway. Lets get some food." I laugh and they nod while we go and order. While sitting down they told me all about the thing with the astroid and vlad. Then Dash said something that caught me off gaurd. "Are you....like Danny?" he asks. "Ummmm....." I trail off how do I answer that? "He knows." Danny says. "No really?" I ask sarcastically. "I thought you would have found a way to make them all forget." I mumble. "I did for most all except Sam Tuck and Dash." he explains and I nod. "So are you?" he whispers. "Yes." I smile. "Thats so cool." he whisper shouts. "Yeah well you can't tell anyone." I say. "I won't." he laughs and I continue to eat fries. "So what happened to you?" Sam asks. "Ehh just stupid stuff. Ya know ghost proof cuffs. Nasty dude. Bleh. The food got really annoying I haven't had anything but salads and fish the past like three months and I'm dying." I groaned and took a bite of my burger that just arrived. "I missed this so much." I say but this just causes everyone there to laugh at me. "Don't move." Danny says and wipes my face. Showing me the napkin he started snickering. And I saw why on the napkin was an assortment of condiments and grease. I groaned and blushed hiding my face in my hands then I felt the seat next to me move and then move again. Looking I saw Danny sitting next to me. "You were still adorable." he says and kisses my cheek. I laugh "Yeah sure." I laugh once again and see Sam and Dash sitting right next to each other and blushing. "Kiss." I state and they all stare at me. "What!?" Sam and Dash shout turning a crimson. "Kiss you know you want to just do it." I say again and so Dash kisses Sam cheek and I gush it was so cute!!

"Great now we just have to find someone for Tucker." I say happily. "Already done." he says and I gush more. "Who!?" I ask. "Valerie." he says trying to look cool. And I gush more. "Careful (F/n) if you get any happier you will be vomitting rain bows and crying glitter." Sam says. Making us all laugh. "Wow I missed so much." I frown. "Don't worry I bet that we will have even more adventures together now that your back." Danny says and I smile. Now I only have a few more things to clear up.

Okay so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sosososososososososososososososo SO sorry that I haven't updated I lost all will to write this book for a while but I'm back now its still going to take me a while but I promise I have been working on it. Please don't stop reading I love all of you your the best. Please comment if you have any stories that are Danny Phantom so I can get back on the Danny track in my mind. This chapter is really crappy but this isnt the end and I promise it will all get better.  So comment vote share I love you all thanks for staying with me in this chapter you are all the best. I love you all so so so so so SO SO SO much!!!💖❤💖💚💕❤💓😍💜💛💕💙💚💓💖💕💜💕💜💛💕💚❤💓💜💕💜💓💚💕❤

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