Don't you trust me? (E)

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Its your pov again.

I CANNOT belive this I am flying with Danny granted I had to carry him but still, it was amazing. I kept a tight grip on his arms making sure he didn't fall to his death. I found his house and turned both of us intangible and flew him to his room. And set him down on the floor, making no noise. He turns to look at me his eyes bright with excitement. "That was awsome." he tells me smiling. I smile back and look at the floor trying not to blush. Once the heat finnally leaves my face I look at him "Thankyou, Danny, for being so cool and nice to me." after I say that I quickly kiss him on the left cheek and before he can say anything I turn intangible and fly home.

"(F/n) how was school?" Dad asks as I walk through the door. "It was good. Hey dad?" he hums a response as he sets the food on the table. "What did you mean by ghost child I thought I was the only one." I raise and eyebrow as he looks up surprised. "Well I have found out recently that there is another but he is a boy." Dad says. "Why are you trying to replace me with a boy!?" I almost scream feeling very sad. "NO,no, nothing like that at all!" he waves his hands in the air to emphasize. "I thought that if you had another person like your self then you could get some friends and blend in." I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose "I actually have some friends." I tell him brimming with happiness. "Who are they?" he asks going all protective on me. "Danny Fenton, Sam I don't know her last name and, Tucker I don't know his last name either." I look down feeling ashamed that I didn't remember Sam's or Tucker's last names.

But in my defense Dannys last name was posted out side his house. Dad seemingly to think about something just nodded. "Are they the people that were with you at Nasty Burger?" he asks sitting at the table he didn't really eat but he had learned how to cook for me which was cool. "Yeah they were." I say taking a bite of my (food). "So didn't I tell you not to wear that shirt ever?" Dad looks at me smirking. I cover my shock "What one?" I play dumb. "The one you were wearing at Nasty Burger." his face darkens "Were you trying to impress someone?" his voice low. "No! No! No! Definitely not." I say quickly trying not to blush an image of Danny popping into my head.

Hmm...thats odd.

"Uh-huh who is he and don't try to lie you couldn't tell a convincing life to save your life." he tells me. "Shouldn't I be talking this over with the Desiree or Ember (A/N sorry their names might ne the wrong spelling some one tell me). Or a girl like I did with T.O.M.?" I avoid the conversation. "(F/n)." he states warningly. I drop my head into my hands knowing I've lost. "Fine. Okay fine yes I am trying to impress someone but I don't know why." I tell him and he looks suprised. "What am I sposed to do dad?" I ask a cruel and fun plan popping in my head.
"I-I don't know. We should have gotten Ember or someone who could deal with this." he looks at his food and I smile having accopmlished my goal. I finish eating and decide I want sleep my home work is finished so dad can't stop me. "Love you dad I'm really tired so I'm going to bed." I tell him hugging him. He hugs me back all of my fears vanishing just like I was a little girl having a nigtmare again.

"Good night (F/n)." he says letting go. I leave him at the table thinking about what I had said earlier no doubt and it made me feel sad.

The next morning: I wake up looking at the clock and seeing that I am late. No time to put on makeup, I take a shower, turn human, throw on a tight fitting t-shirt that pulled to my upper thigh and skinny jeans with red sneakers that had a white laces and souls. I grabbed a baggy jacket and my bag leaving a note on the table as I flew out the door having transformed into a ghost yet again. My day was exhausting that day.


Once at school finnally I heard lots of screaming and shouting about a ghost but no one was around so I figured it was inside. Ughh.... I so hate being late but I haven't been waking up on time lately because of the nightmares.
I turn human but keep hidden curious to see who it is. I see the freaking box ghost but he doesn't see me yet. I hide in the corner because something told me to. Looking around I spot Danny, Sam, and Tucker. I see Danny tell them.something and they both move infront of him. A white flash comes from behind them and a ghost boy emerges. He looks like Danny except the hair clothes and eyes but facial structure and skin tone not to mention he came from basically the same spot. "I am the box ghost." box ghost yells "Yeah yeah and this is my thermos." the other ghost says.

Definatly Danny but I need some proof. Just as I see Danny go behind Sam and Tucker once more I sense Dad. Perfect. I run off to find him and once I do I tell him everything and he calls the school to say that I'm sick today and will not be coming in. He gives me permision to do what I wish today until curfew. I turn to a human until I get to school where I go back to being a ghost and turn invisible. I follow Danny occasionally triping off his ghost sense and getting pictures. Finnally I get an idea. I take the thermos out of Dannys locker and go out side to the feilds. I open it and shoot out three ghost incluing the box ghost but they aren't very harmful.

Plus the're scared of me so it makes it easier. I put the thermos in Dannys locker and go out to the ghosts. "Okay boxy I need you to scare the people in your designated area but do not... I REPEAT DO NOT...harm them. And don't go until the signal and you two stay here until I come back for you. Understand?" I ask they all nod their heads their eyes wide. "Okay boxy come with me I need a camera."

We go into town and buy a take a camera from a closed store but leave the money on the register. On the way back to school the box ghost is trying to figure out how to say "I am the box ghost!" so I hit him and he finnally stops. At school I waited until Danny Sam and Tucker were out side a locker with no doors near and gave the signal to the boxy I heard screaming then "I AM THE BOX GHOST!!!" I smiled and heard Danny say "Hide me." I put the camera on record and recorded Danny saying 'going ghost' and turning into the ghost boy.

After he came back the thermos holding Boxy. I flew out to the field checking the video. It was perfect. I ordered the other two to the ghost zone and followed making sure that they did as I said. Then I went back to school observing Dannys ghost sense. I took a picture of it. Then I went out to Nasty Burger knowing they will be coming here like they have ever since I first tryed it. I pick our normal booth and order four orders of fries because school is almost out apparently the camera thing and Boxy thing took longer than I thought. I sat there fuming and playing with the end of my tight fitting t-shirt.
The door opened and I heard Danny's Sam's and Tucker's voices. I pulled the camera closer next to me and sat in silence. They started to pass until I called out "So you don't trust me?" all my bitterness seeping into my voice. They turned around and all looked suprised. I got up and offerd them to sit down. They did and all took fries. I refused to sit by Danny so I pulled a chair from the next table over and sat at the end.

"(F/n) I thought you were sick." Danny was the first to speak. "Well I'm not so shall I repeat my previous question. So you don't trust me." I repeat venom driping off my words and my eyes flashing (2e/c) but then back to normal. "Of course we trust you." Sam says and touches my arm but then hisses in pain and draws her hand back. "Are you okay?" she asks making sure not to touch me again. I am utterly suprised by her pain I have never done that to anyone before. "I'm fine but if you trust me so much then why didn't you tell me about this." I grab the camera by the strap and throw it at Tucker.

"See you tomorrow." I say and stand to walk away. "Oh and if you did it because of my father then I'm really better off with out people like you." I tell them bitterly tears threating to fall I walk out the door and go home feeling hurt and betrayed.

**DANNY's POV***

"What was that about?" Sam asks. "I don't know whats on the camera Tucker?" I ask looking at him. His eyes were wide as he showed me a video of my transforming into Danny Phantom. Then some pictures of my ghost sense going off. "Well this explains somethings." Sam said. I hit my head on the table. "No wonder she was so mad." What am I gonna do... I think to my self. "Ghost child!!!" Skulker yells. Skulker!!! How did (F/n) get home so fast!? Skulker bursts through the doors of Nasty Burger. Sam and Tucker jump up and hide me so I transform and as soon as Skulker sees me he shoots me with a net and my vision fades to black as I hit the ground.

Well how was it I feel really really good about this chapter so please Vote. Comment. Share. 😊

(Holy buhjesus I can't spell worth crap apparently any who edited tell me about mistakes. And as always ily)

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