Do I love you?

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Your POV

Danny said "I love you." what am I sposed to say. Do I love him? I think I do but I don't want to use the word love so weakly. I think I love him but I need to speak to some one. Preferably not someone who died or was cursed because they thought they were in love and got cheated. But who? I can ask a friends mom but the only people that could be are Danny and Jazz's mom or Sam's. I'm not sure about Sam's only because she kind of frightens me and her pinkness makes me want to throw up. But it would also be akward to speak to my boy friends mom to see if I love him.

I fly home and go straight to my room telling dad I'm really tired. I lay in bed and quickly fall asleep thinking only of tomorrow. In the morning I wake up extra early hoping to catch Dash before school starts to make sure that he has done his homework. My outfit today is odd but not bad. I was wearing some black tight shorts that came just an inch above my knee and a white tanktop under my (F/c) leather jacket and I was wearing black combat boots. I quickly turned back into a ghost and flew out of the ghost zone. I flew up to Danny's room and shook his arm waking him up. He turned over sleep still prominent in his eyes he sees me and smiles dreamily. "Hi (F/n) what are you doing here?" he asks. "I'm heading to school early today do you wanna come with?" I ask placing my hand on his cheek. "No I'm gonna get some more sleep." he yawns. "Did anyone ever tell you that you are beautiful?" he asks. I blush a deep red "Thanks Danny. Now go back to sleep." I say quietly. He nods slightly under my hand and turns onto his back. I smile and giggle a little then give him a slight peck on the lips and another on the cheek.

I turn into a ghost and fly out his window deciding to turn human as soon as I arrive on the football feild. And I do so walking to the front of the schoolI sit on the cold cement and wait. In about ten minutes Dash arrives but without his friends. "Hi Dash." I chirp. "Hey." he says. I was suprised. "Any new orders?" he asks. "Yeah you have to sit at our table during lunch for today and the rest of the month with out any of your 'friends'." I say putting air quotes around 'friends'. "Why the air quotes?" he asks. "Dash if you are seen laughing or helping anyone the isn't of your stature your friends will leave you for someone else. That someone might be your best friend or a lesser football player. Either way it will happen plus I think some time away from them will do you some good. I mean look what some notes and homework did for you."

"What do you mean?" he asks. "Were having a civil conversation and guess what you aren't angry." I say. He looks down "Now I have a question for you and answer honestly what you think not what your friends think." I say. "What is it?" he looks at me. "What do you think of Sam?" I ask. He blushes deeply "S-she's cool and i-it's awsome s-she isn't a-a f-fake person and s-she s-speaks her mind w-which i-is cool." he stutters. I smile "You like her don't you?" I ask. He doesn't say anything. "Sit here." I order patting the ground next to me. "Answer do you like Sam?" I ask. He looks down again his face is almost the color of his jacket "Y-yeah."

I squeal loudly "Aww that is so CUTE. Wait when did this start?" I ask. "S-she k-kissed m-me a-at t-the c-concert." he stutters out. "Awwww!!" I cry. "D-do y-you t-think I-I have a c-chance?" he asks. "Maybe but first you need to do stuff. Like be nice. Sit with us at lunch. Try having civil conversations. Try being her friend. Get to know her and let her get to know you this you not your friends version of you." I say he nods and smiles politely "Also get out of your friends influence. You can sit with us during class if you need help on work or just need to concentrate." I say. He nods and stands offering a hand to me. I take it and we both are up. "Dash?" "Hmm?" "I dare you to not speak to your friends for a day and spend time in the lower popularity ring." I say. "I will." he says. And with that we walk to Sam Tucker and Danny who have just arrived. I give Danny a hug and kiss on the cheek. Then giggle a bit as he didn't wipe the lip gloss off of his cheek. "Go wash your face." I instruct him. "What why." he asks. "You didn't wipe the lip gloss off from earlier." I giggle.

"Oh so that wasn't a dream. And I really said all those things?" he asks blushing. I nod and shove him to the bathroom. "Hey (F/n) I think you have a follower." Tucker says. "Oh yeah guys Dash is going to spend the month with us in the lower ring and I hope that we can all start over." I say. "Now lets try." Dash this is Sam and Tucker. Sam, Tucker this is Dash my new friend." I say and make them all shake hands. Dash has a faint blush when he shakes Sam's hand like Sam has a faint blush when she touches Dash's hand. I smile widely and Tucker is completly oblivious to the two as he is on his PDA to not notice the PDA going on here. Sam and Dash hold their hands for a second long then drop them and let go. Looking away they blushed bright red just as Danny came back. "Hey whats goin on?" he asks. "Danny this is my new friend Dash. Dash this is my boyfriend Danny." I say. Dash smiles and holds his hand out for Danny to take. Danny was hesitant but eventually took Dash's hand. I smiled as they shook hands and let go. Yes finnally it's all good. "Dash~" a sing song high pitched voice with a slight accent.

"Yes?" Dash turns around. "Dashy, why are you here with them?" she asks batting her ugly fake eye lashes. "Go away Paulina." he says. "What?" she asks pouting. "I'm going to spend some time with real people." he says. "I'm real." she says. "Dash may I say something?" I ask. He nods and steps away. "Paulina if your so real then why are your eye lashes crooked?" I ask. She gasps "Dashy are you going to let her talk to me like this!?" she screeches. "Yeah." he says and she shreiks and walks away.

"That was cool of you to not get dragged down by her." Sam says and walks away. Tucker follows and soon I do as well "Good job I knew you could do it." I say patting his shoulder as I walk by. I grab Dannys hand and we walk to class together Dash following just a moment later. "What is happening?" Danny whispers. "I told you Dash is becoming a better person he can offically hold a civil conversation with me and soon it he will ba able to hold one with everyone." I whisper back. Danny hugs me as we stop walking and Dash passes us. Soon we follow just behind him. I watch him closely and it saddens me how he just looks at someone and they shrink in fear and what is worse is that it saddens him. I walk with Danny farther down the hall until we split.

"Danny let Dash sit beside you in class okay?" I ask. He nods and I walk away after Dash. "Dash!" I yell catching his attention. "Hi." he says gloomily. "Hey why so down?" I ask turning and walking back wards. "Nobody likes me." he says sadly. "Well obviously you were the freaking torturer in the dungeon for these kids." I say. "Just give it time do small deeds of kindness and boom you are one of the nicest people here and everyone will like you." he looks at me "But don't fake it." I say. He nods and we continue to class.

Finnally the day ended and Dash hadn't spoken to any of his old friends other than Paulina. He seemed genuinely happy and excited that he had real friends. We waved goodbye as he got into his car and left. "Wow Dash isn't that bad when he isn't with his friends." Tucker says. "Yeah well he was popular people seem to think being popular means you gotta be mean." I say. "He was acting kinda cool." Sam says. "Yeah? How so?" I ask. "Well he was speaking his mind and he let you talk to Paulina like you did he was being helpful and nice..." Sam trailed off and looked at me realizing she had been talking dreamily. I giggled slightly. Of course Danny and Tuck weren't paying any attention. "If I didn't know better I'd say someone's got a crush." I tease. She blushes brightly. "Hey you wanna spend the weekend at my house?" she asks out of the blue. "Yeah I will talk to my dad about it and get back to you tomorrow." I say she smiles.

Oh she has it so bad.


Hehehe I know some of you might be mad but I really like the idea of Dash and Sam plus that doesn't leave anyone in the cold other than Paulina and she can jump off a bridge for all I care. Thanks for reading I love you all.


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