Are we good? (E)

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Danny flies through the house following Embers instructions and opens the door to see a crying, sleeping (F/n).

***Danny's POV*****
I float to (F/n) I touch her shoulder she jolts awake quickly and opens her mouth to scream. I wrap my hand across her mouth and she starts to cry again. Crud. "Okay okay I'm going to let you go but just hear me out okay?" I ask. I feel her nod under my hand. "Okay first I'm sorry." I say he doesn't speak. "I really didn't mean what I said I swear it was Ember you can even ask her she did. She even led me here. And I swear that I never meant to hurt you but I did and I'm sorry." I say. She says nothing but at least looks me in the eye. We sit in silence for a minute until she speaks. "Tell me exactly what happened." she says slowly. I nod and tell her everything. At the end she had just looked at me. "I'm really sorry (F/n) please forgive me." I say. She looks up at the ceiling fiddling with her hands in that cute way she does while thinking. "Hmm....." she looks at me and I quickly literally beg throwing her puppy eyes. "Okay but that isn't fair I can't resist your puppy eyes." she says I shoot at her and tackle her in a tight hug. "D-danny a....i......r" she whizes. "Jeez I literally just forgive you and you try to kill me." she laughs. I laugh a bit as well "Now you better go." she says quietly. She places a soft kiss on the bridge of my nose. I nod and place a kiss on her cheek and fly out her window. You may be wondering why I didn't come in that way well...1 I was told to go through the door. 2 I didn't know exactly which window was hers and I didn't want to end up in Skulkers room. 3 I wasn't even positive she had a window I honestly expected her room to be like a tourture room.

I fly behind Skulker and Ember they were kissing and honestly it was very disturbing. Ember caught my eye and gave me a slight thumbs up I nodded silently and flew home arriving in my room was so weird. It had been turned into a shrine to Sam around the room were candid pictures of her and there was even chewed up gum in a wrapper that was labeled Sam's gum. I shuddered at all the stuff I must've done and started throwing everything away. Finally when my room was all clean I could lay down. And I did but the bad thing was that when I looked at my click I only had about three hours before I needed to get up and go to school. Come on no way it took that long to go to the ghost zone get (F/n) to forgive me sneak out of her house come back to the world of the living clean my room of my Sam shrine get changed and lay down. Okay now that I wrote it down understand why it took so long. I shrug and close my eyes soon my door is being thrown open and Jazz is yelling at me. "Danny Fenton get up you are late for school and because of you so am I!" she grabs my foot and literally drags me out of bed. My head hits the floor hard before I can wakeup fully. "Okay Jazz get out! Go to school I will be there soon!" I shout. She stands and leaves slamming my door. I stand and change moving at a sluggish pace my hair is worse than normal but I do nothing about it considering that I am to tired to care.

I grab my bag and look at the clock to see that I am now thirty minutes late for school. "Crud." I run out of the house to my school arriving five minutes later. I luckily have this class with (F/n) I walk to the back of the class where she sits while the teacher goes on about how I was what was wrong with todays generation how I should be at school on time and be thankful for it. I ignored him as best I could and lay my head on the desk almost mimicking (F/n) even with her face still puffy and a bit red she was beautiful. She looked at the clock and smiled she was counting down quietly. As soon as she got to zero a voice could be heard and the door opened. She pulled out a video camera and started taping the door. Dash skipped into the room only wearing a baby bonnet and a diaper with little cartoon ducky's on it. "Row row row your boat." he sang. Everyone watched not saying a word. As he sang and skipped to his desk. When he was seated the teacher scolded him like he did me and went back to his lesson. When the bell rang Dash got up and started singing the ABC's while skipping out of class. "You made him do this?" I ask. "Yes I made him do it." (but it was animetwinlovers idea) (F/n) says smiling. "Come on Danny we gotta make sure he doesn't stop singing." she says grabbing my wrist and pulling me to our next class. WE passed dash on the way and (F/n) yelled at him "Who said you could stop singing?" she yelled Dash started singing Twinkle twinkle little star. (F/n) was smiling like a mad woman and holding my hand as we walked from then on. The people that Dash had bullied were practically worshiping her for making him apologize. She even dropped her book and before I could pick it up some random kid did it for her. He handed her the book and ran away saying 'thank you' to her.

She just kept smiling and Dash kept singing. Finally we arrived at our class. She let go of my hand and pulled out a blank notebook and a pencil. "Dash take notes this class." she says handing him the book. We walk back to our seats and sit down. (F/n) pulls out another note book "Danny you can go to sleep you can copy my notes after school okay?" I nod slightly and fall asleep. Soon (F/n) is shaking my shoulder waking me up. "Danny it's time to go." (F/n) says. I open my eyes to see (F/n) and Dash standing at my desk. I sit up and grab my stuff ready to go. We walk to lunch with Dash just behind us "Here." he says bit angrily trying to hand her the notes. "Oh no those notes are for you and your home work tonight. Since you have no nerds to do your homework anymore and you still want to be on the football team you need to do the work." (F/n) smiles sweetly.

She throws another note book at him. "Those are all the notes from this year if you need some extra help." she says and leaves with my wrist in hand. I take a quick look at Dash and his expression is completely baffled. "Oh that was hilarious." I say stopping. "Yeah but I wasn't kidding I want him to be a better person." she says seriously I pull her into a tight hug "You're too nice." I say. She hugs me back "Yeah I know." she says then lets me go. We grab lunch and sit at the table. (F/n) sits in front of Sam and I in front of Tucker. We hold hands on the seat between us and eat our lunch. I keep her hand in mine the whole time and finally when the bell rings we stand still holding hands and finish our day.

Me and (F/n) were walking to our little building that we sat on when she was upset I'm pretty sure that is our place now. "(F/n)!" Sam yells. We stop and (F/n) turns letting go of my hand. "Yeah?" she asks. "So I know that things got really bad yesterday so I was just wondering if we we're good?" she asks. "Yeah we're okay." (F/n) says she is still holding some anger but I believe she is okay. "Good then see ya guys later." Sam says. We wave and (F/n) and I continue walking. We arrive at the building and instead of flying we just use the stairs on the side. When at the top we sat at the edge but didn't talk. She leaned on my shoulder and I laid my head on hers.

"Danny?" (F/n) asks. "Hmm?" I look at her. "I love spending my time with you." she says. "I love spending time with you. I love your laugh. I all out love every thing about you." I say. She holds my hand and we just sit in silence. "I have to leave." she says after a few hours. "Okay lets go." I say we walk home really slowly. I walk her to the alley way and we stand for a moment while she changes into a ghost. I kiss her and we say good bye as she floats through the ground at the last second I call out "I love you." and she is gone.

Omg that was so cute I love that chapter ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I'm dying of adorableness.

Which is cuter this chapter or this puppy

(E) this chapter has been edited if you find any mistakes please comment and I will fix them

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(E) this chapter has been edited if you find any mistakes please comment and I will fix them. Love you.

Danny Phantom: Am I In Love With Skulkers Daughter? (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now