Save Me

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Your Pov
I move my head slightly and try to push off the pain and heaviness that is pushing my head down. I frowned as my head slammed into the wall behind me. Groaning slightly I opened my eyes only to have not much difference between closed and open. Blinking a few times I waited for my eyes to adjust. As soon as they did lights were turned on making me slam my eyes closed and turn away. "Princess its good to finnally see you awake." says a voice turning I saw a slightly familiar man in expensive clothes. As soon as I saw him I knew he was a ghost by the pale skin and neon green eyes. "Who are you?" I ask. "I am your prince, princess." he says stroking my cheek. "What?" I turn my head away. Moving my hands slightly I heard chains move. Great. "Like I said I am your prince." he says again. "I am not I am no ones Princess I am my own person. The only one I want to belong to is Danny." I say turning my head away from his hands again. "Not for long." he says and injects a serum into my arm straight into my vain. I hissed and tried to force my self awake but it didn't work. Black clouded my vision and soon I couldn't even feel my own body. "Good now this will make it much easier." he says. I try to open my mouth to speak but it didn't work. "Now get up." he says and I heard my chains hit the ground. I wanted to run I wanted to turn into a ghost and fly to Danny. "I said stand." he says. No you didn't. I think but never the less my body did as I was told. My eyes were still clouded bu not as bad. "Good now lets go get you changed into something more appropriate." he says. He takes my hand and his cold and vile touch made me want to yank my hand away. But I couldn't do anything. I followed unwillingly and soon we came to a room it was decorated with (F/c) curtians with (2f/c) walls and designs. The bed was covered with a thick and warm looking comforter with silk (f/c) and (2f/c) pillows standing out on the white bed with a black veil. The man walked to the huge wardrobe and pulled out a big poofy dress with a black veil like lace over the bottom. "Change into this and I will send Merida to help you with your hair and makeup." he handed me the dress and left. My body moved on it's own accord. I wanted tk frown or scream but my mouth and body did nothing of its own accord. I changed into the dress and tightened it around my waist. It was pretty with a black layer first that hugged tight to my upper body. And a red corset like bodice that went around my waist showing off my skinny waist and my chest. Then a red skirt that split down the middle gave it a coat like look and also looked like it was connected to my body. The black underneath it was sparkled with glitter and on top of the red was another black veil like item that dulled it to a blood red. I heard a knock sound at the door and it opened. "Hello ma'dam I was sent by master to help you get ready." says a very pretty maid with blue hair and big green eyes. "Come this way please." I followed her and she did my hair and makeup being careful not to tug to hard at my hair. Soon she grew angry though then entire time she had been trying to speak with me but I couldn't respond. She drew something out of her pocket and injected a serum into my blood stream. The cloudiness soon was gone and I moved my mouth. "Thats better. Can you respond please?" she asks. "Yes I am sorry." I say standing. "You won't be able to turn into a ghost." she says. "Why not I have the ability?" I ask why was I speaking so formally. "Its not that you don't have the ability its that the braclet on you hand and ankle stop it from happening." she says. "And if you try and get them off then you won't be able to move and master will find out. He will then beat you and use the memory loss on you then he will send me to an eternity of pain with the executioner." she adds quickly grabbing my arm. "Oh well then what do you suggest I do?" I ask angrily. "Play along till I have a plan." she suggests. "Won't he know?" I ask. "No just show no emotion and follow every order he gives you." she says. "Who are you?" I ask no one loyal to this jerk would. "Just someone who serves the Princess. We must be going now." she says and grabs my hand. I keep my mouth shut as she enters the dining hall I put on a blank face and said nothing. "Ahh... My princess if finnally here." says the man stroking my face with his gloved hand. I wanted to gag but did nothing as he took my hand and ordered me into my seat. I sat across from him and folded my hands in my lap like a royal princess. "You look amazing tonight my princess." he says. I say nothing and keep my face blank. A dish is placed in front of me and the metal cover removed. It was (F/f) (favorite food) and looked amazing. But I wasn't sposed to have free will to eat it. "Eat princess." he says. I mentally kill him a thousand times for doing this when he doesn't know me. I eat slowly and soon am finished and I really hate being out of (f/f). "Princess you should sleep. Go to your room and wait for Merida to come and get your clothes." he orders. God I want him to shut up I walked back to my 'room' and sat on the bed. "Where am I?" I question my self. I stand and walk to the wall pressing my hand on each curtain waiting to feel glass behind one and soon my hand hit only curtian no wall. Pulling the curtian slightly I found a bay window with a pink seat and white wood like a litte girls. On the bed was a stuffed rabbit with blue buttons for eyes and a cute pink nose. It was dusty but still beautiful. Next to the rabbit was a book through the dust I could read 'Rapunzle'. "Ma'dam?" I hear Merida call. She opens the door and quietly but quickly shuts it running to me. "Merida what is this?" I question. "This was the little princesses room." she mumbles quietly. "What happened to her?" I ask looking at Merida's solem face. "She was taken by her mother and step father when she was two. The king would weep for hours in here. Crying over his daughter. She was half human so they didn't know how to find her. After four years the king set up her stuff with her story book and rabbit here as a memorial for his daughter. He soon left here and I believe he went on to live an eternity in the darkness that resides in the far reaches of the ghost zone." she says. "That's horrible." I mumble. "Yes but when master took over the castle he told the staff he never wanted the little princesses room to be sad because one day she would return. So when he caught sight of you he made everything to your liking. He told us to repaint the room and destroy this window. We did none of the such we covered the window with the colors of the correct curtian and luckily he doesn't know where the window is on the outside. We must hurry and get you changed." she quickly grabbed a night gown from the dresser and through the white fabric at me. She turned around and I stripped of my gown and quickly slipped this one over my head. I undid my hair and wiped off all of my make up and finnally Merida helped cover me with blankets. "Remember what ever he does do not move you are to be asleep and do nothing no matter what. I will come to wake you in the morning." she says and turns out the light. I shut my eyes and waited for sleep. The door opened and closed and I just waited. Soon the door opened once again and I heard feet near my bed. I could tell one of the lights were on in my room and I needed to stay asleep. "Goodnight my princess." I heard the man whisper. And I felt a pair of lips on mine and I wanted to vomit. Soon he left and I sat up spitting repeatedly yet quietly onto the floor. I finnally felt a bit cleaner and I laid back down. Just before I fell into sleep I thought about Danny. His smile his raven hair his blue eyes. And then I thought about the other Danny. The one with snowy hair and electric green eyes. I missed him so much I hope he finds me soon. Save Me Danny. I love you no matter what.


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