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At home that night I decided what to do. I sat at my small desk in the corner and wrote a letter to Merida the letter was short and meant a lot but Merida would have to sign it and bring it back to me so I would have a copy. Then and only then would I actually sign it.

'Dear Merida,

I believe you to be the most capable and trust worthy person of this request, but if you do not feel up to it please tell me and this burden shall not be passed to you. I wish to pass on my duties to you until I have found someone to rule with me and we are ready to take on the burden. I do hope you can. Of course I trust you but I have been advised to get it in writing that you will step down and hand the throne to me yet again. So if you will please read this thoroughly and return it to me so I may sign it. Sign on the 'X' marked lines

I X.                                          promise to hand the throne back to (F/n) who is the right full queen by birth as soon as (F/n) sees fit. I shall hand over the throne to her and her chosen ruler with out argument or fights. I shall be paid with a home and money for all generations to come enough to support and keep my family safe. (F/n) shall also grant one other wish as long as it does not harm her subjects her self her co-ruler or her royal position. I shall keep the nation in the same state it is in from the moment I get it till the day I hand it over.

Please come and find me and I will sign it. Xxx thank you.

-(first letter of name)'

I closed the letter and placed it in envelope sealing it I wrote Merida on the front. Laying it on my desk I decided that tomorrow I would get a ghost bird to find her and drop it off. I laid down on my cold bed and soon fell asleep welcoming the smell of my home. "I have to tell Danny tomorrow, alone." I muttered just before I fell asleep.

The next morning I sat up smooth hair and with a sweet alarm. HA.... Yeah right. I rolled out of bed with a groan and went to my closet pulling out a random out fit (pictured above first one) and pulled it on. I yanked a brush through my hair and looked at my reflection. Frowning I pulled out my lip gloss and quickly applied some. "Perfect." I mutter before transforming and leaving. "Bye dad." I wave ha waves back with out really looking at me and I fly as fast as I can through the portal.

"Danny!" I almost shout when he opens the door. "Hey calm down its only been a day since you've seen me." he laughs. "Aren't you happy to go back to school with me there again?" I ask faking hurt. "Of course I am. Let's go." he links arms with me and we walk. "Hey where are Sam Tucker and Dash?" I ask about half way there. "Oh they drive to school normally." he says. "Oh." I frown. "Well that's good." I say stopping. "(F/n)?" he turns back. "I...gotta tell you something." I say. "Go ahead and tell me." he says softly laying a hand on my shoulder. "I...uh...I ki-" I was abruptly stopped. "Princess!" I hear Merida shout. "Merida?" I turn to see her come up. "Princess are you sure? About what you said?" she asks worry crossing her face. "Yes I'm sure. Merida you are the most qualified, kind, caring, sweet, and passionate person I know I know you will rule the zone correctly." I smiled and she curtsied to the floor. "What's happening?" Danny asks. "I was trying to tell you that I kinda rule the ghost zone. I just couldn't word it." I frown and turn to a still bowing Merida. "Merida no need to bow. As soon as I sign this you will be queen until I am ready to take over." I say taking the letter and a quill. I quickly reread it and signed it. "Meet me here today I will copy it and give you the copy while I keep the original." I say she nods and flies off. "Danny?" I ask waving my hand in front of his glazed eyes. "Danny!" I shout and he blinks. "You okay?" I ask softly. "Is it true?" he asks. "Yes." I sigh looking down fearing his reaction will be bad. "And you just signed it over?" he asks. I nod avoiding his gaze. "Why?" he asks. "I need someone to rule with. And no matter how I want that to be you I wanted you to live your life and make your own decision." I say sighing.

He laughs a bit and places a piece of hair behind my ear. "No matter what happens I won't leave you, (F/n). I love you and thats final. When ever you want we can take over your throne and we will do it together." he says giving me a light kiss on the cheek, then one on the lips. I smiled into the kiss and laughed after. "I love you two Danny." I say. "Hey Danny, I got that thing you wanted done." Dash greeted as we arrived at school already missing first period. "What thing?" I ask and Dash walks away. "Just meet me at our spot after school." He says and that was the end of the conversation. After school he left early and I went directly to our spot. "Danny?" I call flying to the top of the building. He was at the top. "Hey (F/n) you wanna go for a walk?" He asks and I look at him sceptically but nod. He takes my hand and we fly down turning human as soon as our feet hit the ground. We walked to the park and around the trials only now did I start to notice the roses lining the path. I kept glancing at them but Danny said nothing. We got to a certain part in the path an Danny stopped.

I frowned and looked at him he stared back at me. "Sorry there's a rock in my shoes that is bugging me." he says getting down on one knee to fix it. I watched at he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a ring box. I gasped slightly and watched as he took a deep breath. "(F/n), I haven't ever felt this way about anyone else. When you were gone I couldn't handle it. When your here I need to be next to you. When I see people look at you in a disturbing way I want to freeze them. But I won't because I can't. As long as your breathing  I have hope. I love you so much so..." he grabbed my hand and rose petals started falling from above us. "(F/n) will you promise your heart to me as I already have to you?" he asks and I blush a deeper red as tears stream down my face. "Oh Danny how dumb can you be?" I ask. "Did you think I would say no?" I ask wrapping my arms around him and he sighs happily into the crook of my neck. "I love you." I cry. He laughs and I smile. I hear a cheer and some clapping. Looking back I saw Tucker Sam Dash Paulina and the whole school either crying or clapping. Dad was behind them but only I knew. 

Danny slipped the ring onto my finger and I cried. Hugging him tightly. "I've always loved you." he says and continues with "I just didn't know." he says and I just nod. Danny and I walk around a bit longer never getting half a foot apart. I had stopped crying and once we were far enough from society we flew into the sunset with our hands intertwined.


That's basically it. I'll have a epilogue and a few small parts to tell what happened to who just comment on who you want to know about.

Danny Phantom: Am I In Love With Skulkers Daughter? (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now