The Fight.

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[[This chapter is long]]

As Tenzo awoke he smelled something delicious. A mix between a home cooked meal and the light mist coming from the waterfall behind them. He stared at the bright blue sky. 'It's not going to rain today,' Tenzo thought. He hated the rain. Something bad always happens when it rains.

Tenzo sat up to see Kakashi still bare faced with a bit of scruff cooking some rice. "I didn't know you can cook," Tenzo said as he walked over to the warm fire Kakashi was cooking on.

"You will learn a lot about me as time goes by," Kakashi said quickly glancing at Tenzo with a smirk. "How was your sleep," he said placing a bowl in front of the brunette.

"Oh. It was good. I had a good dream"

"Good," Kakashi said finishing his bowl of rice and putting on his mask up to cover his face again. "Today we will reach the hidden stone village. They might be expecting us so keep your eye out." He put his Anbu mask back on and started to pack his bag up. He had little supplies. Just a book, clothing, pillow and bed roll, and a picture of his old group with the fourth Hokage. He would not let anymore of his comrades get hurt because of him. Kakashi remembered Obito getting crushed by the rocks because he didn't want to help save Rin and to follow the rules. He regretted that day and it made him stronger.

"Ready to go?" Tenzo asked Kakashi who was still looking at the picture.

"Ya. Lets go," Kakashi said putting the picture back in his bag and standing up.

They ran quickly through the woods making little noise as they jumped from one branch to the other. Tenzo enjoyed going through the forest in silence as the sun beams through any open space between the leaves. He thought about the dream he had the night before. He was very disappointed that it was a dream and not real. He dreamt that he told Kakashi that he loved him, the night before at the waterfall and that Kakashi kissed him on the head. Part of his dream felt real, like Kakashi actually leaned down and kissed him. At this moment he spaced out completely and went head first into a tree. "God damn!" Tenzo yelled.

"C'mon Tenzo! I even warned you to stop."

"Really? I was spaced out. Sorry," Tenzo said embarrassed and rubbing the spot that hit the tree.

"Were here," Kakashi said as he pointed to the entrance of the hidden stone village. It was larger than Konaha and had large stone walls surrounding the village. The two Anbu members entered the village surprisingly unnoticed.

"This is strange," Tenzo whispered under his breath, just loud enough for Kakashi to hear.

"Definatly, there is no one here." Kakashi looked at a shop to the right and saw no one . All they could see was the wind blowing signs and hear the hissing sound as the wind traveled through the street. Kakashi sensed someone and turned around. Tenzo was a few feet behind him. "Watch out!" Kakashi yelled at Tenzo who turned and dodged the attack quickly.

"Who are you?" Tenzo asked the mysterious man.

"That's not important. You both will be dead soon," The man said as he stood up. Tenzo and Kakashi looked at the him. He was tall with fair skin. His arms and face had many scars that showed how many fight he has been in. The man had shoulder length hair that was bleach blonde with one strand of black hair. The tall man whistled and about 40 men around the duos age came out of the shadows along with an old man. The air felt different, more bitter cold than a cool breeze. The man reminded the duo of Danzo. It was two against forty but Kakashi and Tenzo knew they could win.

Tenzo took no time at all and threw a kunai at the leader. "Kazuki, watch out!" A man with a yellow bandana and short choppy hair said. Tenzo stood still. He was frozen as if he was caught in a paralysis jutsu.

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