Real or Fake

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Tenzo stood ready to fight, he threw a couple kunai knives and dodged some himself. He was in the forest right outside the leaf village coming back from a mission. It was raining especially hard for a fall day and there was no sun to be found. Tenzo looked around to see if anyone was coming but by the time he turned around it was too late and all he saw was blood. His own? Someone else's? At the moment he saw the dark red blood he awoke, covered in sweat.

Akio was dabbing the older man's head with a cloth and holding him close trying to comfort him. "Are you okay? Did you have a bad dream?" Akio said.

"Ya, I did. There was so much blood. I think it was mine," Tenzo said to the green eyed man before grabbing the cup of water that sat on a stand next to his bed.

"You think?"

"Ya. I was in the forest and I turned around and saw blood. What does this dream mean?" Tenzo said looking down a little concerned.

"Nothing. It was just a nightmare. No one will die." Akio said moving closer to give Tenzo a tight hug. "I will protect you. I promise," Akio gave a light kiss on the taller man's head.

"I should be the one saying that," Tenzo said smiling slightly. "I'm going to shower first," Tenzo got up and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. 'I've been really happy and this dream is making me worry. Why does this have to happen.' Tenzo thought as he turned his shower on and tested the water with his hand to see if it was the perfect temperature.

----Now to Kakashi----

Kakashi didn't know what to expect when he went to see Tenzo. They haven't talked since they saw each other in the market and he wanted to see the brunette. When he reached Tenzo's old apartment before they moved in together, he rang the doorbell. It wasn't Tenzo that answered, but Akio. "Oh. Akio right? Hi. Is Tenzo home??" Kakashi said in confusion as to why Akio was opening the door.

"Ya. He is," Akio said looking instantly grumpy.

Tenzo then opened the door fully wondering who it was. "Oh! Kakashi! What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you. Why is he here," kakashi asked with a slight sense of anger.

"We live together... and are together," Tenzo said looking at Akio and smiling.

"I guess I'm not needed by you anymore." Kakashi sounded jealous as if he wanted Tenzo to want him.

"I have Akio and I'm very happy."

"Well I'm glad." Kakashi said a little sarcastically, but not enough for anyone to pick up on and smiling through his mask. "I'm going to go now. I wanted to just stop and say hi." Kakashi turned and left.

As Kakashi was walking he began to feel sad that Tenzo didn't want him. 'Do I still have feelings for Tenzo? Of course I do, we were together for a long time. I loved him. But I have someone I love more and he's waiting for me at home.' As Kakashi thought about Iruka he started to get a blush which was happily covered by his mask. When he reached home he was already summoned to the Hokage's office. And left to go see Lady Tsunade.

When Kakashi reached Tsunade's office he knew it was good news. It was three years after Naruto left and Kakashi knew it was something bout the blonde boy. When he reached the office he saw Naruto waiting. "Kakashi sensei!!" Naruto yelled and hugged him.

"Long time. Naruto."

"Oh! Sensei, I have something for you." Naruto said pulling out one of Jiraiya's new books.

Kakashi was speechless. "Oh my god. Thanks Naruto!" He was practically drooling over the new edition.

"Glad you like it. Can we start to train more?" Naruto asked immediately.

"Yes of course," Kakashi said not taking his eyes off the book.

Lady Tsunade coughed to get the silver haired man's attention. "You need to go on a mission with some of the Anbu members."

"Can you assign someone else? I want to help Naruto train." Kakashi said but was really thinking, 'can you send someone else I want to read this book.'

"Fine. Go with Naruto," Lady Tsunade said waving her hand to say they can leave.

----Back to Tenzo----

He was summoned by Lady Tsunade to visit her so he ran fast. When he reached the Hokage's office he took a minute from running in the hot sun to reclaim himself before heading in.

"Good afternoon Lady Tsunade," Tenzo said with a smile.

"You and your Anbu members are heading on a mission to the sand village. Your mission starts tomorrow at dawn, be at the gate and don't be late."

"Yes ma'am," Tenzo said nodding and turned away to leave. He went all the way home as fast as possible to tell Akio about the mission they had to go on and started to pack accordingly.

--dawn the next day--

Akio, Tenzo and the other members of the team all met at the main gate. There was no sun and it was raining lightly. They all ran off going at a good pace so they wouldn't get tired too quick. They made no sound except tiny stomps here and there from jumping tree to tree.

It was around 1 pm when they decided to take a break. They all rested under a tree that sheltered them from the light drizzle which didn't last long. It started to pour very heavily. Tenzo was shocked about how fast the weather changed from cool to freezing, and noticed one of his team mates were missing. He went into the rain to look for him when two kunai knives came out of nowhere and were dodged quickly so he wouldn't get hit.

Tenzo froze in his tracks and whispered to himself. "Could this be my dream?"

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