Interrupted Welcome

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Kakashi, Naruto and Iruka went on a training mission to help Naruto control both the nine tails and new techniques he learnt.

It was a very hot and sunny day. The wind was just cool enough to keep the the three men from overheating. Kakashi was sitting under a shaded tree reading the book he got for his birthday a couple weeks ago, a second time. He was looking at the swaying leaves above him and how slow they moved until he drifted to sleep. Kakashi could fall asleep anywhere as long as it was peaceful. As Kakashi was asleep, Naruto was practicing a new technique Jiraiya taught him not so long ago. He hit Iruka and sent him flying into the sleeping man.

"Naruto!" Iruka yelled at the boy. Kakashi got up and helped Iruka up.

"Are you okay?" Kakashi asked Iruka.

"Ya. I'm fine, but i'm the one that hit you." Iruka responded with a concerned look.

"I've been through worse. I'm fine." Kakashi turned to Naruto, "we are training you to control not just your nine tails!"

"Sorry Sensei." Naruto said. "I'll try harder."

He was about to head back to the open field when kakashi said, "Naruto you should take a break and eat. Oh, and Iruka you should go wash up in the stream nearby."

"Okay." Iruka started to walk towards the other side of the field when Naruto caught up to him.

"So. Do you like Kakashi Sensei?"

"N-N-No! Why would you think that?" Iruka stuttered as a little blush flashed onto his face.

"Sensei your face is turning red," Naruto said nonchalantly as if it turns red every time they talk about Kakashi. Which it did.

"Oh... Um... Well. Ya I do." Iruka said then quickly added "but don't tell him. He's with someone right now." Iruka stopped walking and turned to look at Naruto who was beside him. "You should go back and eat. You worked hard today."

"Okay. I'm rooting for you two!" Naruto said as he ran to the forest back to the open field.

Iruka sighed and walked to the stream. He pulled his long brown hair out of it's ponytail and untied his leaf village headband. He placed the items on a large rock and sat down next to the stream. He splashed the water on his face. "Ah, the water feels so nice," he said as he felt the heat from his skin become cool.

"I bet it does," Kakashi said as he came out from behind a tree and Iruka almost fell into the stream from being startled.

"Oh god you scared me," Iruka said placing a hand on his chest.

"Sorry. I came to wash up too." Kakashi said as he pulled down his mask and removed his headband. "I heard you and Naruto talking."

"You did. What did you hear?"

Kakashi splashed his face and pulled back on his face mask. As he was putting on his headband he than answered Iruka by saying, "I'll leave that up for you to figure out." Kakashi than headed back towards where the younger boy was waiting.

'What did he hear? Does he know? I'm going to forget about it,' Iruka thought as he got up from the stream still a little shaky from the scare.

While he was wandering back to camp he pulled his hair back into a ponytail and put back on his leaf village headband which he was proud to wear as a teacher of Konoha. When he reached the two ninjas they were both ready to go back to the village. They all took off through the woods.

"We should get there by sunset," Kakashi said.

They all ran in quiet until the village was in their view. "Were making good time aren't we Sensei?" Naruto said to Iruka who was gazing at Kakashi in front of him.

"Ya. I guess so," Iruka said noticing it was already sunset.

"Have you seen his face?" Naruto asked with a big grin.

"Yes. I have."


"He looks good." When Iruka said this they weren't far from Konoha's main gate. "You should run ahead to Ichiraku Naruto. I'm buying."

"Really?Yes!" Naruto ran ahead and kept yelling ramen here and there as he went.

Kakashi approached Iruka before the entered the village. "Have you thought about it?" Kakashi asked the brunette.

"Ya. But what did you hear?" Iruka asked shyly.

"Well I heard everything."

"Even the part when I said-" Iruka stuttered.

"Yes. Even the part where you said you like me, but i'm with someone."

"Oh," Iruka said scratching his scar and looking down.

"I have something to say about that," Kakashi said. This spiked Iruka's curiosity and he looked up. At the moment he looked up, Kakashi grabbed the shorter man and kissed him. Iruka's eyes widened in shock. Kakashi pulled away and embraced Iruka tightly, not letting him go. "I like you too." When Kakashi said this Iruka went for another kiss but this time it was more passionate than the one before. More meaningful.

"What about Tenzo?" Iruka said remembering that Kakashi was taken.

"I'll move out and break up with him. I decided I want to be with you and only you.

Iruka blushed with happiness. He was so happy he didn't have to deny his feelings or act a certain way around Kakashi anymore. He could be with him.

-----Going back before the kiss----

Tenzo didn't want the two men together. He felt uneasy even if it was just a training mission. He could tell Iruka liked Kakashi, he acted the same way before they got together. 'Does he like Iruka. Is that what he meant in the hospital that I might lose him? Of course not. We moved in together. Were doing well,' Tenzo thought. He looked outside and saw it was already sunset. He remembered that he told Kakashi that he was going to meet him at the main gate. He knew he was going to be late. He decided to ignore his negative thoughts and to think about how they are together not Iruka and Kakashi.

By the time he got near the front gate it was dark. He saw the tall white/silver hair of Kakashi. "Kakashi! Ka-" He stopped and stared at the site of Kakashi hugging a younger man with a ponytail. He saw the shorter man lean up and kiss him. Tenzo quickly turned around and started to head home. "No. That can't be Kakashi. It's pretty late. So, I'll just meet him at home," Tenzo mumbled to himself. He pushed the thought of the two men kissing out of his head and ignored them, thinking that it wasn't him. It wasn't Kakashi. When Tenzo got home he flopped himself in bed and stared at the ceiling until he fell asleep.

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