Kakashi's Birthday

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Kakashi was turning another year older in a day. Iruka was invited by Kakashi to celebrate with him. He wasn't sure what to get Kakashi and he only had a day left. He decided to get Kakashi the new make out tactics book. Kakashi loved this book which made it the perfect gift. Iruka hoped Kakashi's boyfriend didn't get him the same book. On the way home Iruka bumped into Kakashi who was shopping for food.

"Hey Iruka, what are you up to?" Kakashi asked.

"Just shopping for some new clothes," Iruka replied and then added "I should finish up. Bye!" Iruka ran off and Kakashi was left confused.

'I thought he would stay longer and talk,' Kakashi thought as he picked up a dark green head of broccoli. After picking up all the vegetables for the stir fry he wanted to make, he headed for the meat shop when he bumped into Tenzo before entering the petite shop. Tenzo was holding the same light blue bag that Iruka had. "Hey! Where are you heading?" Kakashi asked the shorter man.

"Home. I got to do some work," Tenzo said giving Kakashi a quick kiss on the cheek and running off.

'He didn't even stop to talk either. Strange,' Kakashi thought purchasing a large slab of beef and headed off to meet Naruto.

By the time Kakashi got home the sky was dark and there was a full moon out. He entered his home to be welcomed by Tenzo, who was now living with him.

"Did you eat?" Tenzo asked the teird looking man.

"Ya. I ate with Naruto at Ichiraku ramen. He wanted to celebrate my birthday."

"Good. I ate, but if you didn't I would've made you something," Tenzo said smiling.

"I'm so teird. I'm going to head to bed. Goodnight," Kakashi walked into their bedroom and almost fell asleep instantly.

The next day was Kakashi's birthday. It was a beautiful day. The sky was a clear blue with no clouds, and the breeze was warm. "I hope you don't mind I invited Iruka to come celebrate tonight," Kakashi said making breakfast.

"I don't mind. It's your birthday," Tenzo said taking a bite of his food. The two men sat in quiet as the sun shone through the window making the room as bright as it would be outside. It was around noon when they decided to get up and ready for that night. Kakashi took a hot shower and got dressed in black pants and black T-shirt. He made the decision to not wear his face mask that day.

Tenzo and Kakashi were making dinner together that night. Tenzo wanted to wash up before Iruka arrived so he went to take a shower. There was a small knock on the door and when Kakashi opened it he saw Iruka.

"Happy birthday Kakashi!" Iruka said looking up and pausing to stare at Kakashi who he saw for the first time without his mask.

Kakashi laughed slightly. "You okay?" He asked jokingly.

"Ya. But I always wanted to see you without your mask," Iruka said blushing. Kakashi noticed the blish and smirked.

"What do you think?"

"You're more handsome now."

"You're having a similar reaction to Tenzo," Kakashi said looking into the fair skinned man's eyes.

"I have a gift for you."

"Really? Thanks!" Kakashi took the gift and opened it to see the new make out tactics book. "How did you know I wanted this?" Kakashi asked with a wide smile.

"I remember you reading it the day after we met."

"Thanks. This is perfect," Kakashi said bringing Iruka into a tight hug. Tenzo walked out of the bedroom

"What's with the hugging," Tenzo said to Kakashi. He looked at the other man. "You must be Iruka. Kakashi talks so much about you, I sometimes wonder if he likes you more than me." Iruka looked away embarrassed and said hi. "Is this your gift?" Tenzo asked Kakashi looking at the new book.

"Ya. Isn't it great. It's exactly what I wanted."

"This is embarrassing. I got you the same thing," Tenzo said looking over to see Iruka scratching the scar on his nose. "Oh well. I'll get you something else." Tenzo said smiling.

Kakashi noticed the silence in the room and asked everyone to sit down around the table. Kakashi put the stir fry in front of the two men and sat down at the head of the table and told the men to dig in. The bowl was large and filled to the rim with different foods. They ate the stir fry until there was only a few vegetables left in the bowl.

"I made cake!" Tenzo said excitedly getting up to grab it.

Tenzo and Iruka sang happy birthday to the birthday boy and told him to make a wish. Kakashi smirked and blew the candles out. "I hope my wish comes true!" Kakashi said happily cutting and serving the cake.

"This is good," Iruka said to Tenzo who was sitting across from him.

"Thanks!" Tenzo said as his face lit up with happiness.

The three men enjoyed each others company that night, talking about their past experiences and how they grew up. They talked until late and Iruka had to leave. "Thanks for having me. Happy birthday Kakashi," Iruka said giving a wave and walking out the door.

Tenzo was looking at Kakashi when Iruka was talking. 'Iruka must make him happy, I can see it in his eyes,' Tenzo thought as he heard the wood door close and the floor boards creak under Kakashi's weight. 'Does Kakashi like Iruka?' Tenzo questioned Kakashi's emotions towards him until he was interrupted by Kakashi bringing him into their bedroom.

"What about my present?" Kakashi asked with an evil grin.

"Oh ya. I almost forgot," Tenzo said grabbing Kakashi to bring him closer into their kiss.

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