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Tenzo asked himself if what was happening was his dream and if he was going to die.

The air was damp and foggy as the rain started to come down harder. All you heard was the rain, you couldn't hear anyone's voices or even your own thoughts.

Tenzo dodged a kunai knife without thinking. The skills he learned as an Anbu came in a lot of help when fights were about to happen. He looked around to see who threw the knife but saw no one since the fog was thick, but then sensed someone familiar. One of his teammates emerged from the fog. "Oh. We were looking for you, did you see anyone suspicious? Someone threw a kunai knife at me!" Tenzo said walking towards his teammate.

"No. But you have always been so naive." An evil smirk spread across his face slowly. He stepped a few steps forward and Tenzo stumbled backwards, tripping on a stump and falling to the ground.

Tenzo jumped up immediately and started fighting back. "Why?! Why are you doing this?"

"Because of who YOU are. An experiment. You have wood style jutsu. It's not right!"

"So?" Tenzo asked confused. "I've changed from who I was back then and now you want me dead!?"

Tenzo's team member nodded slightly and launched forward attacking once again. Tenzo rolled out the way just in time and one of the blonde teammate's kunai knife went into a tree. Using all the skills he learnt in his life, Tenzo fought back against someone he thought he could trust.

Tenzo kept jumping backwards in an attempt to not get hit by any weapons but was backed into a dead end. He was running low on chakra and couldn't fight for very much longer. There was a reason they were on the same team and their strengths was it, but the blonde could still fight and he was planning too. Just as the enemy was about to stab Tenzo he stopped in his tracks. Tenzo was confused. 'Why didn't he kill me?' He thought.

(**Drama type scenes warning**)

The enemy dropped to the ground and Tenzo looked up to see Akio standing there. He sighed thankful to be saved. He jumped up to embrace his lover. He was so pleased and so tired. He closed his eyes for a second and felt something on the younger man's back. When he opened his eyes to look, he saw that Akio was stabbed. "Wha-? What happened?" Tenzo said now tears running down his face.

"I tried to save you, but they were strong and this happened. At least your alright." Akio said but his words barley hearable.

"You're going to be fine. I'll get you to the hospital!" Tenzo lifted Akio up and started running. He felt a small tap and stopped. "What's wrong?"

"Just stop."


"I SAID STOP!" Akio shouted with all his might. Tenzo stopped and put him down. As soon as he put Akio down there was silence. No rain, no rustling of the branches, and no animals. This worried Tenzo. He looked down just in time to see Akio slowly close his eyes and say I love you. Tenzo was frozen.

So much had happened that day and he just broke down. Holding Akio's head to his chest he started to cry and cry until it was dark and the sky was a navy blue color with many stars. He slowly got himself up and brought Akio's body back to the village. Tenzo was yet again torn at another loved one gone from his life. It wasn't him that the blood belonged to in the dream it was Akios.

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