Recovery and A New Beginning

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Tenzo was broken yet again. 'he saved me again, once from heartbreak, now from death' Tenzo started to cry. He didn't attend Akios funeral, he couldn't handle that pain. He sat at home alone yet again pondering what next. His home looked more gloomy, more depressing. It was dark and very large without his lover. He didn't want to live like that. He thought about running away, continuing on as usual and even quitting. Tenzo decided after so many days of thinking to take a break. Getting permission from the Hokage, he packed up some of his belongings and left.


Kakashi was called for a mission with Naruto and team 7, but on that mission he was injured from using his eye, two years after Akios tragic death. While in recovery he needed someone he could trust to lead the team. Kakashi searched all over town not finding the one guy he was looking for. Tenzo. He went to the Lady Tsunade for answers.

"Do you know where Tenzo is? Is he on a mission?" 

"Yes I do. He has been taking a break. He hasn't been on a mission in two years." Lady Tsunade said giving Kakashi a sad look.

"Really? When will he be back?" Kakashi asked pushing for more answers.

"He should be back soon. Rest, and no missions for you until you have a full recovery." Lady Tsunade sent him away and thought for a second. 'Why did he ask so sudden? Maybe I should have Tenzo take over for Kakashi. It's about time he returned.'

Kakashi went back to the hospital to lay down. Running around the village tired him out more than he expected. 


It's been two years since Tenzo was last in the Hidden Leaf Village and he was ready to come back and start anew. He went to the Hokages' office to tell her he was ready to work again. When he walked in Lady Tsunade stood up quickly.

"You're back!" She said with a smile plastered on her face.

"Yup and i'm ready to start with new missions." 

"Good." She sat down and looked at Tenzo. "I have a different kind of mission for you."

"Okay?" Tenzo said a little confused.

"Kakashi cannot be the leader of team 7 because of an injury, and is currently in the hospital. You will lead his team for him until he recovers. You will not be an anbu member, but a leader and will be known as Yamato." 

"But why me?" 

"Because of your skills and Background. You can be a good leader to this team and can also watch over Naruto."

"Thankyou. I will do my best. I'm going to see Kakashi now. Bye." Tenzo said bowing and exiting the building.

'WOW. I wanted to start anew and now I am.' The brunette thought while looking around the village with a huge grin. The sky was clear and the sun was shinning. 'What a good day to start over. Yamato... Yamato. I like it.'

((((Tenzo will now be known as Yamato for the rest of the story))))

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