Chapter 8

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*Lizzy's Pov*

I finished getting ready and started making my way to the bus stop to meet Y/N at Starbucks.
I'm so glad she decided to meet with me i just hope we can go back to the way things were.

"Well hello there Lizzy. My, my, my well we haven't seen each other in a while haven't we."
I instantly rolled my eyes recognizing that voice.
"Leave me alone Jack." I angrily groaned as he sat next to me.
"So what are you up to on this beautiful day?" He asked.
"None of your business."
"Yeah you're right. Your life is none of my business, you just dated one of my really good friends and well you hurt the love of my life because of him."
"Shut up Jack! I was stupid okay. But i'm going to fix this!" I exclaimed.
"Oooh are you now? Seen Y/N lately, cus you kind of have to in order to fix things but...hmm, will she see you?" 

This idiot always knows how to get to my last nerve.
"As a matter of fact that's where I'm headed right now." I smiled victoriously.

"Hahahaha and what? You think you'll just see each other and everything will go back to the way it was before? Hate to break it to you sweetheart but Y/N is not gonna give in that easily. She has trust issues and you my friend fucked up with her badly." He chuckled.
"I'm hoping... But what's it to you anyways ugh get out of my face."

To my luck the bus arrived and it was only gonna be a 10minute drive to Santa Monica.

*Jack's Pov*

I couldn't let that meeting between Y/N and Lizzy happen. It wouldn't be fair that Lizzy got her back and i didn't.
I had her, everything was perfect but, she just had to fuck up and everything went downhill.

That night that i beat Y/N i came back to apologize, i know it was wrong but ugh...she just had to understand she pushed my buttons and needed to learn not to do it anymore.
My building was surrounded by cops and i just couldn't get caught again. I can't go back to jail. I had to leave and i laid low for a couple months.

But Lizzy CANNOT see Y/N. She can't be part of her life anymore she just can't.
I called Jacob.
"Hello?" He groaned.
"Dude where you at?"
"Ha just fucked a really good bitch bruh." He chuckled.
"Aye i need you to call Lizzy and get her to come running back to you." I demanded.
"Uugh why bro? She was good in the beginning you know i loved her but she got so damn annoying. Things are so complicated with her. I just get her back to fuck her every once in a while."
"Well then do that right now you little shit!!" I had no patience to deal with his shit. His only job is to listen and follow directions.
"Aight chill, chill...i'll call her when i get outta here."
"How about you call her NOW and get out of there later!!"
"I WILL call her dude just calm down!" 

"Uuugh." I groaned and hung up.

*Y/N's Pov* 

I stopped at Walmart, i got a really bad craving for nacho cheese Doritos. Plus, i'm not gonna go to Starbucks right now and wait like and idiot for that bitch. I'll wait till Lizzy texts me she's there, she can be the one waiting like and idiot.


Hey, i'm here. 

I was waiting in line at the cashier and replied.

Aight. I'll be there in like 5mins.

Starbucks was just around the block from here.

I walked in the front patio of Starbucks and saw the girl who i once shared everything with, all my secrets, my funny moments, my sad moments. The girl who didn't care about any of it two years ago and the girl i could never understand how it was so easy to let everything we had go.

She looked up and smiled standing up. I walked towards her.
"Hey." She said happily.
"Hey" i said not really showing emotion.
"Hug?" She asked opening her arms. I half smiled and hugged her.
"So you're pregnant?!" She said excitedly as we pulled away and sat down.
"Yep. Almost seven months."
"Wow so do you know the gender yet?"
"Actually I do. We just found out." I couldn't help but smile as i looked down and softly rubbed my baby bump. "It's a boy." I said. I looked up and saw Lizzy frown a little.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
She sighed.
"Well...i was pregnant last year but, i..." She took a pause and looked down ashamed. "I aborted. I guess it was for the best...I mean Jacob and I had a toxic on and off relationship and i just knew he'd only be there half the time i knew I wouldn't be able to do it by myself."

Her words were like a punch in my heart. I gasped.
"Why would you?...How could you? It was just an innocent child you could have given it up for adoption." I started tearing up a bit.

"I couldn't it would've been so complicated. I know I wouldn't want to let the baby go after it was in my arms and I couldn't raise a baby not by myself. I couldn't tell my mom and Jessie freaked out. I'm living with her and the three of us would've been too much."

Everything she was saying was hurting me emotionally. I couldn't hold back the tears.
It hurt me that she could just give up her first child and i wasn't able to even hold mine in my arms.
"Y/N what's wrong? Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.
"I can't." I sniffled, my voice getting shaky. "It was just a baby."
Lizzy stood up and kneeled in front of me taking a hold of my hands. 
"Y/N it's okay, it already happened. Please calm down, it's not good for your baby. Please. I'm sorry."
By now some people were starring but i didn't care, it hurt me.

Lizzy's to phone started to ring. I looked at it and she shut it off not even checking who it was.
Maybe she really does care about reestablishing our friendship. 
I took a deep breath and tried to steady my breathing.
"Talk to me. Why did this affect you so much?" 

I wiped my eyes and tried to find the right way to say this. I'm so happy right now with Nate but, if some things just hadn't happened I would've had my first child in my arms right now. I feel like such a horrible person for regretting the baby because it wasn't Nate's but we could've been happy despite that fact.
"I...I had a miscarriage earlier this year." I struggled saying that sentence. "I wasn't even pregnant for two months." I cried remembering. It felt like a punch to the gut.

Lizzy leaned up an hugged me. She soothingly rubbed my back.
A thought rushed through my mind as we shared this moment?

Could I be able to trust her again?

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