Chapter 5

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A/N: I know I haven't updated in a while, sorry about that. I have stupid summer reading -.- Well moving on!

Victoria's POV:

As I was listening to them talking I got bored and just sat there thinking. *How did I get myself in this situation? What did I do to deserve this?!?* I heard the bus starting. I assume it was really late since it was night when the concert was playing so I assume it was about midnight maybe? The closet door opened. I saw Justin smirking down at me. "Make one noise, you will be sorry." He said, still smirking at me. I glared at him and nodded. I didn't like the idea of being so helpless. "We are going in a hotel and you are staying with me." He said. I nodded, not wanting to talk to my hot kidnapped. Wait what am I saying?!? Justin removed the tape from my mouth and I stayed quiet the way he told me to. I didn't want to risk anything happening to me. I was wondering how Britney was doing. Oh Britney!!! She was probably worried sick! I can't believe I am putting her through all this. She doesn't deserve this. "Hello?!?" Justin said, waving his hand in my face. "Oh I'm sorry, just thinking." I said nervously. "About what?" "Oh how you freakin hurt me and my friend who is worried sick about me! How can you do this? People care about me you know?!" I snapped. "I really don't want to do this but I think I will have to." He said. "What are yo-" I was cut off by having a piece of cloth wrapped around my mouth. It was like a gag I think. Or something. He then kissed my head and set me down on the bed next to him. He wrapped his hand around my waist, I flinched. "Why are you nervous beautiful?" He asked me. "Oh wait, you can't talk." He chuckled. I just lay there helpless.


Britney's POV

As I finished talking to the operator I sat in the car thinking. *I wonder if Vicki is okay? Whoever took her better not be hurting her! If so, they are so dead once I get my hand on them.* I smiled to myself thinking of all the evil things I can do to her kidnapper. If only I knew who it actually was.

Operator POV

I just got a call from a girl saying he friend was just kidnapped after a Justin Bieber concert. I was told all the information I needed to know to start an investigation. I sent officer troops out there to see if they can find some clues of someone being kidnapped. If there were any clues. I gulped. I really hoped this girl, Victoria will be okay.

She sounded like such a nice girl. No girl ever deserves this even if they do bad things in their life. EVERYONE makes mistakes. But this was no mistake. You can kidnap a poor innocent girl on "accident."

Justin's POV

I lay next to this girl. She told me her name was Victoria. She was so beautiful. I had to think of a plan to get her in the hotel without anyone getting suspicious. I decided to Telly manager this is my girlfriend. I had to make her pretend to be my girlfriend which means kiss me and act all lovey dovey in front of people. It had to seem real.

Victoria's POV

I woke up with the sun hitting my face. Then I remembered. I was kidnapped by THE Justin Bieber! I tried moving but a pair of strong arms were wrapped around my waist. I tried prying them off but they held me tighter. "Good morning beautiful." He whispered in a sexy morning voice. "Um hi, can you please get your hands off of me?" I asked using my puppy dog eyes. "I'm afraid I can't do that." He said winking. I groaned. "But I have a plan to get you out of here without being caught. He said.

He then told me the plan. I have to pretend to be his freakin girlfriend?!? Great. Just great. He said only his manager could know. That is it. If it went public he is screwed. So I had to wear a disguise. That makes things EVEN better! He gave me a brown wig and some girly clothes. Don't ask me why he has that stuff there. He even had makeup!!! Weird huh? Well as I was putting my disguise on we walked out of his room.

"This is my girlfriend." He said to his manager. After they had a boring conversation, we arrived at a fancy hotel. "This is where WE are going to be staying." Saying 'we' the loudest. I rolled my eyes. He chuckled while taking me up to the room.

When we arrived in the room, it was HUGE! "This is pretty big." I said, while looking around. Yea and there is only one bed. He said winking. I whimpered. I didn't want to sleep next to that freak! Well I did already but I didn't need him starting any funny business.

I looked out at the porch. We were pretty high up so I looked away. "Are you scared if heights?" He asked. I nodded. He chuckled. "Hey! That isn't funny!" I said hitting his arm playfully. "Feisty one we have here don't we?" He joked. I rolled my eyes. "You better not escape here. Well actually there is no way to escape here." He said sternly. He looked sexy when he was serious. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." I said. "Oh instead of the wig we are going to dye your hair. AND get color contacts for ya." He said smirking.

"Hell no!" I said jumping over him. He grabbed me and started to tie me up. I screamed. He covered his hand above my mouth. "Shutup or I will have to cut off that pretty little mouth of yours alright?" He asked me. I nodded, whimpering.

He had to bleach my hair first. This was taking hours. After he finished I looked at myself in the mirror. "Oh shit, I look different!" I squealed. "No swearing or else a bar of soap in your mouth." He said smirking while pointing to the bar of soap at the sink. I gulped. I didn't want to know how soap tastes like.

"I bought some clothes for you and stuff. He said. I nodded. He held up a bra. I think THIS is your size!" He said laughing. I hit his hair. "Hey you messed up my hair!!!" He said being WAYY over-dramatic. That is what you get. I said sticking my tongue out.

This is going to be a long day.

A/N: as I said earlier, sorry for really late update. I will update maybe later today. If I'm not busy. Hoped you enjoy this chapter. LOTS OF drama in next chapter. (; you will have to wait and see! Aha!

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