Chapter 3

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Helloo, this is the third chapter of things are not always going right :) hope you like it xxx

Before: Why is everything so hard, why? What did I do wrong in live to get all these shit... pfff it is so hard to lie to everybody. To know that if HE saw  this on TV and knows where I am then we are moving, again. To left this all behind because of one song... I hope HE doesn’t saw it.. I hope it so bad... I stood up and walked towards the door to search for Laley.

After 5 minutes I finally found Laley she was talking to some students of our school. “Heeyy, how was your ice?” I said when Laley turned around. “It was soooo good, do you also want, they have some ice for you?” “No, thanks” Laley turned around again and laughed with some friends. I walked away to the toilet to be alone for a while. In about 12 minutes I had to go on stage again *sighed*. “SOMEONE IS CALLING YOU, ANSWER YOUR PHONE, UNLESS YOU DON’T LIKE THEM. THEN YOU CAN’T JUST PRETNED THAT YOU DIDN’T HEAR ME.” I quick picked my phone out of my pocket and answered my phone. “hello?” “Hello sweetheart, it’s your mom. Why were you singing on that stage you know it is too dangerous to do that!” “Sorry mom, I.. My hole school was otherwise angry at me, I couldn’t just say no?!” “Yes you could! But uhmm, I hope for you that HE didn’t saw it otherwise... you know what is going to happen.” “MOM PLEASE! Can’t we just for once stay where we are! I love London! And I’m close to One Direction and maybe the day that we leave I could see them, but because we are leaving I miss them and never see them... AND THEN IT’S YOUR FOULT!” “Don’t be such dramatic girl Clo. You are never going to see One Direction and otherwise they would run away because you are such crazy fan.” “I. AM. NOT. A. FAN. HOW DARE YOU TO SAY THAT! I’M A DIRECTIONER FOR GOD SAKE MOM. BYE.”and she was gone. Pfff, what a nice mom... I decided to go to the stage again and then Jonny came to me. “So, I still don’t know why you said you didn’t want to do it, cuz you, my girl, were freaking awesome!” he said happily to me. “O, some special reason that nobody knows, and nobody is going to know, so. But thanks.” I said with a straight face. “So uhmm, some famous British band called me and they wanted to meet you and maybe sing a song or record a song for their album. You can call your mom or dad to ask, but I will give you their phone number and then you can call them to say an answer.” My heart was about to explode. I have been working before in Italy with some famous artist like Justin Bieber (he is one of my closest friend), Lady Gaga and people like that. BUT there is a small chance that this is One Direction. That my heroes wanted to work with me. My thoughts explode and were imagine all kind of stuff that could happen. But wait, there was one other “famous” boy band.... The Wanted.... “Wait wait wait Jonny, is it One Direction? Or is it The Wanted...” I said with a serious face. Jonny looked at me and laughed. And not just a short haha, nooo, a really loud and long laugh.. “WHAT?!” “Ahww sweetheart, did you really thought One Direction wanted to sing with you, you are just a girl. Ahw why didn’t I record this hahahahaha.” I was hurt and I had the tendency to cry, but that would be weird so I just walked away. I started running and faster and faster. Through the doors, down the stairs, left, right and then the doors leading to the bus. I picked my phone to check when my bus would leave, but I  saw the bus already  coming, when I suddenly heard somebody calling my name. “CLOO, CLOO?! YOU CAN’T JUST LEAVE?!” I heard Jonny say. I turned around and saw that Marcel and Leeroy also were behind him. “O hell yes I can.” I turned around again and was about to step into the bus. “Clo, okay sorry for what I said, but come on. It was just one performance. I know they are you heroes and stuff, but one performance. And it was also not the wanted. But when you do this maybe one day they want to get a record with you. You have a beautiful voice. It’s like the Italian Girl, what I already said before. Don’t you think that is a wonderful compliment? Every girl want to hear that. She was a-ma-zing.” One tear streamed down my cheek. “But, who was the band then?” “Little Mix, that is also a really famous band so I don’t know why you walk away? I mean come on it is Little Mix girlll.” My mind just exploded.... LITTLE MIX ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! No they weren’t, but that is amazing. “OMG, that is fantastic. Give me their number I’m gonna ask my parents.” “Okay, this are the numbers.”

*At Home*

“Heeeelloooo, mooomm, daaaddd, I’m home” I yelled through the house. Nobody was home. Poorly enough. Now I had to wait till they came home. *sighed* What am I going to do. I remembered me suddenly something. I had a piano upstairs. So I went upstairs and played some numbers on the piano, without singing of course! “Clo, are you home?” I heard my mom yelling from downstairs. I stopped immediately. I ran downstairs and hugged my mom. (I know, I’m 17 years old and hugged my mom but only cuz otherwise she doesn’t let me sing with little mix ya know ;) ) “Moomm, did you know you are the best in this world?” My mom looked at me “*sighed* Clo, what do you want?” Okay so the sweet part doesn’t work.. “Little Mix, you know that famous band, yeah, okay. Guess what *mom just stands there with a bitchie face...* THEY WANT TO RECORD A SONG WITH ME MOM!!!” My mom her jaw just dropped. “WHAT, CLO, DID YOU SAY YES?” “Nooo, but you only have to say it’s ok and I call them.” I was full of enthusiastic feelings and my mom literally became red. I swear, I’m not lying.... “NOO!!! Never ever ever are you going to record a song with some famous band! What if HE finds out and then Clo. What are you going to do. You are not the first one who gets hurt! What do you think?!” I stood there and just wanted to cry and go away from this stupid life. I don’t want it anymore seriously. I. AM.SO.DONE.WITH.THIS.LIFE. “I didn’t thought about it, but you know mom. I am getting sick of this. I can’t do anything. I can’t have just fun with friends. Because what if HE comes. Mom, who was the one that survived, ME. And I didn’t want that. I wanted to be the one that was getting hurt. I have told you so many times that this is so hard for me but you and dad are the whole time talking about it. I can never forget what happened. And you know, maybe I want that he knows where I am. That he knows I don’t fair him. That I’m having fun, because he just want to see me getting hurt and sitting depressed in a corner. I have taking lessons at boxing, judo and all that of sport. I have from everything the black band and you are saying that I can’t beat him?! I’m stronger then you think mom. I loved Duilio, I still love him. I try to forget him, but it will never happen if you and dad are bringing memories. It is all my fault, that whole night was my fault and I can never forgive myself. You know that, I said that so many times. But you and dad are too stupid to see that I am hurt. I am having traumatic problems. Every night when I go to bed I see Duilio. And that is why I love to sleep. He *swallows heavily to don’t let the tears streaming down* he makes me feel special. He gave me a feeling that nobody gave me or is going to give me again...” I was done. I was done with everything. My dad came home while I was talking so he heard everything. They look in shock to me and didn’t expect that I said all of this. “Clo.... *my mom took a long pause to continue with talking*... are you serious, everything you said I mean... *tears started to stream down her cheek* “  My dad finished the sentence “Clo, your mother and I know that you are hurt. But we... we just don’t know how we can make you better. But we don’t wanna see our child gets hurt..” my dad was also starting to cry. I felt terrible because I made them cry. But for the first time I could finally say what was on my mind. “We are sorry honey... but you have to call Little Mix that you are not going to record that song. For your own safety.” I just stared and then ran angry upstairs. HOW COULD THEY?!! *sighed* I hate life. Why do I have to have the thug life. My parents came upstairs. “What are you thinking honey?” My dad said. “That I have a thug life...” they looked at each other than to me and then to each other again. “Honey, I think you have chosen the “thug” life, but actually I think it’s good...” HAHA a good life, is she serious?! “Guys, my heart is broken in more than thousand pieces. You don’t know how bad that hurts and I will never love again, I will never feel the feelings I felt for Duilio. I will never find my perfect soul mate cuz he was that.... Really?! Why would HE do this to me ... I didn’t chose the thug life guys, the thug life chose me......” 

sooo, did you like it? I hope soo 

I will post a new chapter when I have 3/4 votes

Sooo byeeee xxx

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