Laurance x Reader: MCD

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This one shot was requested by swagmayodrop . 
(Y/N)- Your Name
(H/C)- Hair Color
Italics= Thoughts


   After Laurance went to check on Aphmau for the thirteen billionth time, I stayed on the deck, still trying to stay as far away from Katelyn as possible. The wind whipped in my face as I heard two voices. One, Laurance's, was smooth, calming, and silky. The other, Aphmau's, was loud, harsh, and full of a dozen emotions. Laurance, I guess was trying to calm an upset Aphmau. I decided to stay out of their business. After all, I was still new. I had decided to join Aphmau, Laurance and the gang around the same time Isabelle and Lucinda, my old lord, joined. I noticed that Lucinda acted differently when she was with Aphmau and when she was a lord. I listened to Laurance and Aphmau argue for a little bit longer before I heard a door shut and silence. The silence was finally broken by Katelyn moaning. I crept just a bit farther from Katelyn.

   It was quiet for a bit longer until Aphmau came out of the cabin. Aphmau immediately headed to where Katelyn was. Katelyn kept moaning and muttering phrases while Aphmau was freaking out and leaning really close to Katelyn to hear her better. Sometimes Aphmau is such a mother. I saw Aphmau straighten up, confused.

   "Just hurry up and get me a bucket before I blow chunks all over the poop deck! Ugggh!" Katelyn screamed. I watched Aphmau scramble to the chest while Katelyn kept screaming. Aphmau finally found a bucket and practically threw it at Katelyn, who caught it and ran to the side of the ship. Katelyn threw up and Aphmau carefully approached Katelyn and apologized and chatted with her for a while. Aphmau headed back below deck and I started thinking again.

   I wonder when we will land. We've been on this ship for what feels like an eternity. Has it been 15 minutes since I've last seen land, or 15 years? At least I'm not alone. Although everyone seems high strung and has friction, so being alone is kind of nice. Music started playing and I hummed along quietly. The tune was haughty, but beautiful. I wonder who is playing that song. I wonder how people come up with beautiful music. Maybe I'll try to make up a song. Hmmm...... She gave it her best, she tried to fit in, she tried to be cool but she never could win.... No... How about.... You shout aloud, but I can't hear a word you say. I'm talking loud, not saying much...... That explains how I feel, but it doesn't sound right. Maybe I'll use my past as insperation..... Once I was seven years old..... No.... All I need's a little love in my life. All I need's a little love in the dark. A little bit I'm hoping it might kickstart, me and my broken heart...... That doesn't sound good either.....

   "Hey (Y/N)! How are you doing?" Aphmau's perky demeanor snapped me out of my thoughts.

   "Ummm, I'm good. How are you?" I replied.

   "Good just checking on everyone." She smiled and strolled away. I heard the music stop.

   I stared out at the ocean again, but before I could do anything, I almost fell over the edge of the railing. The boat had just suddenly stopped. I looked to my left and saw an island with two HUGE mountains. I guess we didn't just randomly stop, we ran aground. I stared at the mountains until I heard two splashes, followed by Lucinda screaming. I went over to join Lucinda and saw Aphmau and Katelyn in the ocean. I looked at Lucinda, then back at the two swimming girls. I cannonballed. I swam to the surface and laughed. This was just what everyone needed, a little fun. We trended water until Aaron, Chad, Vylad, and Laurance joined us, then everyone swam to shore. I wrung out my (H/C) hair and tried to dry off as best I could. Everyone grouped up and Aphmau started planning to explore.

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