Garroth x Aphmau: MS

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   It was rather sunny day when the world ended. . . . . Maybe that term isn't quite right. The earth kept spinning, the sun kept shining, the giant tectonic plates kept crashing into each other, the clouds lazily rolling across the bright blue sky. So it wasn't that the world ended, it was just that mine did.

We were all at A-Con, supposed to be having a good time. Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn had finished their dance, winning first place, and we were all back at the hotel room. We were laughing, joking, just being friends. Then Aaron changed the mood. Aaron politely asked Aphmau to leave the room with him. She agreed, and they came back a few minutes later holding hands. He had asked Aphmau, the love of my life, the light in my darkness, my one and only, to be his girlfriend. And what does the love of my life, the light in my darkness, my one and only say?


She said yes.

I waited for the world to end, but it didn't. I waited for something that wouldn't happen, just like in high school. I waited for Aphmau, and she never came. It's always been Aaron. Since high school, now, probably in the future. Heck, she probably chose him over me in an alternate dimension or time period. Who am I kidding, of course she did. I sighed, then realized Aphmau was staring at me and Laurance.

"And you guys are okay with this?"

"Yeah.." I agreed, knowing that Aphmau would feel guilty if I disagreed.

"Yeah. But if you mess up Aaron, we'll be there." Laurance said. We continue chatting until someone wanted a picture. We got together, and right before the camera flashed, Aaron pulled Aphmau into a kiss. Zane covered Kawaii~Chan's eyes to stop her from fangirling. Laurance started making faces at them and I joined, faking every emotion. After that we packed up and waited to leave.

I was sitting on a couch in the lobby, having been the first one to finish packing, when Aphmau came down.

"You're the second one down here?" I asked.

"Yeah. Not all girls take forever and a half to pack. Just some."

"Like Lucinda." Aphmau made a face.

"Actually not really. More like Kawaii~Chan. And Katelyn. It actually takes her forever to pack." I raised an eyebrow.

"Really. Huh. The more you know." We sat in a semi awkward silence.

"What do you think could have happened if we were in another dimension?" I asked. Startling both myself and Aphmau.

"Ummmm.... Well.... I could've run a village or something. Maybe had a few kids."

"With whom?" Aphmau laughed.

"With no one. They would be adopted."

"I bet everyone would be a guard for your village," I said.

"Probably. And one of you, I don't know who, would probably hide their face. And then go evil."

"Yeah. And my baby brother would've probably been evil. And Lucinda definitely would've been a powerful witch."

"Yup. And I think that Katelyn would work for evil, but actually be good. Do you understand what I'm saying?" I nodded, shaking a few blonde strands into my cyan eyes.

"I bet, in another world-"

Aphmau kissed me, swiftly, on the lips. I blushed.

"I would have chosen you." She ran outside to the car she and Aaron were sharing for the drive back. I looked and saw Aaron just heading around the corner. He waved to me and walked out to meet Aphmau.

"Yeah, you might've chosen me, but only after something happened to Aaron," I mumbled to myself and hopped off the couch and heading to the car Laurance, Travis, Dante, and I had taken. They joined me and Dante drove, Travis calling shotgun, leaving me and Laurance the back seat. I leaned my forehead against the window and day dreamed.

I day dreamed about the alternate universe.

The one where Aph and I were together.

Where we had a future with four kids, one looking exactly like me.

I chucked to myself. I sure do have an active imagination, don't I?

This was way too much fun. But I'm gonna write more one shots so ciao!

700 words

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