Dmitri x Reader: MCD

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Requested by @coolcookie8709
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Bold- Me! Author~Tan

   I had run away from home once again, but this time having actually made it past the tall stone gates. I was so sick of my mom and dad fighting, and it only got worse once my little sister died. So I had run away. I realize now that I had almost no chance of surviving bandits or wild animals, after all I was only 7.

   But I still ran. I ran past an abandoned village and through another, only to be attacked by bandits. I was pressed against a tree, tears threatening to spill.

   "Please don't hurt me," I pleaded.

   "We won't hurt you much. That is if your family will pay nicely for your return." The bandit paused, letting that sink in. "If not, we'll sell you to the highest bidder. Then you'll be their problem." My eyes widened in horror. Even at such a young age I knew what could possibly happen.

   "Let her go," a young voice demanded. The bandit pressing me against the tree turned, allowing me a glimpse of a blue haired boy my age.

   "Heh. No can do. And now you're coming with us." The lead bandit signaled his comrades to attack the boy, but he quickly pulled out two silver katanas that flashed in the afternoon light. The boy's bravery inspired me to try and escape, so I struggled and almost broke free. I was running towards the boy with intentions to help him, but was stopped by a bandit.

   "Where do you think you're going?" the bandit snarled. I didn't reply, just struggled some more. When that didn't work I resorted to screaming. The bandit holding me quickly placed his hand over my mouth. Big mistake. I quickly bit on it as hard as I could and jumped out of his arms. I ran to one of the bandits cornering the blunette and jumped on his back. He grunted in surprise but didn't really bother me until I grabbed two fist gulls of short hair and pulled. He yelped and frantically tried to get me off. He didn't try for long as another blue haired man came along with a pastel blue haired meif'wa with a bow. The blue haired man quickly drew two red katanas and forced the bandits to flee. I had fallen off the bandit's back and slowly got up, wincing when I put weight on my ankle.

   "That's the third time this week. You kids aren't allowed to practice in the ruins anymore," the blue haired man said, causing the two blue haired kids to groan. "At least until the bandits don't come back."

   "Yay!" The kids cheered. I started limping away from them and towards the forest.

   "Hey, where are you going?" the blue haired man inquired. I looked back and saw everyone staring at me, the boy cocking his head to the side cutely.

   "I don't have a home. I ran away. They just wouldn't stop fighting....." I replied, almost crying. Sometimes the fights got really bad, and things would be broken or people would get hurt.

   "Hey, it's okay. Don't cry. You can stay with us, if you want," the man offered.


   "Really. My wife will love having another kid around, and Nekoette will love having a girl to hang out with."

   "O-Okay. Thank you," I said, running to the man and hugging him. He gently hugged me back, smiling softly.

<><><>Time Skip to 10 Years Later<><><>

   "Hey Miss Kawaii~Chan. How are you this afternoon?" I asked my best friend's, and crush's, step mom.

   "Kawaii~Chan is good, but she insists that (Y/N)~Sama refer to her as Kawaii~Chan. No miss."

   "Sorry. It's a habit."

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