Badboy! Laurance x Reader: AU

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Requested by @KawaiiChan89
(Y/N)- Your name
(F/F)- Favorite food
(I/F)- Ice cream flavor
(B/C)- Bowl or cone
(M/J)- Major in college
(P/M)- Profession that goes with major
Italics- Thoughts or emphasis
Bold- Me! Author~Tan

I had just walked home from Phoenix College, getting ready to start the two essays and other work. I was sitting at my rather messy desk, expertly tapping the letters on my keyboard, when the sound of a motorcycle ripped through my room.

   "Urg...." I groaned as I slammed my head into the keyboard. "Go away Laurance." As if he could hear me, the brunette replied, stopping his motorcycle.

   "Stop what?"

   "Riding that thing around campus and the dorms," I called.


   "Then at least go away." By now I was at my window, staring at the blue eyed boy standing with his emerald motorcycle.

   "No can do. Especially since I know how much you love my motorcycle."

   "Urg. I ride on your motorcycle two times, Laurance. Tha-"

   "It was once. Good thing you're not majoring in math, am I right? Or do you want to ride with me again?" I didn't reply. I slammed my window closed and returned to my post at my desk. I continued writing my essay, almost completing it, when a knock interrupted me.

   "Just a minute," I called. The knocking just intensified. I groaned, already having a hunch of who it was, and begrudgingly got up to answer it.

   "Screw you," I said as I opened the door. Katelyn pretended to be hurt.

   "And to think we're roommates," she said.

   "Sorry. I thought you were someone else."

   "Should I even ask who?"

   "No. It's better if you don't." I told my roommate. "Also, why did you knock? Don't you have your key?"

"No. I've been having trouble with it so I turned it in. I'm supposed to be getting another one soon, but I haven't gotten it yet."

"Oh. Well, I need to finish this essay. Want to get dinner after?"

"Sure. How about (F/F)?"

"You know me so well..."

<><><>Time Skip<><><>

"Aaaaaand..... Done!" I exclaimed as I finished my essay. "Are you ready to go, Katelyn?" I asked while stretching.

"Yeah. Now let's go," Katelyn said as she grabbed her wallet. I grabbed my purse and we headed out the door. We walked to a place that serves (F/F) and ate, chatting about random things. Eventually love came up.

   "So, how are you and Jeffory?" I asked. Katelyn frowned.

   "He's nice, but it's annoying. He's too nice. He won't get mad at me, or anyone, for anything. And you know I don't like being perfect. Then I don't feel human."

   "I totally agree. Just let him down softly," I replied, reading my roommate's mind.

   "I'll try. So, what about you? Are you dating anyone?"

   "Nope. I'm still single and liking it. Although there is this one boy....."

   "Who is it? Do I know them? Tell me."

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