Vylad x Reader: MS

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(Y/N)- Your name
(F/C)- Favorite color
(H/C)- Hair color
(F/N)- Friend's name
Italics- Thoughts

I was walking down the street, heading to the mall with my best friend Cadenza. We were going to have a girls' day, complete with spa and makeover. I was giggling at Cadenza, who was saying how cute this guy Zach was. (He's the head guard of New Meteli) We finally reached the mall and had about an hour before the dos so we went to Forever 21. We ohhed and ahhed over so many dresses before finally settling on some. We checked out and hurried over to the spa, not wanting to be late. We checked in and three hours later left, feeling more relaxed and better than before. We decided to finish off the day with getting our hair done and found the place in the mall. Half an hour later Cadenza's hair was partially braided and I had a braided headband look with loose waves. We had gotten our nails down the day before, so we didn't have to worry about that now. As I waited outside for Cadenza to finish paying, she insisted, I examined my light (F/C) nails. Cadenza joined me and we walked onto the street, passing a little cafe. We complimented each other on our purchases until someone ran into me, knocking me down. I wouldn't have minded if I didn't have cake and icing all over me. All that I could see of the culprit was shaggy brown hair the color of chocolate. They looked up from the cake and I stared at their familiar emerald eyes.

"I'm so sorry about that. I should ha-" the guy started. I cut him off by taking a glob of icing and putting it in his silky hair. That's what I would do if my little brother got cake on me. The guy looked dumbstruck, then smiled as he recognized me.

"Hey Vylad," I said nonchalantly getting off the ground. Cadenza shrieked when she saw my shirt covered in frosting.

"Oh my Irene! Look at your shirt! You're a mess! Come, let me clean you up."

"I'm fine Cadenza, but thanks for worrying. Meet my friend from middle school, Vylad. He went to O'kasis Prep with me until he transferred," I said, starting to laugh. A glance at my shirt made me laugh even harder.

"Come on guys, we can go to my house to clean up and chat," I suggested, starting back down the road. Vylad picked himself off the ground and joined me, Cadenza already ahead of me. She didn't like being seen with a mess like me. But I made up for it by shopping with her. I started skipping home, hooking arms with Vylad and singing the Wizard of Oz.

"We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz!" I sang. Vylad unsuccessfully tried to unhook arms with me while Cadenza just started walking faster. I laughed at how crazy I must look. A cake covered girl skipping along singing about Oz. We finally reached my street and entered my home. I went upstairs and grabbed a (F/C) shirt. I went back downstairs to offer Cadenza and Vylad a drink when I heard them whispering about something.

"So.... We're you and (Y/N) a thing back in middle school?" Cadenza asked. My face heated up, but I stayed where I was.

"No... Although I wish we were. I just lo-" I stopped Vylad mid sentence by walking into the room.

"I have lemonade and water in the fridge, and snacks in the cabinet. You're welcome to help yourselves. Oh and Vylad, there's a shower in the guest room upstairs you can use."

"Thanks (Y/N). I'll leave you two be," Cadenza said as she headed to the kitchen, wiggling her eyebrows at me as she passed. Did she know I was listening? That's not possible.

I silently led Vylad upstairs to the guest room and offered to lend him some of my too big clothes. He smiled and agreed. I grabbed him the only big shirt I had, a pink one, and some grey sweatpants. I set them on the guest bed and went back to my room. I took a quick shower and changed into something Cadenza would approve of, a light (F/C) shirt and black leggings. I walked downstairs to see Cadenza in the couch causally sipping lemonade and flipping through TV channels.

"I know you were eavesdropping on us earlier," she said once I settled in.

"How? That's not possible. I was behind you."

She smiled. "I thought you were but you just confirmed it. I just had the feeling of being watched, and you just admitted to it."

"Oh...." She tricked me. Oh well, I did do something wrong. "I'm sorry."

"No it's fine," she replied, laughing slightly. "I was just wondering if you had any thoughts on that conversation?" The smirk on face indicated she already knew what I was thinking, but then again she had just tricked me.

"I was surprised that Vylad felt that way. I mean, we were close, but I didn't think he would think of me that way. I may or may not agree with him saying we should have been a thing."

"Okay, good." She paused. I realized that the shower had stopped running and wondered if Vylad had found the clothes. "Vylad," Cadeza called without turning to face the direction of the stairs. "You can come out now."

I gaped at what Cadenza had managed to do. Vylad had heard my conversation, and I had heard Vylad's. We knew that we liked each other. Is she trying to set us up? I wouldn't mind, but I don't know. All this I thought as Vylad entered the living room. I lowered my head and hid behind a curtain of (H/C) locks.

"Hey (Y/N). I didn't know you felt that way. Ugh.. That just makes me feel ten times worse about the transfer. I'm sorry I left." Vylad said while running his hair through his chocolate hair.

"It's fine. I still had (F/N). But I still missed you......" I replied. Vylad settled on the couch next to me and hugged me. I leaned into him and he pushed aside my hair. I looked into his forest green eyes that glittered with sadness and a speck of hope. I put my head in his chest and almost started laughing as I realized he was wearing the pink shirt. I was shaking, and Vylad must have mistaken it for crying.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Don't cry."

"I-I'm not crying. It's j-just that you're wearing the p-pink shirt," I stuttered, actually starting to laugh. Vylad looked startled but then gave a good heartily chuckle. Cadenza rolled her eyes at us but smiled. When I finally calmed down Cadenza spoke.

"Well I'd hate to go, I have to get back to my house. It was nice meeting you Vylad, and see you next week (Y/N)." She started towards the door. She opened it then called back.

"Bye love birds!" The door then shut. I rolled my eyes but smiled. I don't mind if my fiery haired friend teases me. I tease her all the time.

I settled into Vylad and stared at the TV, sneaking occasional glances at Vylad. He caught me and I diverted my eyes, but failed to stop the heat from rising to my cheeks. Vylad chuckled.

"You know (Y/N), I really love you. I have since middle school. Would you like to go out with me?"

"Hmmm.... I'll think about it," I teased. I stayed quiet for a minute, pretending to ponder my answer. I finally smiled. "No."

"What? Really?" Vylad asked in disbelief.

"I'm kidding. I'd love to go out with you. Maybe we can even get cake."

"Yeah, we could."

"Only lets try not to get it all over ourselves next time." I started laughing again, which caused Vylad to laugh. We snuggled into each other and Vylad started dozing off. I smiled and kissed his cheek, starting to head upstairs for bed, because it was getting late. I tried to get off the couch but a hand stopped me.

"Don't go," Vylad pleaded.

"Okay." I settled back into the couch and Vylad let go of my wrist. We ende up falling asleep on each other, smiling at how nice life is.

Well that's that. I'm so sorry guys. I've been busy with a play and homework. School is 7-3, then homework is 3:30-5:30, and drama was 6-9. I'm sorry guys, but that's almost done and over with. I have one more show tonight then a cast party next week. If you have any requests tell me.
1533 words

P.S. I may have had a small heart attack because someone updated one of their books. Their name was iRazburrayy, and it was a story (a xReader) I've been working on behind the scenes. I freaked out, thinking Wattpad glitched and published the chapter(which has happened before) and my family is probably worried about me....

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