Sad Garroth x Reader: AU

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(Y/N)- Your name
Italics- Song
Bold- Me! Author~Tan
I don't have a problem with sad one shots. What are you talking about?

You are my sunshine.

   "Hi, I'm (Y/N). What's your name?" I asked a blonde boy on the first day of kindergarten.

   "I-I'm Garroth."

   "Nice to meet you Garroth."

My only sunshine.

   "Stop! Please! I- I can't take it anymore!" I screamed while laughing. Garroth was tickling me and had an impish grin on his face. Garroth stopped, making third grade me wonder what he was up to.

   "I'll stop..... If you tell me who you like," the blue eyed boy bargained.

   "Fine. I like my family." I stuck my tongue out at him. Garroth rolled his eyes.

   "I meant like a crush."

   "You just said who I like. I like my family. You have to be more specific." Garroth rolled his eyes again, but let me go. I brushed off invisible dust before hugging him and leaving him for my mom.

You make me happy, when skies are gray.

   "Hey (Y/N), are you okay?" Garroth asked after knocking in my door.


   "Do you wanna talk about it?"

   "No. If I do, th-they'll hurt you t-too."

   "I'll be fine. Now will you tell me?"


   "How about a deal. If I can make you laugh, you tell me about it. Deal?"


   "Okay. What do you call a cow whose head has been shot?" Garroth paused. "Bullseye." I took a deep breath, trying not to laugh.

   "Nope. Try again," I said.

   "If I tell a chemistry joke, will I get a reaction?" He paused. "No? Okay. I'd tell a chemistry joke but all the good ones argon."

   "Oh my Irene," I whispered under my breath. I was trying not to laugh.

   "A horse walks into a bar. The bartender asks, "why the long face?" The horse doesn't respond because it is a horse. It can neither speak nor understand English. It is confused by its surroundings and gallops out of the bar, knocking over a few tables." I laughed. Garroth chuckled with me. I opened my door.

   "The last part killed me. Now do you wanna know why I was upset?"

   "No. I just wanted to see you smiling."

You'll never know dear, how much I love you.

   I glanced across the hallway. Garroth had a bouquet of flowers and was talking with a girl. She smiled and blushed and I looked away, not wanting to intrude on what I thought was a homecoming invitation.

   "And to think we were going together," I said as I slammed my locker shut, locking it and heading to class. I ran into Garroth, who told me about how he got his date. I faked a smile and sat down, putting my head on my arms.

Please don't take my sunshine away.

   They spent the whole night dancing. I had been hanging out with Laurance for a little bit, but he had to leave. Now I was sitting alone at a table, wishing I had a date. I saw Garroth on the dance floor. He looked at me and started to head my way, but was pulled back by his date. I sighed and left.

You are my sunshine.

   I was in my car when there was a knock on the window. Garroth. I rolled down the window.

   "What about your date?" I inquired.

   "I'd rather be with you. Plus, she left me for Dante." Garroth shrugged.

   "Okay. Need a ride home?"

   "What if I drive to somewhere instead." I hesitated before agreeing.

   "Sooooo. Where are we going?" I asked after a few minutes.

   "You'll see." We finally arrived at a small shop. Garroth held the door for me and followed me to the counter.

My only sunshine.

Homecoming was awful, but the little bakery afterwards was the best. Apparently Garroth's cousin owned it. She was super nice and let us hang out there for a few hours. We even tried a few new recipes. Of course, I got frosting on my nose, causing everyone to laugh.

You make me happy, when skies are gray.

"Hey (Y/N)," Garroth greeted over the phone.

"Hi," I responded, smiling slightly.

"I was wondering if y-you would like to c-come over today."

"Sure. What time?"

"Does 3 work?"

"Yep! See you then!" I walked over to the park and chilled for an hour before heading to the Ro'meave house. I rang the doorbell and waited patiently. Garroth opened the door and started to drag me away from his house.

"Family problems?" Garroth just nodded. He continued to lead me through the streets until we reached the library. We sat down at a table and started chatting quietly. Eventually the conversation died, but we sat in a comfortable silence. I was sketching on a scrap paper and Garroth was reading a book. I went to the bathroom and when I came back my doodles had a note. "Come meet me by our tree." I smiled and headed back to the park, to the secluded area with our tree. There was a single rose there.

"Be mine?" Garroth asked. I turned around and hugged him.

"Of course."

You'll never know dear, how much I love you.

The scream of sirens. The hundreds of feet shuffling to get a better view. So much noise, but I heard none of it. The cloud cleared, and I saw my boyfriend. His broken body sprawled across the street, the bright red of his blood harsh against my eyes. The little boy he saved was crying. What happened? The crowd asked. I know. It was our first official date as a couple. We were heading to the park to enjoy a picnic. He saw a little boy run into the street after his cat, he saw the car coming. He had to do something. So he pushed the boy to safety, sacrificing his own life. I dropped to my knees, finally absorbing the facts. Garroth was dead. I screamed, bawling. Nobody seemed to notice me, they just didn't care.

Why'd you take my sunshine away.

   I stayed at the grave, not caring if it was pouring. I kept quietly humming the melancholy melody, reminiscing of when he was still alive and well.

   Out of all the people in the world, why Garroth?

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