Saddish Zane x Reader: MS

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This one shot was requested by @1_Unknown_Girl_1
(Y/N)- Your name
Italics- Thoughts
Bold- Me! Melinda~Chan
Before we begin, please don't hate me. I don't believe in the stereotypes and may have made mistakes. I'M SORRY DON'T HURT ME!!!

I remember how we met. It's rather ironic that we are, I mean were, so close.

I was sitting beneath a tree, in the shade, on my phone. My annoyingly cheerful dad had dragged me here. At least I didn't have to babysit. I looked up from my phone to see a girl and three guys talking. One of them, the ravenette, started walking towards me. The blonde Ken doll said something and the black haired boy paused. (Please don't hate me) He turned around, said something, then started coming toward me again.

"Get your own tree," I snapped once he had reached my position in the shade. When he didn't move I looked back up and glared at his ice blue eyes, pulling out one of my earbuds.

"Go away. There's plenty of other trees to sit under. Pick one of them." I glared at him and his comrades as they joined him.

"Come on Zane. Mom said you have to play a sport," the blonde said.

"I'm not going to," Zane, I assumed, replied as he plopped down next to me. I scouted away from him and put my earbud back in, turning my attention back to my phone.

"Hey!" someone yelled as they pulled an earbud out. It was the black haired girl who was with the three guys. I shot her a death stare. "Finally. I've been trying to get your attention for forever. I'm Aphmau. What's your name?" She is way too perky. (I'm in touch with my emo side)

"(Y/N). Now go away."

"No. Would you like to play soccer with us?" I perked up a bit. Soccer? I can tolerate that. It's one of the only enjoyable things in life.

"..." I hesitated.

"You don't have to if you don't want to. I was just offering."

"I'll play."

"Really? That's great! Come on." She dragged me to the soccer fields where the brunette was trying to teach Zane to play goalie. The blonde was watching. Aphmau dragged me over to him and introduced us.

   "He-Hey Garroth. This i-is (Y/N)," Aphmau stuttered. She made me sick. She was way to upbeat and obviously had a crush on this Prince Charming player. She acted like a live sick puppy. How did this Garroth guy not know? Is he a stereotypical blonde? (I'M SO SORRY. I DON'T BELIEVE THAT STUFF)

   "Hello (Y/N). It's nice to meet you." He smiled at me. Smiled. I gave him a 'really' look. He just chuckled.

   "Are we going to play soccer or just chit chat. If we aren't gonna play, I'm leaving," I said as I turned to go. Someone caught my arm. The brunette.

   "Hey, you seem like Zane. Maybe you could teach him to play soccer." I sighed. "By the way, I'm Vylad." I turned to him, then walked to where the soccer ball sat in the grass. I deftly kicked it into the goal, past Zane. He glared at me.

   "Are you gonna get the ball and actually block it?" I asked. He huffed and got the ball. I kicked it once more and it sailed past Zane.

   "Why do I have to teach him? Why can't you?" I complained as Zane passed me the ball.

   "He hates us. He'll only stand you," Vylad chirped. Seriously, these people are too happy. I shook my head slightly.

   "Just so you know, I wasn't ready." I snorted at Zane. I kicked the ball for the third time and it went into the goal. Again.

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