Chapter 14

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Codys POV


I sat in the waiting room, contemplating whether to call the guys or not. If I called them, they would probably over react, causing a bigger mess than before. But if I didn't call them, they'd find out through lies and be mad at me. After a long time of thinking, I picked up my phone and dialed Maxx's number. It rang for a few seconds before he answered.

"What do you want Cody? It's fucking 3 in the morning." I heard him groan, I cleared my throat.

"Listen Maxx, this is really important. Constance is in the hospital, I need you and the guys here stat, I'm at Regions Hospital in St.Paul." I said, I heard Maxx's breath get caught.

"W-what! How? What's wrong?" He rambled, I took a deep breath.

"That's not important right now, just get here as quickly as possible." I said, my voice emotionless. 

"Okay, we'll be there." He said, then hanging up. I set my phone down and put my elbows on my knees, running my hands over my face and through my hair. I was scared out of my wits, what if she didn't make it through? What were those doctors doing? When will I see her? Will I ever be able to hold her and kiss her again? Questions ran through my head as I sat there. I looked up, seeing only 5 other people in the waiting room. In the chairs in the corner there was a married couple it looked like. They looked distressed, holding each others hands tight and leaning on each other. In one row of chairs there was a sickly looking child with his parents, he was frail and pale. Strangely he reminded me of Constance when I found her. I looked away from him quickly, not wanting to think of Constance on that floor, lifeless and alone. I heard the doors open and saw the guys rush in. Maxx looked over and spotted me, running over, the guys followed. Equal looks on each of their faces, excecpt Will, for some reason he looked... smug. He was always like that, but this was different, I couldn't place my finger on it though. They all walked over and I stood up, Maxx grabbing my shoulders.

"You look like a mess man, are you okay?" He asked, I shook my head. He sat me down, grabbing chairs so they could all sit next to or in front of me. 

"What happened?" Dan asked, concern lining his voice. I gulped, remembering how I found her. 

"I... I um. I came home after that acoustic session, I walked into the house, and it was oddly quiet, I just assumed she was sleeping. I went upstairs to check on her, but she wasn't in her room, so I checked the bathroom. I yelled for her but there was no answer, I opened the door.. to see-" I got cut off by tears pricking my eyes, my voice caught in my throat. I heard Dan gasp as he grasped my shoulder reassuringly. I pushed the tears down. "I found her... on the f-floor. She was laying in a puddle of blood, her arms cut deep from her wrists to her shoulders and on her thighs. I picked her up and tried waking her up, I noticed her breathing and she woke up slowly, she screamed at me and started rambling about how much she was hurting and how I should've let her die. So I took her here, they rushed me back down the hallway and they took her from me. I don't even know if she's alive."  I said, I looked up, seeing the shocked faces of the guys, but Will still looked smug. 

"Cody, that's.. horrible. Do you know why she did it?" Zach asked, I shook my head.

"I have no idea." I whispered. That's when I saw the doctor walking down the hall, I stood up. The guys and I walked towards him. 

"Are you Cody?" The Doctor asked, I nodded." I'm Dr. Garrison, I'm happy to say that Constance is doing well, we stitched her up and she should be better in a few days, but we are seriously considering putting her in therapy, it would be an in patient program going over at least 3 months." He said, I nodded.

"Alright, I think you should talk to Constance on that." I said. "Can I visit her?" He nodded, taking us back, i turned to the guys "Can I have a moment?" They all nodded. I walked in to see Constance laying in the hospital bed, her body hooked up to tubes and wires, he face pale and asleep. She looked so frail, her arms covered in medical guaze. I walked over to her, pulling a chair up. I grabbed her hand and kissed it. I saw her eyes flutter open, she looked over at me.

"Hi baby girl, are you doing okay?" I whispered, she nodded. 

"I'm really sorry Cody." She said. 

"You have nothing to be sorry about, you couldn't control it." I said, I was about to say something else when she cut me off.

"I did it because I woke up from a horrible dream, a flashback you could say, and I had a panic attack." She put it shortly, I knew she wanted to say more, but I could tell she was exhausted. We talked for a while longer before the guys came in. They talked to her for a while before leaving her and me alone.

"I'm tired." She said.

"Then go to bed, I'll be right here when you wake up, I love you." I whispered, kissing her forehead.

"I love you too." She whispered back, closing her eyes and falling asleep.

She was alive.

And she was still mine.

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