Chapter 16

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Codys POV

I looked over at Constance, she was sleeping. I turned off the TV and quietly slipped out of bed. I tip toed over to the door and slid out of the hospital room, I needed some fresh air. I was so glad that Constance was all right, I needed to make her happy the last few days I stayed here. What worried me was what she would do when I leave, I thought about asking her to come with me, but I figured she would need some downtime to get better. I walked down the hall and stopped one of the nurses that came into Constance's room regularly.

"Excuse me miss, if you see Constance and she asks where I went can you please tell her I went to get some fresh air?" I asked, she smiled at me, nodding.

"Of course!" She chimed, I smiled back and nodded thanks. I continued on and walkedout the front door when I heard my phone ring, I pulled it out of my back pocket and answered it.

"Hey Maxx." I said, leaning against the light post.

"Hey, how's Constance?" He asked.

"She's really good, she's being released sometime tommorow." I said.

"That's good, can we come see her?" He asked.

"Um sure, I'm just outside getting some air, I'll wait for you guys." I said.

"Cool, we'll be there in about 15 minutes." He said, we said our goodbyes and I hung up, shoving the phone back in my pocket. Within no time the guys came, I walked over to the parked vanas the guys got out, Dan jumped out, his eyes widening at my appearance.

"Dude, you look tired." Dan said, closing the door behind him, I chuckled.

"Thanks, that's what I get for worrying." I retorted, Dan nodded agreeingly. We all greeted eachother and walked in, I got them past the front desk and we all walked down to Constance's room, I turned to the guys and put my finger to my lips, motioning to be quiet. I opened the door slowly and we all walked in, she was still asleep. We all pulled up chairs and I told them what had happened and why she did it. They all looked at her sympatheticly, except Will, he just seemed... satisfied? That couldn't be, Will was a good guy for the most part. The guys turned on the TV and watched some stupid show like Nitro Circus. After a while Constance stirred, she woke up. The guys and I turned to her, smiles on all of us.

"YOUR ALIVE!" Maxx yelled, jumping up and hugging her, she laughed.

"Yes I am Maxx, but I don't think I'll be for long if you keep hugging me like that." She retorted, pushing Maxx away.

"Oh sorry, I'm just excited to see you." He said, rubbing the back of his neck, she nodded.

"I think we're all excited to see you." Zach stated, they all gave her hugs. We talked about a bunch of shit when the doctor came in.

"Hello Ms- oh, I see you have visitors. " Dr. Garrison said, closing the door behind him.

"Oh yeah, Dr. Garrison this is Maxx, Austin, Zach, Dan, and Will." She said, pointing at each of the guys. Dr. Garrison shook each of their hands and went over to check her IV.

"Well Ms. Evers, you're making very fast progress, how are you feeling?" He asked, checking some stuff of his clipboard.

"I feel great." She said smiling, I was so happy to her getting better, I was relieved to see her smile. Dr. Garrison nodded.

"That's good, the nurses will be in soon for lunch." He said, leaving all of us with a warm smile. I took Constance's hand, she looked really tired. The nurses brought in her lunch, she ate about half of it, I had realized she hadn't been eating as much as she should, but it was probably just because of how she was feeling, she was probably too tired to finish it all. After a while the guys left.

"Babe, I have to go for a bit, I should probably go back and get cleaned up. I'll be back though, do you want me to feed Tinsel?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, thanks babe." She said, I left her with a kiss. I walked out of the hospital and got in my car, driving off.

Hopefully she would be ok without me.

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