Curiosity killed the Cat...

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I wonder who this man is that could be holding the rifle. John Watson's blog never mentioned anything about Moriarty having a counterpart. This must mean that he and Sherlock did not know about him. As I continue down yet another path of bars, I get a slight chill.

"That's weird". I slowly take ten steps farther, when I notice footprints embedded into the dirt. I lean down to get a closer look. I have to because I am curious. It's in my blood, I always want to know everything about anything and everyone, especially if I have the information at my fingertips to deduce from.

Hm...large, with an oddly familiar pattern. It's a Wolverine work boot. All the boys at my school wear them because they think it makes them cool...idiots. These prints must belong to the man that shot the guard. As I stand up straight again, I feel an arm wrap around my throat from behind.

"Gotcha! Move a muscle and I will implant one of my bullets into your skull faster than you can scream. Then you will be joining my other friend who has made a permanent home against that wall back there."

I can feel myself choking, suffocating from the loss of oxygen, but I still have a brain for the time being, so I think. All I have to do is play dumb, play the naive, over-emotional teenage girl. I start whimpering the best I can and force tears out of my eyes. The man chuckles a bit at my pain, but lets go of my neck. I stay exactly where I was, straight like a soldier, unmoving. When he looks up at a security camera (most likely for praise), I slip my hand behind my back. I wait as the man reaches for his gun, then I quickly pull out my pocketknife, stab him in the thigh as forcefully as I can, then yank it back out. He screams in pain.

"aaaah!!! What the fuck!? You dumbass!!!" He grabs his stab wound, blood gushing through his fingers, and staggers a bit. I look at the knife with hesitancy and slowly put it back into my pocket. This was my big mistake. I hear the click of a gun getting ready to shoot. He snarls and me, and then harshly says through gritted teeth "Back the hell up towards me NOW, bitch. I can kill you right now and have absolutely no remorse, so do the hell as I say."

"Crap..ugh, bloody hell!" I whisper to myself. I keep calm the best I can and think of my options. The knife is clearly no longer an option, and if I reach for my gun, he will shoot me. I could run, but he would still shoot me, and running is just a sign of cowardice. I start walking backwards towards the man because I clearly have no other option. I have never been in this kind of situation before and am very irritated at myself for not having the upper hand. I am better than this. I am a genius, I am clever, and most importantly, I am a Holmes. Sherlock would have known what to do.

"Stop right there!" the man screams into my ear purposely. I don't even flinch. I feel his cold, yet ragged breathing on my neck, and it makes the hair stand straight up. He taps the gun to the back of my head as if telling me that he owned me, that my life was in his hands, quite literally. He was most likely about to shoot when suddenly his phone rang. "Bloody hell! What is it now!?" I figure it must be Moriarty, and flinch on the inside, yet let out a slightly relieved sigh. I figure that I have at least an extra minute of my life. I have come to terms with my unfortunate mortality before, but this time I have to face it, and now I must accept death. My heart is racing, which is a strange feeling for me, but I stand as stiff as a board.

"Are you seriou...!?...yes, boss. I know. I just...okay. You are. I will. Yes, boss." I hear the beep of the call ending, and slowly close my eyes, still feeling the cold hard metal upon the inch of skin covering my skull. I hear silence except for the man's now heavy, ominous breathing and I wait for the shot.

Still silence.

A million thoughts are racing through my mind. I wonder if he is trying to scare me. Death doesn't scare me. My only wish is that I could have met my father and uncle before my fate. I wait for the bullet through all the silence.

Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in the side of my neck, I let out a short gasp and cringe. I snap open my eyes to see what has happened, but the room abruptly starts to spin and contort. I am so confused....the room. It''

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