The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

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"To be honest, honey, your father is different from anybody else. He is a genius, like yourself. Except he doesn't have feelings. Well..not anymore. Your father began believing more and more that caring is a disadvantage and he decided that he would only do things for the good of society, or for the good of himself. We were married for about six months, and it was an indulgent act by young people who thought they were in love. But then things changed, and I'm not exactly sure what happened...but I couldn't take it anymore. He suddenly just didn't care about what went on in my life, or how I felt. I guess I was too ordinary for him. Maybe it was because he was always at work. If anything, he would come home once a week..."

"Ok, but what's his name? What was he all about?" I asked coldly. 

She takes a breath to ground herself, then proceeds. "His name is Mycroft Holmes. He works for the British Government and holds one of the most crucial parts in it; he had completely dedicated his life to it once he was in a position to. He could never dedicate himself to anything else other than that, which is why we unanimously decided to part ways." 

She was being too vague. I needed more information than that.

"Does he have any family, relatives? I mean, I have more family than just him I bet." At this point my brain was working overtime plotting ways to meet up with my father or any of my relatives from his side of the family, and I was genuinely intrigued. My mum then started telling me about my uncle Sherlock. She said that he was a bit more easy-going, yet the same as Mycroft, but they never had gotten along. 

"Sherlock Holmes? Like, the detective that's in the paper sometimes!?" I asked excitedly.

"Well...yes. Your uncle Sherlock has always been intrigued by crime and solving mysteries. Mycroft could never understand it, but I guess he just likes to put his genius to good use." 

"That is so epic..." I state, an expression of excitement coming out in my voice. 

"Don't you start getting any ideas. I...I just...don't think it's a good all", she stammered. 

Oh my God. I could automatically tell that by the foolish way she was stumbling over her words that my mother had never told my father about me!

"Why? Because my father doesn't even know I exist!?" I was furious but somewhat hurt at the same time.

"I found out I was pregnant with you two weeks after the divorce...he had stopped caring about anything other than work, and we had stopped getting along,  so I thought it best to not tell him. I'm sorry. I thought it was for the best", she said sympathetically.

"But can't you see Mother!? I'm exactly like them. Sherlock and my father are just older, male versions of myself! I am a Holmes, and I will never change. If you couldn't deal with my father the way he was, how will you deal with me when I get older? I am them. I have their personality, and I am not ordinary. I am the same sociopathic, genius, loner that they are Mum!" 

I could hear myself shouting at her about judging our type of personality, but inside I was tingling with excitement. I was related to Sherlock Holmes, the most clever detective ever, and Mycroft Holmes, the British Government. My mind was clouded with many thoughts about my father, my uncle, and myself. I had to meet them, but maybe since my father did not have any knowledge of me yet, and my mother made it seem like Sherlock was more mellow than him, I could meet my uncle first. Maybe it would soften the blow a little if Sherlock told him of my existence when the time comes. Then my thoughts were interrupted by my mother's response.

"Sweetie I am so sorry. I had no idea that it would effect you this much, but you are my daughter and no matter how you turn out I will always love you exactly the way you are. You are unique and brilliant, and I believe that you can achieve great things someday." With a small squeeze of my arm and a slight smile, she walks into the kitchen to get the apple pies

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