Where there's a Will, there's a Way

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I slowly open my eyes to very blurry vision. I blink a few times, and finally, my eyes clear up. I was in another cage-like room, but this one was like an actual holding cell. It had three grey cement walls with a decent amount of scratches on them, and heavy metal bars to keep me in like a jail cell. Ugh, my neck was throbbing, my whole body was almost numb with pain and I was pretty much in a heap on the hard dirt ground. "Hey, I am alive though! Mystery Dick didn't kill me after all. How is that even remotely possible...? Maybe I am dead. Maybe this is the afterlife."

Despite the fact that I was really confused and had tons of thoughts running through my demented brain, I try to stand up, which was a very stupid idea on my part. I stumble with dizziness and fall to the ground again. Dammit, I know exactly what he did. Moriarty must have forced the guy to inject a drug into my veins instead of shooting me in the head so that he could interrogate me when I woke up...joy. 

Instead of attempting to stand again, I drag myself over to lean against the cold cement wall because I really was not in the mood to fall on my face. I take a deep sigh and look up as I rub where the needle had jabbed my neck. This is when I see a man in the corner of my cell, not the one that was about to kill me before, but a different one, just sitting there with a smirk on his face.

I say nothing. I just stare at the man with narrowed eyes. He starts to speak "Welllll there's no need for introductions. Apparently, you know who I am, but I don't know who you are so you can't be much of a threat." I look back at him.

"Well, you sure are treating me like one. And what, you're not even going to ask who I am?" 

He chuckles and tells me that I am even lucky to be alive right now.

 "You're Jim Moriarty, consulting criminal, grade-A asshole. Now it's your turn. Who in the world do you think I am? I mean, other than just some random twat from the street."

 He is most definitely as arrogant and boastful as John and Sherlock mentioned.

"I don't have to explain because of course, I know who you are. But I also know that you won't be able to achieve what you came here for. Your uncle, shall I say, will not be returning to Baker Street whether you like it or not. You can try to figure out where he and his little pets are if you like. But you won't be able to find them. I hope you have your strength back because I am giving you one chance. Oooh I love these little games of ours! Always a delight to play with a Holmes. Sebastian! You can unlock it now." I stood up and steadied myself. Thank God. I could walk again.

So, Sebastian was the name of the guy that tried to kill me. He must be Moriarty's "pet". I have figured out by now that he is a sniper and a very good one. He is dangerous to mess with but Moriarty is his boss, and he calls all the shots. Sebastian came up to the cell quite angrily.

"Boss, you can't be serious!? You're letting her try!? Why can't we just kill her, she's just another problem!" He turned the key in the lock and let both me and the consulting criminal out of the cell.

"Sebby, let her try. We will give her 48 hours. If she succeeds, she can keep whomever she has found and go home with them. If she fails, we get to kill her and all the problems from Baker Street. Especially Sherlock. Believe me Moran, I wouldn't worry about it. There is no way she will succeed."

I run down the path away from the evil men, listening to their ominous laughing fade away.

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