Chapter 4

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King P.O.V.

Here baby you gotta eat something.! I said trying to give Royal her food. She pushed my hand away and looked so tired and sad.

Whats wrong.? I asked her kneeling down to her.

You let them take my mommy to jail.! She said as she let her tears fall.

Baby i.....

Just save it dad.! You have a new family now go be with them.! We don't need you any more. She said before cutting me off.

Where did you get that from.?

You.! That girl your new girlfriend said everything that day at the hospital and now my mom is in jail i thought you loved her dad.! Do you even love us.?

Of course i do.!

Than why did you have another baby by somebody else.? Know what.? I don't even want you to be my dad anymore. She said crying and getting up.

Look here young lady i will always be your father no matter what.! Even if me and your mother isn't together.! Now im sorry everything happened the way it did but ima try my hardest to make things right.

But you can't just leave me alone.! She said before running off. I was feeling so bad now. What have i done.? My daughter hated me, my grandmother wasn't talking to me, my wife was in jail, my son was on his death bed.! I started to cry.

What you in here crying for.? My grandmother asked coming into the kitchen. You done fucked up King and you have the nerve to be crying.? That woman loves you to death would do anything for you.! And you repay her by getting with another woman and letting her send her to jail.? You know how bad she wanted another baby and you had one with someone else. I seen the divorce papers.!

Ma im stuck i don't know what to do.! Its like i lost love in her Erika brought so many old feelings in shit back. Am i wrong.?

You gone leave the one you love for the one you like when the one you like gone leave you for the one they love. With that she walked out.


God i know i don't do this often but im coming to you because i desperately need you.! I dont care about my marriage any more i dont care if i have to go to jail for the rest of my life but what i do know is that i love my kids.! I love them with all my heart and if i had to give my last breath to each one for them to live i would. Please, please protect my prince im not ready to lose him. I feel like i haven't spent much time with him. I know you took my first pregnancy away from me but please don't take my son away please im begging you. Just hold him tightly in your arms cover him in your blood. He's a fighter and will fight for his life but im begging you as his mother could you please heal my baby and take his pain away.! In Gods name i pray Amen.!

I got up from the floor and sat on the cold hard bench. I been in jail for 2 whole days. I was starving and tired as hell. I felt like i was going to die.

Mrs.Wilson i heard the officer say. I sat up as he opened the cell. He cuffed me and told me to get in line with 5 other females. He escorted us to court. I sat embarrassed of my actions. This wasn't me i left this life behind.!

Mrs.Wilson since your opponent hasn't shown up, we have to dismiss your case.! The judge said and the officer uncuffed me. He escorted me to the back and told me where to go to get my things. I did what he had told me to and caught a cab home. When i got there nobody was there. I took a shower scrubbing my body clean. I washed my hair twice. I felt like a dirty filthy bum for being in jail. I finally got out dried and lotion down. I put on my bra and panties and noticed a paper on the bed. I picked it up slowly to read that it was my divorce papers. This what he wanted.? This was real.? I wiped my fallen tears and continued to get dress.

Na'Kole.?! I heard King's voice from over my shoulders his voice was raspy like he's been crying. I ignored him and got dress putting on my black leggings and a black polo shirt. I slid on a pair of black vans and pulled my hair up. Na'Kole.! He said grabbing my arm. I yanked away from him and i got so mad.

What.?! I yelled.

We need to talk.!

Talk.? Talk about what.? You did enough talking when you requested these divorce papers.! I said throwing them at him. I grabbed my keys and left out before any more tears came about. I headed straight to the hospital and on the way there all i did was pray, pray for good news.!

When i walked towards my baby room i heard laughter. I peeked my head in to see him sitting up on his breathing machine talking and laughing playing with Royal.! I fell to my knees in tears of joy. My baby was a live.! He got out the bed slowly walking over to me.

Don't cry mommy.! Im gonna be okay.! God told me i was gonna be okay and that im only gonna be sick until i turn 13.! Thats 9 years.! And we gonna be okay.! He told me that when he let me see again.! He said before hugging me.

Who told you that.?

God.! He said so sincerely. I broke down in tears i couldn't hold it. God worked in mysterious ways and i was so thankful.!

Thank you God.! I said numerous times hugging my son. Royal came over hugging us to and i hugged my kids with all the life i had in me. I kissed them both. I helped Prince back in the bed and Royal read to him. I kissed and hugged my grandmother in law. Thank you for being here.! I said hugging her tight.

We family baby I'm always gonna be here.!

What did they say made him sick.?

Step in the hallway.! She said as she closed the door behind us. I need you to stay as strong as you can Na'Kole.

I don't think i can honestly but i know i have to. Just tell me.!

He has lukimiaa.

Are you serious.?! I asked with tears running down my face.

Yes stage one they said they caught just in time. He will be okay we just gotta pray.!

Im getting divorced, my son is sick as hell, what the hell did i do to deserve this.?!

Nothing baby nothing.! You have to be thankful he still here.!

I am i swear i am.! I feel so blessed.! But all this at once.! Im stuck raising 2 kids alone possibly a 3rd.

What do you mean a 3rd.?

Im 2 weeks late.

Take a test as soon as you can.

I can't even handle that right now.!

Little Ghetto Girl Part 3 When Old Secrets ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now