Chapter 15

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I woke up and everybody was around accept Na'Kole. There was this letter on the dresser next to me with her name on it. I opened it and read it.

Hey boy.! Ace said coming into the room with a smile. He looked bad.

How long had it been.? I asked pissed off letting my tears hit the paper.

3 days.! He said with a raspy voice.

So she really did it huh.?


Why.? Why would you let her do it.! Why would you let her take herself from me. Whyyyy.?! I was suppose to protect her i was suppose to be the one.! I yelled and everybody came running in the room. I couldn't stop crying Ace hugged me tight and cried to.

Daddy.! I heard my babies sang. I picked them both up and hugged them tight.

I want mommy.! I heard Prince voice cry. All i could do was cry with him.

I want her too.! Royal cried. I hugged my kids tighter the only thing i had left of her.

My head was all fucked up. My baby gave her life for me to live. And i did her so wrong and she still loved me so much. I felt like a hole was burning threw my heart. I felt like each tear we cried was acid threw my skin. I didn't get a Chance to say GoodBye.

Mr.Wilson.? I heard a voice making me look up it was the doctor he had such an uneas face. Can i talk to you in private. He said.

Naw Doc i cant take no news by myself. I said shuffling

Okay well. He cleared his voice. Your wife did such an amazing thing for you and i couldn't let her leave like that for two reasons. She's pregnant and she did you a favor.

She was what.? Naw Doc she had abortion i was there. Ace said confused.

Yeah well i could tell by the wounds she had but her abortionist didn't about the baby what they did was something terrible took eggs from her instead of doing an abortion. She's almost 3 months along.

Babies?! I asked confused.

Yes she's pregnant with twins. After surgery we put her on life support without your permission but a couple hour's later a patient died and so happened to have her blood type and his family chose to donate both kidneys to her. She is well and resting the babies are fin and healthy.

Please let me see her.! I asked sternly. The whole room was shock on what they heard.

I'll get a nurse to come in here with a wheelchair.

Nah i can walk.! I said trying to get up. I stood threw my pain. Ughhhh.! I screamed clenching my jaw.

Baby just wait for a wheel chair. My grandma said.

Nah ma im good.! I said as i tried to take my first step. A nurse came in with a wheel chair and i walked to her as hard as it was. She took me to Na'Koles room and my baby laid there helplessly. I felt her stomach and it was a baby bump there. She groaned out in pain putting her hands on mine.

She opened her eyes slowly trying to get a clear vision. I leaned down to her kissing her lips.

King.?! She asked confused with a raspy voice.

Yes baby your alive! I said trying so hard not to cry but it happened anyway.


God.! Somebody passed away in here a lil after surgery and his family donated his kidneys to you.

Are you serious.?

Yes baby.! But why.?

Why what.?

Why you do it for me.?

Because i love you.! And i know you would of done it for me.

I nodded my head in agreement wiping her tears. Your the best thing that could of ever happened to me Na'Kole.!

I have a confession....


The abortion.? A week after they called and told me they didn't do it......

I know all about it the Dr. Found out you where pregnant which what helped save your life. Its twins.!


Yeah! This still dont change anything or how i feel about you i love you and i wanna be here with you i made a commitment to you when i married you to love and protect you and lately i haven't been doing that and im sorry but baby please give me another chance. No more lieing no more cheating no more anything baby i promise...... I wanna be here for you and these kids please.  

I can't........ I can't say no to that.! You are my world and the only thing i've ever known.!

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