➵ dear josh

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Dear Josh,

I have been thinking so, so hard what to say to you, and I still haven't found the right words, the right enough words to slice you the way you sliced me.

I'm ninety nine percent sure you are sitting on your lower bunk bed, smirking as you read this letter, (well I hope you at least read it), waiting to finish it so that you can crumple it into a paper ball and throw it away like it didn't matter. Just like the countless other things that you have discarded over the past seventeen years of your life. but I know they matter to you, I saw it in your eyes. You hurt, Josh, when you do these kind of things, so why not stop?

And I'm certain that you must have inherited this trait from your parents. Your rich, rich parents, who lunge at every opportunity to buy off people, to keep their mouths shut and hands by their side, just so that your family name does not get tarnished. You and your family leave people disabled by using your money, and that my friend is the most disgusting way to live our lives ever.

I have never seen any family as materialistic as yours, and that's what stopped me from going to the police. I mean, if the whole police force is rendered useless, what's the point in going to them? They would instead turn their heads the other way, just the way you both did at the hut.

Never in my whole life I would have ever imagined that you of all the people in our school, society would do something like that, and that too to hurt me. But I guess, you actually never know anyone ever. You just get to know the version of people that they let us see, or those that we accidently discover. And those that we accidently discover are the real versions, even if they might know themselves.

Who knew, that the guy with sandy hair and blue eyes had a black heart with no life running in his veins? Life is full of surprises, I must say. Did I discover that hidden side of yours, or did you show it to me? Actually don't bother to reply. I won't be around to read it anyways. Tell me, Josh, why did you do it? Or was it Rhett's brainchild? And why me? Why scar me, when all you did in the lunch breaks was to try and make me smile, make me feel happy when everyone knew I wasn't? If you were planning this from the very beginning of it all, both of you deserve not one, but many Oscars for the amazing fake front that you put up. You must have fooled your friends too, or was it another one of those 'bet' kind of things? I guess I'll never know.

But more that angry, I feel hurt. Anger is nothing, its like just the eruption of a volcano. Over in a matter of time. But the way the lava destroys everything in its path? That's hurt, it just spreads and spreads and you get hurt yourself in the process too.

I trusted you guys, so so much. But you both took it, burned it and let the ashes mark me.

I can't forgive you, but I have to, because I can't risk the possibility of having to become a ghost in lieu of having unfinished business here. I'd very much like to leave this world, to get away from people like you.

And thats why, I forgive you, for my own freedom.


Love, Scarlett | WATQ WINNERWhere stories live. Discover now