∞ | epilogue

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It's been one year since Scarlett Young killed herself. One year since the letters found their way to almost all of the town population. One year since everything changed at high school. One year since everything changed at home.

People are gathering in the church, small whispers are audible in every corner. Bright sunlight is pouring in through through the massive windows, and lighting up everything inside making it ever so beautiful.

The priest stands up walks upto to the pedestal and clears his throat. Everybody quiets down, until there just the sound of wind flowing though the chandeliers audible in the beautiful church.

"Today, we have gathered here in the memory of Scarlett Young, a God of child who died too young. A soul so pure that she couldn't survive on this earth," the priest speaks, "let us all, as the people who knew her and played a part in catalysing her towards her untimely death, take a few minutes to pray in silence for her soul to rest in peace."

Everyone, from the little girl to the old man to all her former classmates and friends and all the adults present in the church bow their head down in remembrance.

In remembrance of the girl they never notcied until it was too late, the girl who they ate lunch with but didn't know what was going on in her mind, the girl who changed everybody.

Her parents are standing in the front. Her dad hasn't touched a bottle of alcohol in twelve months, and now every Sunday morning, Scarlett's mother has different dishes for breakfast brought to her in bed. Her father is back, but too bad it took the life of his only child to bring him back.

Behind them, are Scarlett's peers. Amelia is sniffling silently, wishing she could go back in time and undo everything she did, to make everything right. But there is no such thing as time-travelling, and she will have to live her life with that sinking feeling present in her stomach forever.

Beside her, Nicole stands tall with her head bowed. She is trying to use her hair as a shield, to keep others from seeing the tears flowing down her ever so flawless face. Since that day, she has never bullied anyone, but she cannot let anyone see her tears. She still graduated as the Queen B of school and has a reputation to maintain. But no one knows that it is her who drops of that bunch of white roses every Monday at Scarlett's grave.

Behind them Rhett and Josh are standing, their eyes downcast.

Rhett hasn't had a girlfriend since then and now he always asks any girl twice about what she wants. He was in love with her after all, and it wasn't his idea to begin with. He was afraid of Josh, and did not want to upset him. Josh tended to have that kind of power.

Josh is still the cocky asshole, because he knows how to bottle up his real feelings very well. It is in his genes after all. But everyday, the gnawing at his mind is increasing and who knows how long he has before the bottle breaks, and the guilt overflows.

Behind them is present majority of the school population along with quite a bit of the town's population. Every single person has their heads bowed down, praying for peace to come to girl who changed eveybody, praying for peace for themselves.

The sunlight is shining brighter than before now, illuminating everyone with an ethereal kind of glow, as if Scarlett is making her presence known. That's she might be really okay, and happy somewhere else.

"May she rest in peace always," the priest says, "Amen."

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