➵ dear amelia

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Dear Amelia,

Do you remember that day I came over to your house, the first time I had a sleepover? I had practically run away from my house to get rid of those shouts. It was around after three months we met, I guess. You lived two streets away from me. I had walked, ran, tripped and stumbled my way to your house. It was a Friday night, and few houses on the way were blaring with music. Blood was pounding in my ears, my vision was blurred by tears. Your parents weren't home when I arrived. They were out to have a dinner date, I suppose. At least, that's what you told me. You hugged me tight and we went up to your room. We watched TV, sang until our throats became hoarse and danced the night away. You made sure that I forgot what I had been running from.

We stayed up and pretty much did anything we could. But, do you remember? We made a bracelet too, kind of a friendship charm bracelet. You had this kit lying around in your house, and we ravaged it. We made necklaces and earrings. We made that bracelet and promised to be friends forever. Forever. It's such a long time y'know? Which ended soon.

To be honest, I might have expected you to change cliques earlier. I mean people never change at heart. All they change is their masks everyday, or ever week or month. You wanted to be an 'It' girl since like always. I hoped that that won't affect our friendship. And it didn't, at least for a long time. And I almost believed that maybe you've changed. All that 'a friendship is forever if it lasts seven years shit', right?

I guess I was wrong. as I've been about so many things these past few months. I never saw people for what they were, I always tried to see the best in them, tried to will their darkness away. but, I have come to realise you can't do that. You have to accept the person as a whole, other wise they stab you in the back, and leave you to rot. I still feel I have real marks on my back from your knife of betrayal.

Sometimes when I can't sleep, I think about what has happened to me, and what might happen if I go on. I also believe that maybe it was you who finally broke me in the end, giving me no hope to go on.

I still have that bracelet, if you're wondering. Seeing you with Nicole and the girls we had made so much fun of these past years, I was paralysed. I couldn't think anything, except Amelia is with them now.

I guess you've finally found your place with them, and even though school is about to finish in a few months, and all of this will lose its meaning, I hope you see what you've done. What you've caused by your need of materialistic things.

And as it is, I can never forgive you, but their is no point in taking this grugde wherever I might go. So, to be free from your tainted soul, I forgive you Amelia. And I hope you hurt with your betrayal as much as I am.


Love, Scarlett | WATQ WINNERWhere stories live. Discover now