Captured To Become A Vampire Prince's Bride {Book 2}: Chapter 4

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"I can't tell you that." Charlotte finally responded, "I and Leandra cannot tell you anything happening back home, no one can. We've all sworn under oath."

"No one would know it was you who told me."

No one had to know, and no one needed to know she told me because I already knew. I guess I kind of just wanted her to tell me so I felt like I could trust her again. Both her and Leandra had felt so distant from me since I arrived at the school; right from the moment I was put into a completely separate room from Charlotte with two girls I didn't even know, I knew everything was going to be different.

Sometimes I felt like I couldn't even confide in Charlotte and Leandra as I would back at the castle, simply because we were all so busy. Leandra working as a teacher, and like me, Charlotte being a student, supposedly to keep me company.

Charlotte looked hesitant at first, as her brows knitted together, "I... I couldn't." Her face straightened out as she moved away from me and she began muttering to herself. Something about usually being in charge of the welfare for a prince. "No, I can't. I have my orders, and you may not like them, but that's just the way it is. Leandra and I can handle it."

So that's how it was going to be. She wasn't going to tell me.

I held my hands up in defence, then walked away in silence. I had nothing more to ask for, and whatever it was that I'd ask, I wouldn't be given an answer anyway.

I took my time crossing the area at the back of the dorms, no longer desperately wanting to go back. I'd have to sit and talk to Kyra and April like I didn't know anything that was happening at home. I guess it was mutual; they had to do the same.

Maybe I could try and sleep for the first time in a week. Maybe the nightmares would let me sleep...

They didn't, of course, they didn't. I was stupid for thinking they would as if I could just wish it all away.

I found myself lying awake in bed at 5 am, aimlessly staring at the ceiling, trying to make shapes out of the darkness, trying to distract myself so maybe I'd sleep. My eyes burned from being open for so long. I had looked online previously for ways to stop your eyes being sore if you're awake for a long time, someone had suggested just splashing cold water on them, to hydrate them and reduce any pain from the dryness, tiredness and any inflammation, but even that wouldn't work anymore. Sleeping pills I managed to bribe off another student proved useless, they made it worse since I couldn't wake from my nightmares.

My life was a mess. I was a mess.


"OK class, feel free to wander around by yourselves. We'll meet back here in an hour and a half."

Our geography teacher had taken us on a trip to a small village called Castleton in the Peak District to investigate how tourism affected it. After two hard months of working out what information we needed to collect and doing our own research, we could finally visit the place we'd been blindly researching. We were going to have to write a paper on it in the coming weeks so she wanted us to see physically what was happening in the hopes we had a clearer idea.

There wasn't that much to do after we collected all of our data. Not long before we arrived on the coach, I already felt nauseous from the smell of cow dung and countryside circulating the coach through the AC. Stepping outside made it worse, it was so humid and so bright. My lack of sleep didn't help to improve my condition.

I did what needed to be done as quick as possible with Charlotte, Kyra and April in tail so we had already finished before everyone else anyway. As our group collected our data, we'd seen all the sights this small village had to offer and I wasn't particularly too interested in going inside the attractions since I had no desire to climb or visit one of the old fashioned looking shops. So while Charlotte, Kyra and April were busy choosing which sweets they wanted from the confectionery shop, I snuck away.

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