Captured To Become A Vampire Prince's Bride {Book 2}: Chapter 23

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Before we went live, the director had reminded us that whichever camera had its light turned on, was the one we were supposed to look to. That piece of information was incredibly helpful as there were at least ten cameras all facing us at various angles.

Kurt greeted us all briefly and then the interview began. It was very light-hearted, and I almost could've had fun if my brain didn't remind me that I was live on tv every time I started to feel comfortable. But Kurt was nice, and everyone was really charismatic so I knew much of the focus wouldn't be on me until it was time for Kurt to interview just Alexander and me.

"Arianne, you seemed to have fit in well amongst the Monaghan family. How would you describe everyone as a whole in just a few words?" He asked.

"Everyone in a few words..." I thought for a few seconds. Everyone was so different. "Amazing. Entertaining. Inspiring."

Kurt leaned forward in his chair a little, very clearly intrigued by my choice of words. "Tell us a little about the last two words you used."

"Well everyone here has their personality and their own beliefs. No one is the same. Just look at the differences between the twins, now think about what's it's like between all of us. You know, we sometimes all react differently to things, and sometimes you end up agreeing with someone you'd never expect you would. It's hard not to be entertained living with such a diverse range of personalities. As for inspiring, we have people from different walks of life: there's me, a human, the twins, who were human, the Monaghan's royalty, and Leandra and Charlotte who were just ordinary people before joining to Monaghan's. But we're all here together, supporting one another, doing all that we can and it's just inspiring to see everyone come together when needed."

I mentally patted myself on the back, and couldn't miss the appreciative smile that the King threw at me once I finished talking.

Soon enough, the whole group interview was over. After the break, it was the King and Henrietta's turn to be interviewed. As soon as we were away from the cameras, the makeup artists flocked over to us to dab our faces with powder and reapply any makeup.

Alexander disappeared into his changing room once the makeup artists were done with him and had asked not to be disturbed. He was acting strange these days, and no one seemed to say anything or acknowledge it. I didn't know what to think: was this because of what Austin did to him, or because I did something or maybe he wasn't feeling well? I didn't know because he wouldn't tell me.

Everyone just went on as normal and I was having a hard time doing the same...

The time soon came for mine and Alexander's interview, and it couldn't have come any sooner, I was tired and bored. Makeup was reapplied again and then I sat waiting for Alex who was being rushed over by the director. He pecked my cheek before getting comfy in his seat closest to Kurt.

Another artificial smile was displayed on Alex's face.

"You okay?" He asked me.

"Are you?" I replied, raising a brow.

"Yep. I just want to get this interview concluded."

The director called for silence while Kurt began our segment.

"So, a lot has changed since the last time I interviewed you both. You're now married, Alexander, you were, as everyone knows, kidnapped by the now King of Drecott, Austin. The Monaghan's have also retreated to safety," began Kurt.

I just knew he was going to talk about the kidnapping. His mellow tone made that obvious. It's what everyone wanted to know about.

"I want to talk about the capture if that's okay with you, Alexander."

There it was.

"Of course," the strain in Alexander's voice was as clear as day to me, and his smile that he'd done so well at keeping up in front of the cameras even faltered a little.

Was he okay with talking about it? We hadn't talked about what happened much, and he always seemed eager to brush the conversation off. But I supposed by doing this interview, Alexander knew exactly what he was getting himself into. Maybe he thought now was the time to talk about it.

"You were there isolated, but you maintained hope. What were your thoughts while he had you?" asked Kurt.

"That I wasn't going to allow Austin to succeed. No matter what happened I wasn't going to die; I had a wife, family and friends to return to. I had a country that needed protecting, and I wasn't going to let it be destroyed and taken over because I was weak." His voice cracked towards the end and his hand that had clutched on to the armrest was shaking ever so slightly.

Seeing him like this was heart-wrenching, I couldn't even begin to truly imagine what Austin had done to him. Alexander was close to tears and so was I. I grasped his pale, trembling hand and held it in my own to try and soothe us both.

This was all live.

"Unmistakably, it must've been a truly traumatic experience and we're all sorry you had to go through what you did at the hands of King Austin."

Alexander nodded forcefully but remained silent. His smile was gone.

"And Arianne, you were here all alone, your husband was gone; a human in the midst of a war between vampires, how was that for you?"

"I was never alone. I have a family, and we all support each other. It was extremely hard being unable to do much for Alexander. There were days I felt useless as I just sat waiting while he suffered. But I did all I could."

"What about the new peace treaty you tried to form with Austin. It failed, but we hear the discussion between you two went well."

"I wouldn't say it went well, but I could see where the problems lay within the old one and how they could be resolved. But instead of fixing his own country, Austin just wants to claim a new one," I replied trying to keep my cool when I remembered just how big-headed he was on that day as he joked about Alexander and his decor.

"She's right. A lot of issues could be resolved if he listened, but he doesn't like seeming like he's not in control," Alexander added.

"It's a remarkably complex issue with lots of morals, economics and other factors to weigh up. In the end, if both countries got along, it would be beneficial for both of them," commented Kurt as a way to promptly move from the topic of Austin, which was clearly uncomfortable for both of us.

We both agreed and waited for him to change the subject.

"But setting that aside, Alexander, you're aware of the amazing charity work that Arianne did while you were absent?"

"I'm aware and couldn't be more proud. Although she couldn't actively take part in the war, she did her best for the people who were in the same predicament as her. She has a kind heart, always putting others before herself. It's one of the abundant reasons I love her."

He smiled warmly at me, and this time it was a genuine one. I couldn't help just feeling a little better.

"Seems like you two are still in the honeymoon phase!" joked Kurt, followed by the typical talk show host laugh. "How are the two of you now?"

Alexander's grip on my hand tightened, and I almost thought whatever it was that happened in the car a couple of days ago was happening again, but his grip soon loosened. He answered before I could even open my mouth, "good, we're good as can be right now."

"Amazing. It's great that you're doing well, we couldn't wish for anything more after what you've been through." Kurt turned away from us to fully face the camera, "and that's all for this interview. I want to thank the Monaghan family and friends for allowing me to do this interview, and thank you, the viewers for watching. Until next time,"

Finally, it was over.

We all smiled into the camera with the green light above it and waited for it to turn off.

Alexander couldn't wait to get out of his chair any sooner.

"I need to go," he demanded.

The King stood up from his seat and hurried over to his distressed son. "What is it, my boy? What's wrong?"

"Father, I need to go!" Alexander repeated, the urgency in his voice intensified with its volume.

He was beginning to sweat, and he was jittery. Something was wrong, but now wasn't the time to ask. He needed help.

"Very well," the King lead Alexander by his shoulder out of the building without so much of a word to anyone else.

I stood there dumbfounded in front of my seat. Most people on the set had the same expressions of shock mixed with confusion as they watch the King and Prince storm out so suddenly.

Charlotte hurried over to me and asked if I was okay, "come on, we'll go too."

"Charlotte, is he okay?" I asked her. I just wanted her to say yes, I didn't know what to think or do.

"I don't know." 

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