Captured To Become A Vampire Prince's Bride {Book 2}: Chapter 32

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It wasn't long until the helicopter was due back and I couldn't stay still. Every time I managed to find some calm, a new force of anxiety and anticipation would hit me. Both Jayden and Alexander had been shot! The Maldivo's would also be with them and I didn't even know what to say to them. Then there was Austin... he'd be arriving too.

There were medics on standby, some to take Jayden straight to surgery to remove the bullet, and others to tend to the those who may have been shot or injured, including Alex.

Leandra, Henrietta, Charlotte and the King all seemed equally as anxious for their arrival, with the King frequently getting up to pace up and down, and checking that the two choppers were on schedule.

The door in the wall on the far side of the hanger finally opened up, just wide enough for one chopper at a time to enter, and as soon as they were in, it shut.

I shot up out of my seat and waited as the medics rushed past to one of the helicopters. Jayden's unconscious body was carried out on a stretcher, with Leyton tailing behind, insisting that he got to watch the surgery to make sure his brother was okay. Next, a few soldiers being led by some medics, and then finally, Alexander.

His face and arms were covered in blood and bruises, it looked painful as he appeared to struggle walking. His left eye remained bruised shut. A hand was on his hip, I assumed to try and reduce the pain from his wound.

He limped over, eyes scanning the room for something, then they landed on me, and he started limping over a little faster, shrugging off the medics, that were trying to help, off him. The second we were in each other's reach, we pulled the other in for an embrace. There was only a brief second of eye contact up close, but I was sure I saw tears in the one eye he had open.

"I was so concerned. Everything happened so fast I-I couldn't even see."

"I told you, we don't do things like you guys," I could tell he was trying to stifle his cry, but also that he was smiling a little, maybe glad for my concern, or that everything was over.

The second my arms tightened around him, he tensed and hissed slightly, and then I remembered about his wound. I tried to pull away to apologise, but his grip remained the same on me, so I made due and moved my arms up a little.

Another body was wheeled away in a rush, red staining their white shirt and equally pale skin. Austin was completely unconscious, his arms were folded over his chest and tied to the sides of the stretcher, his legs were the same. The lower half of his face covered by a breathing mask.

I shut my eyes tight and completely locked my focus on Alexander, and only when he loosened up his grip, so did I. He seemed overwhelmed by everything, and I didn't blame him. The moment we pulled away from each other, Henrietta and the King rushed in for their share of hugging.

"You've done well, son," I heard the King say as he went in for the hug.

Charlotte and Leandra then got their chance for hugs too.

Another stretcher was wheeled in, halting beside Alexander. With the assistance of his father, he laid on it, a huge gasp escaping him, his face scrunching up in pain. I grabbed on to his hand, uneasy, until he smiled up at me.

"The Maldivo's are still back there. They'll want to see you. It's just a flesh wound, I'll be fine."

The amount of pain he was in seemed to be growing, but he was right. I didn't want to waste any more of his time, so I agreed and waited for the Maldivo's. Alex gave my hand a quick squeeze and then he was carted away with The King, Henrietta, Charlotte and Leandra following.

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