Captured To Become A Vampire Prince's Bride {Book 2}: Chapter 14

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I didn't remember much of the journey, aside from the fact that we went down a lot of stairs. We soon enough found ourselves in a huge garage with guards both inside and outside. There were five black SUVs in a row, two of which pulled out and sped off when we got in.

Leyton set me down and told me to get into the SUV nearest to the door we entered the garage through. Two guards sat on either side of me, guns in arm, and Jayden and Leyton got in the back. There were two of the same type of guards up front too. Our car also took off, going in the opposite direction to the other cars. I turned back to the twins, wide-eyed and worried. Why weren't we following the others? Where were we going to?

"We're all taking different routes so if one gets ambushed, we don't all get held back," Leyton assured me. "Don't worry, we'll be okay."

I turned to face the front again as everything was a blur outside and was beginning to give me a headache. This was all so unexpected, even we hadn't anticipated they'd attack the castle so soon. Were they actually after me or something else, like the documents?

We were all being moved to a new location in the mountains away from the coast so we were at less of a risk of being in danger. The only ones at the castle were a load of heavy-armed guards to stop anyone breaking in, and Chumana down in the basement. Even the maids had been moved to another location.

This journey was like when I got back from the boarding school and we drove in the fog through Harenam Bay.

There were three other cars, one with Leandra and Charlotte in, Henrietta had her own, and the King and Queen were in another. Having us all taking alternative routes was smart, but it also highlighted how much danger we were actually in. For us to have to move elsewhere made me realise how dire the situation was.

The building we'd be staying at appeared to be some kind of military base tucked away in the mountains, with only a grey metal door on the outside. About half a mile before even reaching that metal door, was an electric fence about 20 feet high and armed guards dotted along it.

At the gate, the driver muttered some things to guard who peered into the car before allowing the car through and we began our winding ascent to the door to our new, temporary home. I wondered if anyone else had arrived there yet and if they all got there safely.

Leyton squeezed my shoulder reassuringly, telling me we were almost there. It was almost dark now, so I couldn't make out how far we were, but it was good to know we were close. My butt was beginning to hurt from sitting in such uncomfortable seats in such an uncomfortable journey.

Finally, after what felt like forever, the SUV came to a halt and all the guards, myself, Leyton and Jayden got out. I made sure to stretch long and hard. There was a metal door built into the hill, with a single, weak light just above it. It was an extremely dubious location for them to put the door. Couldn't they camouflage it some more? Was that the only way into the base?

"This way," the guard that had sat to my left held out his arm towards the open door.

I did as he said, wanting to get inside as soon as possible. Still in my pyjamas, every gust of wind smeared itself over my body; I could feel the hairs on my body stand tall.

Once we were all behind the door, the guard locked it behind us and we were encased in darkness, apart from the soft green-orange glow created by the twin's and the guards' eyes. We were surrounded by a completely concrete hallway that spanned as far as I could see, and it was silent apart from our breathing.

"Let's hurry it up so we can get Arianne properly clothed," demanded Leyton sternly.

The guard up front picked up his pace, acknowledging what Leyton said. We all followed suit.

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