Captured To Become A Vampire Prince's Bride {Book 2}: Chapter 39

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"Are you ready to go?" Emmanuel stood at the entrance door, a completely different outfit to the one he wore to dinner, more smart-casual than smart: basic grey fitted trousers, white t-shirt and white trainers.

Appearing a few seconds later, Leyton butted in and answered before I could, "sure am!" he responded spritely.

Emmanuel looked us both up and down in disbelief, "you guys aren't changing?"

"I don't look as stylish as you when I'm dressed down, I'm afraid. Keeping up appearances and the like," I answered jokingly.

Emmanuel shrugged and smiled, "dressing well is hard, but I've had plenty of practice. I can pass on my wisdom."

Leyton wrapped his arm over Emmanuel's shoulder, leading him down the steps to the blacked-out limo. "If you want to pass on your fashion wisdom, then please make Alexander one of the first."

"He is the first, don't worry."

The door was held open by the chauffeur, and Emmanuel and Leyton stood aside to let me in first, then entered afterwards. The limousine drove into the city, heading straight for the orphanage first.

I leaned forward to take a look at the newly renovated building which had gone from older fashioned dark bricks and old windows to modern large window panes and wood panelling. Casting my eyes further down, I caught sight of a whole crew of paparazzi and quite a crowd had gathered outside.

I slouched in my seat, completely confused as to how they knew we'd be here, and what had happened to the building.

"I... may have given a few anonymous tips that there'd be a surprise visit here," began Emmanuel sheepishly. "You- we need to get a good reception tomorrow. This'll help. So, put on your best smiles."

He flashed me and Leyton large grin before the door was opened by the chauffeur and he hopped out, offering me his hand to take. The door opening allowed a floodgate of sounds to fill my ears; names, directions, screams and cries filled my ears from the paparazzi and on-lookers alike, all with the cameras and phones at the ready.

We were led to the gate of the orphanage and that's where we stood for a few minutes, smiling and posing while countless pictures were taken.

It was a good job I didn't dress down, the crowd was huge and growing more each passing second.

Scanning the new building, my eyes locked on to multiple others staring wide-eyed back at me; the kids inside were practically pressed against the window.

I noticed a handful of the camera-men weren't actually taking pictures of us, but rather, behind us. Turn to figure out what they were seeing, I saw the head-lady stood frozen, her body barely through the doorway. Her thin lips were slightly ajar, her long face far gaunter than it was during my last visit. Her grey hair seemed to have thinned as it clung tightly to her skull in a bob.

She slowly approached us, her brows were furrowed and at first I thought she frowning, obviously displeased with the rabble and noise, but as she got closer, I saw the tears built up in her eyes fighting for release. She stopped right in front of me, a single tear slid down her cheek that she was quick to dab away with a handkerchief.

"Your Highness, would it- would it be okay if I was to give you quick hug?" Her voice wavered ever so slightly as she hesitantly came even nearer.

"It's completely okay!" I held out my arms, and the second she was in them, I felt warm tears drizzling down my back. I pulled her closer, sensing she needed the support.

"The work that you- that you all put in really helped build morale at such a low time. The money you raised is what allowed this place to be spectacularly rebuilt after it was burned down." My mouth dropped, no one had told me about this. "They're fine, we're all fine. Our noses saved us, as did the fire alarm," she added quickly.

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