Captured To Become A Vampire Prince's Bride {Book 2}: Chapter 37

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After Alexander had departed, leaving me clueless at the doorway, I started walking in whatever direction I was facing, which was a south-easterly direction through the castle.

I figured I may as well try to find Emmanuel, though that could prove impossible, and he may have still been with Henrietta. The only reason I'd disturb them was if I was feeling a little masochistic, wanting Henrietta to beat me into another timeline. She seemed to gravitate strongly towards Emmanuel.

"Arianne! Thought I could smell you," a male voice called out from above, softly reverberating off the high ceilings.

I turned, my eyes scanning the area until I found the culprit resting casually along the white marble of the balcony.

"Emmanuel," I breathed out, relieved I wasn't going to have to search for him. Luck was on my side. "I was looking for you."

His brows raised and his mouth widened into an 'o', as he made his way over towards me, "likewise! I've spent so much time in here that the hallways are engrained in my mind, I was simply perusing the hallways when I remembered that we haven't had a chance to talk."

He gestured for me to follow as he turned and slowly began to walk away from the stairs, probably so we could find a room instead of standing in the hallway. He led us to a room not far down from the stairs, that appeared to be a study or an office. There was a desk at the far side of the room, and two leather sofa's facing each other. Emmanuel sat at one end, an arm draped over the back and one knee up leisurely. I sat on the other end, not quite as laid-back as the prince.

"Are you and Alex the same age?" I asked before the prince could make himself anymore comfortable.

"I'm 26, so several years older actually. But I'm glad I still look young enough for you to ask that!" he responded sounding quite pleased with himself. I would never have assumed that there was such an age gap between the pair. It wasn't so significant now, but back when they were kids, it'd be like a 10-year-old hanging out with a 15-year-old.

I tilted my head in curiosity, "but you're a vampire, I thought you guys don't age."

"No no, we age slower than humans, much slower. There come a few points in life when we do and can age. It's very strange, scientists still haven't worked out how to stop or delay it yet." He adjusted his position once again, so now he was facing me even more. "Honestly though, I didn't bring you here to just get to know you. I want to show you something, but I'm not sure how."

"Show me what?" My brow almost instinctively cocked, my interest suddenly piqued by the blonde haired prince.

He leant forward, his hands coming together like he was pleading, "Arianne, you must promise me, on your life, to keep this all a secret." His gaze felt penetrating, only made more intense by the striking colours of his eyes.

"What's the secret?" Gradually, and as discreetly as I could, I reclined back into a more upright position, not wanting to offend Emmanuel. In my defence, he was suddenly acting very strange. These days, it seemed acceptable to take everything with a pinch of salt, especially strangers.

"We have to leave the castle, and then I'll show you. I won't tell you right now, just in case you let it slip. I've worked very hard to keep it a secret."


He grabbed on to one of my hands, bringing them close to his chest, "I'm a friend of Alexander, his best. I promise both you and him, I mean no malice. We can bring along Leyton or Jayden if you like, for reassurance," he practically pleaded.

I finally gave in. As long as someone else was there, it should be okay. He was Alexander's friend but I, personally, didn't know him. He could be just like Austin, and here, looks could be deceiving and not everyone was as perceived.

"You're a star! Thank you!" He kissed both my hands and then released them, perking up, "we need an excuse to leave the castle though, to not raise suspicion. We don't want anyone else to come."

I thought, but nothing really came to mind. I had no excuse to leave, I didn't know anyone, I had nothing to do, and we just came back. Literally, any reason I had to leave the day before our announcement the following day would raise suspicion.

Emmanuel's eyes widened, and he reached out to me. "You did some charity events before you all went into hiding right? What about that orphanage? We visit there, and then I'll show you and Leyton what's going on."

"But it was Jayden and Charlotte who helped with the orphanage."

"I don't think Jayden can keep a secret to save his life, and Charlotte is inundated with preparations," he responded.

Emmanuel actually didn't tell me much of his plan, but he said he'd go and tell Leyton that he'd be joining once we were done.

I did learn quite a bit about him and he seemed like a super nice guy, very extravagant and exuberant, much like his name did suggest. I saw how Alexander became such good friends with him; it was hard to not like him.

After some time, we parted ways. The prince said he'd some things to take care of before dinner which was in just over an hour, so I went back outside to relish in the sunlight and relieve my skin of its dullness acquired over the months of being underground.

Dinner was soon approaching and hung up in the walk-in wardrobe back in the bedroom, were several dresses hung up, probably by one of the maids, to wear to dinner. I picked the green crushed velvet wrap dress and silver heels to accompany it. I probably should've tried harder with my hair, but I figured a brief finger-comb through, and sticking a few green hair grips in to hold back one side of my hair would do.

Since I'd be dining with Queen Genevieve for the first time ever, as well as Emmanuel, a guest, I put on more makeup than usual. I figured a simple purple smokey eyeshadow look, with a yellow accent on my eyeliner would do the trick, and everything else was simply done. I could probably just wear it all out when I followed Emmanuel out of the castle.

Alexander entered just as I was putting on my earrings in the mirror. He went to kiss the top of my head, but it to offer him my cheek instead. His brows were furrowed when he pulled away, confused.

"I'm saving you the trouble of wiping away a face full of castor oil and the like," I explained giving myself a once over.

He chuckled slightly and shook his head. He took off his shirt and headed into the wardrobe. On his left shoulder, like Jayden had said, was a purple egg-shaped mark. It wasn't large, but still large enough to be visible from across the room. So he wasn't bullshitting me as usual...

Alex swiftly returned in olive trousers, and loose fitting white shirt with random black shapes decorating it, "how do I look?" he asked, not sounding too confident.

I turned my mouth downwards and raised my brows, taking in the appearance of the prince. "This is new."

"So... ridiculous?" He looked dejected as if he expected this to happen.

I shot up, shaking my head furiously and going over to him to get a closer look, "no, not at all! I love it. It really suits your eyes. Eye."

"You're flustered. Why?"

"Honestly... you look so good," I breathed out, trying to stop the words come out like a brain fart.

"We look good. I guess Emmanuel should dress us more often."

"Emmanuel?" I repeated, taken aback.

"Yeah, he put out the selection of clothes found in the wardrobe. He'll do the same tomorrow as well."

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