Captured To Become A Vampire Prince's Bride {Book 2}: Chapter 13

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Back at the castle, the King waited for us at the entrance so he could congratulate us on how well the charity masquerade went. He expressed how proud he felt, and that once this war was over, he'd treat us all to something for our efforts. He even shed a few tears, grateful that we all missed Alexander as much as he did. I had never even thought how the King was feeling about this; Alexander was his son.

That same evening, it was time to be acquainted with the Queen. My heart dropped when the King informed me. I wanted to run and hide. If this queen was as everyone had said she was, then I didn't ever want to meet her. I would be glad to spend the rest of my time slinking around the castle and avoiding her in the shadows.

After showering, I exited the bathroom to find a cute coral a-line dress with a white collar and to the side of it was a pair of glittery heels to match. The pearl necklace Alexander had gifted me a while ago was also there. I guessed that was what I was supposed to wear to meet the queen. Maybe she liked coral, or maybe that's just what was chosen because it seemed appropriate. I put on what was laid out and did my make up. I wanted to appear presentable so she had no reason to bad mouth how I looked. I mean, surely she'd seen what I looked like already. She must've seen the wedding.

I sat on my bed, dreading the moment a maid would come to escort me. I pondered about what I'd even say when I met the queen. Would I talk first, or would she? Maybe she wouldn't want me to look her in the eye. Would she ask me questions, or would I tell her things she wanted to hear? God, this was frustrating.

I sprayed some extra perfume on myself just before I left, maybe it would weaken her strong stench of lavender. I did hate it.

The maid took me through the dining room, up a flight of stairs and across to the other side of the castle, not far from the King's (and I guess the Queen's) bedroom. That was when my nostrils were filled with the smell of lavender. I tried to lessen how heavy I was breathing, although it was hard, due to my nerves.

I could feel my palms become sweaty as the maid knocked on the door, she smiled meekly when she opened the door to reveal the Queen sat on a pink velvet sofa near the window, in a tight-fitting red dress. She was a young black lady, with straight dark brown hair cascading down her back and a striking beauty spot in the centre of both her cheeks. On top of her head, the most intricate gold crown I'd ever seen, a gem of each colour around it. Her eyes were a shocking orange and on her red painted lips was a frown. If looks could kill I'd already be dead.

I tried my best to smile as I curtsied.

When I stood back up, she was still studying me. I couldn't tell what she was thinking as she silently gestured to the sofa opposite to the one she was sat on. I took the seat and sat with my hands clasped tightly in front of me.

If only the sofa would engulf me...

"So, you're the girl Alexander picked. The human," she said in a British accent.


"And why did he choose you? What can you do? There must be a reason," she enquired, and she already sounded pissed. "What could possibly make you better than vampires? If I was there, this would not have happened. This truly is an outrage!" She threw the drink she was holding at the wall and hissed. Her voice raised in decibels at every word she said.

Another maid hurried in to clean up the mess.

The Queen stood up and began to pace, "the only reason I can begin to think of, is that you have pure blood. Aside from that-", she looked me up and down again, hatred burning in her eyes, "I don't see anything else. No much more than a majority of these useless maids."

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