Captured To Become A Vampire Prince's Bride {Book 2}: Chapter 28

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After my shower, I went straight to the leisure room to find all the bean bags and cushions all together in the middle of the room, with Leyton, Leandra, Charlotte and Jayden already sat comfortably.

Jayden's head snapped to my direction almost immediately and he began to sniff, his nose crumpling up like some kind of dog, "what's that smell?" he asked, his eyes almost narrowing to slits.

I shrugged and took a seat towards the end, "dunno. Coconut oil?"

He shook his head and tapped his chin in thought, "no..."

I shrugged again. I used the same unscented soap I had been using since I got down here, and my perfume ran out a long time ago. I didn't know what he was smelling, and no one else seemed to notice whatever it was.

Jayden leant across and once again sniffed, even more intense than before, "you," he waved a long finger at me, smirking, "smell like sex" he hissed. The emphasis on the last word, made me physically feel every muscle in my body tense up.

Charlotte flushed red and Leyton's eyes almost bulged out of his sockets at his brother's unwanted statement. My eyes flickered towards the three of them, before landing on Jayden, speechless.

Jayden burst out laughing, clutching his sides and slapping his thigh. Did my expression give it away, or was my silence?

"I-I do not!" I stammered, my body once again betrayed me. I couldn't even lie in peace!

"I know what sex smells like, and you reek of it!" He said through laughs and even Leandra was snickering a little.

"She and Alex can have sex. They're both adults, and married, might I add," Leyton blurted out.

"Of course. It's a completely natural thing to do," Charlotte added, her face still bright red as she avoided any and all eye contact with me and Jayden.

"How long did he last?" Jayden inquired, leaning forward some more and his lips curling up into a smirk.

I closed my eyes to avoid eye contact with the creasing Jayden and everyone else in the room, embarrassment clouding my anger.

Why was this so funny to him?

"I'm sure Alexander lasted a decent amount-"

"Stop talking about my sex!" I finally snapped, causing Jayden to collapse to the floor almost in tears, his piercing laughter echoing around the room.

Then it hit me what I said.

I sighed, completely giving in to my embarrassment and slammed my head in my hands. I felt hot all over and not the same kind of hot I felt less than an hour ago. That would be weird.

"You're embarrassing her!" Leandra was nearby and I think it was her hands on my shoulder. She tried to sound like she was holding back her laughter.


I was livid.

Sure it was natural but not everyone needed to know!

My head shot up as soon as the door opened and closed again. Alexander stood there with bags of popcorn under his arms. His eyes locked with mine immediately and he flashed a small smile in my direction. Then, they left mine and scanned the room slowly, feeling everyone's stare directed at him. Moving like a sloth, he took a seat beside me, feeling the heavy tension in the air, sensing something was off.

When I glanced over at him, Jayden's grin grew and grew and his blue eyes twinkled in mischievousness, which only made my heart sink further and further. He was going to do something even worse than before. Something even more embarrassing. I knew it. I knew him.

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