Captured to Become A Vampire Prince's Bride {Book 2}: Chapter 31

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Sergeant Bailey took a step closer to Austin, "King Austin, our mission here is not to initiate a fight. We have come here to apprehend you for your crimes against-"

"Boring. I don't care," Austin held up his hand to silence to Sergeant and yawned over-dramatically.

"Your Highness, I highly suggest-"

"What makes you think I care about anything you suggest?" He snapped. "I want to talk to him," Austin pointed his gun at me and smirked.

The Sergeant cast a glance that seemed to have a trickle of concern in there. I nodded, assuring him that it would be fine. I could handle Austin. I had trained to do it.

"Then talk," my aloof response made him tense for a second as his eyes focused on me, attempting to decipher my plan. But I didn't have anything planned yet, especially not while he was waving his gun around like it was a toy.

"First, I want you to know that there will be no prisoners here. Everyone is going to die, including these two useless people," he aimed his gun at the Maldivo's whose eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. Tears pooling in the corners of their eyes. Terrified.

"That'll instil a sense of how serious I am... if me destroying most of your country hasn't already proved that. But you," he directed his gun at me once again, "you'll have the best death, and if you thought you suffered in my dungeons then do I have some news for you!" He roared, causing his posse behind him to laugh and cheer.

"Haven't decided what I'm going to do with the rest of the survivors..." he continued. "To be honest, I didn't expect you to be back so soon. You are quite persistent." His brow cocked and a playful smile appeared.

"I'm not a wall; you can't push me and expect no retaliation."

"Ha! You're right. You crumbled physically and mentally and wow! what a sight that was."

He thought he was so funny. He really thought his cockiness would win him this fight but he was gravely mistaken.

I sighed, unimpressed by his little monologue, "why are you taking so much? If you want me dead get on with it."

"As you wish."

Before he could even pull the trigger, I was in front of him, ready to attack. Just a warning to
"instil" within him the idea that I wasn't the same as I was the first time we fought.

His eyes widened as his reflexes had caused him to block my attack. Now, we were close enough for me to hear his shallow, almost silent breaths. Face to face, both of my fists in his hands. Austin's eyes lit up in amusement and the corners of his mouth twitched again as he glanced at our hands.

"I'll talk and kill you. How about that?"

"You can try," I responded, trying to hide to struggle it was to stop Austin from crushing my hands.

Austin pulled away and turned to his men behind him, "I can handle this. You guys just wait until I tell you to do anything."

They nodded and pointed the weapons to those behind, instead of at me. One of them tossed a small vial to Austin for him to drink. Immediately it appeared to spring into effect. His eyes shone scarlet, his irises enlarged and his skin drained of all colour.

It was some kind of serum to make him stronger... as if he wasn't already strong enough. That left me with one choice if I wanted to win.

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