Captured To Become A Vampire Prince's Bride {Book 2}: Chapter 29

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Alexander's POV:

Guilt was riding high on my chest as I sat in the dark, knowing I was leaving in only a few hours. We were leaving at 6 am, a little before the alarm would wake Arianne up. Of course, she'd be furious when she arose from her slumber to find that I was gone after I promised her I'd stay here, she'd get over it after a while. Hopefully, she wouldn't be too mad...

I always felt a little weird for being awake while she slept, it felt like I was watching her too much, but I envied her. I missed sleeping regularly, it was nice to break away from reality. Now, I could go nights without even feeling the slightest bit drowsy. When I did sleep, nightmares overshadowed my dreams. There was no winning. The only time I felt sane at night was in her presence just... being beside her. The way her face scrunched up when she stirred from her sleep slightly, the way her chest slowly rose and fell and just how soft her face was; she was so beautiful, and I'd be an idiot to let Austin capture me again.

This wasn't only for Arianne, this was for the benefit of everyone and I couldn't mess up. Austin was too big of a risk to keep around for much longer. I had to get my revenge, despite the General's stern warnings not to kill him.

The time to be in the hangar, ready to leave, came much sooner than I'd like. Sergeant Bailey, the squad leader made sure we were all present, had all our gear, and knew what the mission was. How could we forget?

There were multiple rows of VTOL aircraft, ones I'd never seen before. They looked extremely expensive. I couldn't help but wonder where the funding came from.

"We got this, don't even worry," Jayden said to Leyton just beside me, "with the Incredible Hulk, no one can stop us."

"I thought I said not to call me that?" I rolled my eyes at him, even in this serious situation he was making jokes at my expense.

"It's a cute nickname," Jayden winked at me. "When you get angry, you change. Maybe not big and green, but the concept is the same."

"Shut up."

"C'mon, I'm messing with you! We're finally going to do something together," he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer towards him than I would've liked.

"Yeah, and hopefully not tugging each other off," said the General who had just entered the room.

"That's not my job anymore, Arianne has taken the throne," retorted Jayden, followed by a dramatic sigh.

I stared at him incredulously, my mouth ajar. Even the General flashed him a confused, borderline concerned look. What would possess him to say something like that? I was straight, but if I was gay, Jayden would be the last guy I'd let-

I shook my head to clear it of those thoughts. They were not what I needed; I had to focus on the mission and getting it over and done with. We couldn't afford to make any mistakes, not now when we could be so close to winning.

The General's cold stare lingered on Jayden before he walked along the line the eight of us formed, staring each of us in the eyes as he passed. He then came back down, checking our gear and making sure we were ready.

My body was rigid with anxiety, but I couldn't let him see. I couldn't let anyone see. I had to do this.

"You know your mission: capture and extract Prince Austin of Drecott alive, and try to extract the hostages. Do not alert civilians. Do not attack civilians. Body cams stay on at all times. Do not put the mission at risk. I'll be watching at all times. The chopper is waiting in the bay. Good luck," the General stated, standing at the front. He saluted us and we did the same back as we headed to the helicopter.

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