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"So, how are you and Mike doing?" Carole asked her daughter as the two outside on the steps of the porch.

"We're great! Never been better." Carrie smiled directly at her mother.

"When will I expect grandkids from you?" Carole chuckled while patting Carrie on the thigh.

"Mama!" Carrie rolled her eyes as her mother brought up the subject. "You already know the answer to that."

"Don't tell me you gonna wait until your forty to have kids?" Carole joked while taking a sip of her wine. "Even your nephew has kids. I'm a great-grandma."

Carrie smiled, a laughter escaping her lips. "Mom, of course I'll have kids someday. Right now, I just don't see it happening."

"How does Mike feel about that?" The mother asked, while her eyebrows were raised.

"Mike accepts that I ain't ready. He's willing to wait." The blonde softly smiled and looked down to her hands. "Sometimes I feel bad for making him wait but he understands."

"I mean y'all been married for almost four years." Carole smiled and rubbed her daughters back. "His birthday is next week."

"He's turning thirty-four. He's getting old." Carrie giggled. "I'm thinking about throwing a small party, with our closest friends and his family."

"Yeah, does he want like anything specific?"
Carole spokes as the two sat up and walked back into the house as they heard the front door close shut.

"No, not really. I mean, I know he just wants me." Carrie smirked as her mother rolled her eyes. "Mom, I'm kidding."

"Yeah, whatever. Maybe throw a little pool party. It's been hot as hell over here." Carole laughed as the two sat on the couch.

"That's not a bad idea!" Carrie exclaimed but quickly covered her mouth as she heard the front door open. "It's him." She quietly whispered to her mom.

"Hello. What are you two ladies up to?" He grinned.

Carrie quickly stood up from the couch and gave a quick kiss on his cheek. "Oh, nothing. Just talking about The Walking Dead."

Carole chuckled as Mike raised his eyebrow. "The only reason why I don't like summer, is because there isn't any new episodes of The Walking Dead. We have to wait until October."

"Hmm. You got a point there." Mike squinted his eyes as he noticed a nervous Carrie standing behind the couch, with her arms around her mothers neck. "But still. Something seems, fishay."

"Oh, crap. Fine, you caught us." Carrie bursted out. "We were just talking about your birthday that's coming up. And the fact that you're getting old."

"Old? Do you see white hairs on this." Mike pointed to his beard and hair, as Carrie and Carole shook their heads. "Didn't think so."

"I think you would look hot with white hairs." Carrie smirked.

"Well you'll have to wait until that happens. Which will probably be in nine years." Mike joked as he began to head up stairs. "I'm gonna go relax, had a long day at the gym."

Carole nudged her daughter. "Go with him."

"Why?" Carrie shrugged her shoulders and grabbed her glass of wine. "He tired, let him rest."

"Oh c'mon. He wouldn't mind you being up there." Carole smiled as Carrie giggled.

"Of course he wouldn't mind. I'm just too much of a distraction for him." Carrie bit her lip. "And beside we have to drive you to the airport later tonight. Let him rest up."

"I absolutely forgot. I need to pack." Carole quickly stood up from the couch. "Four days being here sure passed by fast."


"Have a safe flight." Mike whispered, giving a warm hug to his mother in law. "Say hello to Stephen for me."

"I sure will." Carole smile as she patted Mike on the elbow. "My care bear."

"Mom." Carrie got a little teary eyed as her mother gave her a big hug. "Thank you for coming bye this week."

Mike softly rubbed Carrie's back. "We'll miss your energetic presence. And the food too."

"I'll miss you both." Carole said, as she let go of her daughter. "Now, I know my daughter is in great hands, but still, keep an eye on her Mikey."

"Always." Mike chuckled as he wrapped an arm around Carrie's shoulder. "Hopefully we'll visit you guys in June or July."

"Great, can't wait. That's my flight." Carole smiled at the two. "I love you guys."

Carrie quickly gave kiss on her moms cheek. "Text me when you get home."

"Will do." Carole said, as she gave one last wave before walking to her flight.

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