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It was the first day of the storyteller tour and Carrie, the band are over through the last run through of soundcheck. She is very excited for tonight, it's been three years since she had a proper tour. This time she is bringing along some one special.

"Hi." Carrie said in a high pitches voice, when she noticed Mike carrying their 11th month old son. The little smiled uncontrollably as he noticed his mom.

Mike carefully put down Isaiah on the stage. "Look, don't you wanna hug mommy." He smiled as he heard Isaiah say yes.

Carrie's heart stopped when she noticed her son began to take his first little steps on the stage. "Oh my god." The blonde squealed, she took out her phone and quickly began to record him. "Come here izzy."

The cute little boy continued to walk to his mother, he was already halfway to the stage. He laughed as he fell down on his butt, he quickly got back up and began to run again before down on his knees. The little man got back to his feet and walked, this time he finally made it to his mother's arms.

"You did it, baby." Carrie said as she tickled his face with her kisses. "You're a big boy now!"

"big boy." Isaiah babbed and pointed to himself.

"Yes you are!!" The blonde giggled and picked him up.

Mike quickly walked over to join his little family. He pecked his wife and son. "Isaiah, little man. You did it."

The blue eyed little boy flashed his baby teeth and began to giggle as Mike began to tickle his sides.

"Let's go grab some food, I am starving." Carrie suggested, she did rehearse for a good hour and she was pretty sure little Isaiah was hungry as well.

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