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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀THE TEACHER HAD dirty blonde hair from what we could see and since we were in the front we could also see his clear blue eyes. He was wearing black jeans and with a white polo and I couldn't deny the truth, he was indeed hot.

"Holy shit." I could literally hear the profanities coming out of Nicole's mouth right next to me.


She's gonna have such a hard time in this class, let's hope he isn't strict because she'll probably die, even if she is a really good student,

"Everybody quiet down."

Every one of the students stopped talking and looked to Blondie in the front.

"I'm your new history teacher, my name is Niall Horan, I prefer you call me by Mr. Horan and not Niall. Understood?"

A few nod their heads and so does Nicole.

"Alright, take out a sheet of paper and I want you all to write your names down with a fact about yourselves so I can get to know my students better."

Not so complicated, he looks like a pretty cool teacher though.

"You have 5 minutes."

I write down my name and 'I love music.' as my fact.

I turn to Nicole, "Please, for your own sake Coco, do not, and when I say this I love you, do not write something inappropriate."

"You're ruining the whole fun Tats." She sighs and then erases her fact and changes it back to something decent.

"See! Easy as a peanut."

"Time's up!" Niall, I don't feel like thinking Mr. Horan. Good grace. "Hand up your papers to the front."

All we could hear now were papers scattering everywhere.

"You guys have been pretty decent for the first class, so free period until the bell rings." See what I told you? He's pretty damn cool.

Nicole already has her seat reversed to face the back to talk to Cassie and Rosalie.

"The teacher, is, hot." Cassie says.

"I know right! Am I not right?" Nicole nudges me.

"Yeah, yeah."

"She just doesn't want to admit it." She rolls her eyes. She was right, I just don't have the energy right now, school drains every cell in my body every day.

I was stuck in between conversations about the new teacher when the bell finally rang. I gathered my belongings and headed out, waiting for the girls by the door.

The next two periods went agonizingly slow until it was finally lunch time.

The best part of the day!

I want to thank not only god but also Jesus Christ for making food exist.

I head down to the cafeteria and took my place in line with Nicole.

Basically, were always together.

I took the usual ribs sandwich, it was probably the only good thing with the caesar salad, which was the best out of the others, that they served that was decent. Not really though, the food here is really good, so I don't mind. I took it along with an orange juice and a chocolate cookie. I paid for my food and Nicole was right behind me ready to pay too.

We headed towards our table and ate.

Finally, we were done and we headed to the rest of our classes and before I knew it, it was already the end of the day.

"What a beautiful day!" Nicole screamed outside the school gates.

"You're just saying that because of the new teacher." I laugh.

"You know it." She winks at me. "Anyways, I'm going, ciao bestie."

I say bye and go to the bus stop.

The bus came to a halt when it saw the students wanting to go in, there weren't many today though.

As I walked through the bus, I spot a head of curls which appears to be a really really hot guy. Oh my god. Hotter than Niall, kind of guy. I yank out my phone out of my pockets so fast that it almost fell out of my hands and text Nicole in a matter of seconds.

me; ohmyfod there's a hOTT guy behind me.


me; [picture] hes distracted so it was easy to get a picture.


me; ik!

"You know, when you're trying to take a picture of somebody, at least be more discreet about it."

"O-Oh um,"

i'm back better than ever and have a lot of inspiration this time !
anyways, i really hope you guys like it so far

what do you guys think she's gonna do lmao?


much love, jass xo.

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