Chapter 1

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Disclaimer- I do not own Percy Jackson, or any of the characters.

A/N - I'm currently correcting things in this story. Please read the A/N after chapter 17 first. Also, this chapter only needed the SPaG fixing but I also changed a few sentences here and there to make it a nicer read. Please let me know if I've missed something or point me to where a sentence/paragraph doesn't read well and I'll fix it. I don't have a beta so I'm counting on you guys.

Percy's POV

I was looking for Gaea, slashing through monsters on my way, I was pure rage.

Jason was dead.

Piper was dead.

Leo was dead.

Frank was dead.

Hazel was dead.

Of the seven only Annabeth and myself where still alive. Annabeth! I looked around for her but she had vanished. As I looked around I saw my friends' mangled corpses lying on the ground. Jason was on the ground lying on top of Piper with a spear impaling them both. Jason had tried to save her but the spear had been thrown at such a force that it went straight through him and killed Piper as well. There was nothing to be seen of Leo except a hand clawing out of the earth. He had been sucked into the earth, courtesy of Gaea, and suffocated. Frank had been cut in half; the top half of his body lay to the left of me and his legs to the right. Hazel lay on the ground with her throat slit, diamonds and gold surrounding her corpse.

The sight just filled me with new found fury. Slash, dash, kick, duck, I was a hurricane, literally, I had it swirling around me killing any monster that didn't fall to my sword. Even the Gods gave me a wide birth when they saw the anger in my eyes. I have been told my eyes are like my father. Yeah, yeah, I know, I don't see it either. From what people have told me I can just assume my eyes look like hurricanes or the raging seas.

Then I saw her, she was running to me, she must have been looking for me too. Then she froze. No, no, no! The earth had grabbed her by the ankles.

"Annabeth!" I yelled sprinting towards her.

"Percy!" She yelled back in fright. I could see the fear in her eyes.

"Noooo!" I screamed when Gaea appeared behind her and grabbed her by the throat.

The whole battle field went silent at my scream and Gaea's first proper appearance. Don't ask me how she is awake because in all honesty I don't know. Maybe she kidnapped two different demigods in desperation. Concentrate Percy, dam ADHD! (See what I did there, no? Okay I'm just going to show myself out)

The monsters and demigods and even the gods turned to watch.

"Now you will watch as your love dies, then you will suffer the same fate but only after I torture you and these petty gods." She sneered at me. Time seemed to slow down in that moment as I ran towards her in a desperate attempt to save Annabeth, my wise girl, my life. I felt as if I were running through quicksand but still I ran on; Gaea only smirked.

"I love you Seaweed Brain. Move on, I know you can. I believe in you! Keep on living, for my sake." She said so quietly I could barely hear her.

"NO, ANNABETH," I yelled tears spilling freely down my face.

"I love..." She started then Gaea snapped her neck and threw her at my feet. I knelt next to her and looked for the pulse I knew wouldn't be there. Leave me alone okay! I know Gaea snapped her neck but I just lost the love of my life so give it a rest, okay!

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